Abraham Jewett  |  March 16, 2022

Category: Beauty Products
Old Spice deodorant and antiperspirant sticks
(Photo Credit: ZikG/Shutterstock)

Old Spice Deodorant Chemical Burns TikTok Videos Overview: 

  • Who: TikTok users @sexclexie7 and @airwinxo each went viral after posting videos showing chemical burns on their underarms. 
  • Why: The TikTok users claimed the chemical burns were caused by using Old Spice deodorants.
  • Where: The videos have been seen by TikTok users around the world.

Tiktok @sexclexie7A pair of TikTok users have gone viral after claiming in videos posted to the platform that Old Spice deodorant left them with chemical burns in their armpits.

The first video, posted by TikTok user @sexclexie7, is captioned “Where can I sue?” and has amassed over 2.5 million views. 

A woman identified on TikTok as Lexie Fullerton lifts up her arm in the video to reveal what appears to be chemical burns on the inside of her armpit. 

The video is overlain with text saying “Who else has been personally victimized by Old Spice deodorant???” and “I literally have chemical burns.”

Another TikTok user, named @airwinxo, stitched Lexie’s video with one of her own in which she lifted up her arm to reveal a chemical burn she claims to have gotten after using Old Spice deodorant, as well. 

The user, identified on TikTok as Erin, overlaid the video, which has amassed more than 7 million views so far, with text reading “GIRL WHATTTTT.” The video was captioned with “I thought I had EXCEMA.”

Old Spice Faces Claims Deodorant Sprays Contain Benzene

While no class action lawsuit is currently accusing Old Spice deodorant of causing chemical burns, Procter & Gamble has been under fire recently over a pair of claims it sold Old Spice antiperspirant and deodorant sprays contaminated with the cancer-causing chemical benzene

The complaints, filed in January by two separate consumers, allege P&G falsely marketed its Old Spice antiperspirant and deodorant sprays as safe and effective for consumers since they, in reality, were contaminated with benzene. 

The benzene contamination came to light following a study released in May of last year by Valisure, an independent analytical pharmacy.

The Valisure study revealed the presence of benzene in a number of different cosmetic, health care and aerosol products, including Old Spice antiperspirant and deodorant sprays manufactured and sold by P&G. 

Exposure to benzene can cause a variety of adverse health effects in humans, including blood cancers and conditions such as anemia and leukemia, according to the pair of class action lawsuits. 

Benzene contamination also caused P&G to recall 32 different dry shampoo and conditioner products in February, including brands such as Pantene, Herbal Essences and Old Spice, among others. 

Claims that Old Spice deodorant can cause chemical burns are not new, meanwhile, with a class action lawsuit lobbying the accusation against P&G back in 2016. 

In that complaint, a New York consumer claimed 13 different Old Spice deodorants caused a number of consumers to suffer chemical burns due to the products allegedly being defectively manufactured by P&G. 

The class action lawsuit would ultimately claim over 100 consumers had been injured by the Old Spice deodorants by experiencing chemical burns in their armpits. 

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137 thoughts onTikTok Videos Alleging Old Spice Chemical Burns Gain Millions Of Views

  1. Matthew Dovidas says:

    I had the same issue with Old Spice Swagger. I bought a 2 pack and ultimately just thought maybe 1 was somehow accidentally messed up and I used the second one with the same results. Red, painful chemical burns on my underarms. I switched to Degree now.

  2. Caitlyn J Baker says:

    Add me please, I recently bought this product and my partner has experienced a new burning rash. Thank you

  3. Natalie Mills says:

    add me

  4. Kiylee Vires says:

    Please add me as i had to discontinue use due to red armpits and bad itching and burning

  5. Peter Gonzalez says:

    I been using old Spice and realized this and ignored it. Till I got bad burns and form of rashing and itching around my armpits and skin. Switched to natural stuff and it’s okay. Please put me in as a claim. Will have photo for evidence.

  6. Tim says:

    Please add me. I’ve used Old Spice my whole life. All of a sudden I’ve developed very painful red burns on both armpits.

  7. Lauren Archambault says:

    I used Fiji stick and Captain spray deodorant and now have chemical burns in my air pit that continues to spread. It is a severe red/purple bubbled burns that makes it so I can barley move my arm. Please add me to this class action lawsuit.

  8. Lauren Archambault says:

    I used Fiji stick and Captain spray deodorant and now have chemical burns in my air pit that continues to spread. It is a severe red/purple bubbled burns that makes it so I can barley move my arm. Please add me to this class action lawsuit.

  9. Lorena Figueroa says:

    Daughter had severe burns. Several medications and office visits.

  10. Cynthia Chatman says:

    Add Me-my husband was underarm burned by the old spice gel brand

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