Jessy Edwards  |  June 13, 2024

Category: Baby Products
Close up of a baby in a sleep sack, representing the Dreamland class action.
(Photo Credit: SwaddleDesigns/Shutterstock)

Dreamland weighted sleep products class action overview: 

  • Who: A California mom filed a class action lawsuit against Dreamland Baby Co.
  • Why: Plaintiff Megan Fehrenbach alleges the company sells unsafe weighted sleep products for infants.
  • Where: The Dreamland weighted sleep products class action was filed in a California federal court.

A California mom who bought two weighted sleep sacks for her baby from Dreamland Baby Co. filed a class action lawsuit claiming they weren’t safe as advertised.

Plaintiff Megan Fehrenbach filed the lawsuit against Dreamland Baby Co. June 6 in a California federal court, alleging violations of state and federal consumer laws. 

According to the class action lawsuit, Dreamland makes and sells weighted sleep products for children that it markets as safe and meeting all federal sleep safety standards for infants. However, Fehrenbach alleges these statements are completely false and misleading.

“Unbeknownst to consumers… the products are not safe and do not meet industry or regulatory guidelines for baby sleep products,” the Dreamland class action says.

Dangers of weighted baby sleep sacks well-documented, class action claims

The nation’s leading regulators in pediatric sleep safety have warned of the dangers of weighted sleep sacks for years, the lawsuit states.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all advised against the use of weighted sleep sacks and weighted swaddles on infants, with some of these agencies expressly warning the baby products are harmful, the Dreamland class action says. 

According to CPSC Commissioner Richard L. Trumka, Jr., weighted infant products have caused multiple deaths, the lawsuit states.

“Nonetheless, in callous disregard for safety, the defendant continues to sell the products, without any effort to redesign the products or to warn consumers that various health and safety regulatory agencies advise against their use,” it says.

Lawsuit alleges Dreamland knowingly misleads customers

The lawsuit says Dreamland is well-aware of the industry and regulatory position on weighted baby sleep sacks and swaddles and the dangers of using the products but continues to market its products as safe.

The class action claims potentially dangerous products include the Dreamland Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, the Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle, the Dream Weighted Transition Swaddle, the Bamboo Weighted Transition Swaddle and the Weighted Toddler Blanket.

Despite being aware of expert warnings about weighted sleep products for infants, Dreamland’s advertising on the product pages states its sleep sacks are “designed in collaboration with pediatricians, NICU nurses and certified sleep consultants” and American Academy of Pediatrics safe sleep guidelines, according to the Dreamland weighted sleep products lawsuit. 

Thinking the products were safe after reading the marketing material, Fehrenbach says she bought two Dreamland weighted sleep products for $95.90 combined.

“As such, plaintiff has been directly financially injured by defendant’s false and misleading advertising,” the Dreamland class action lawsuit says. 

Fehrenbach seeks to represent anyone who purchased the allegedly dangerous products in the United States and is suing for breach of state consumer laws, breach of warranty and unjust enrichment. The lawsuit requests certification of the class action, damages, fees, costs and a jury trial. 

In October 2023, Amazon recalled 280 YourHealthToolkit 5-pound children’s weighted blankets as they can entrap young children by unzipping and pose an asphyxiation risk. 

Did you buy a Dreamland weighted sleep product? Let us know your experience in the comments!

The plaintiff is represented by Benjamin Heikali of Treehouse Law LLP.

The Dreamland weighted sleep product class action lawsuit is Megan Fehrenbach v. Dreamland Baby Co., Case No. 3:24-cv-03406, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. 

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One thought on Dreamland class action alleges children’s weighted sleep products unsafe

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