Anne Bucher  |  February 28, 2022

Category: Legal News

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pharmaceutical opiod pills spilled out
(Photo credit: mwesselsphotography/Shutterstock)

Opioid Crisis Settlement Overview:

  • Who: A $32 billion settlement that will provide payments to states, local governments and opioid epidemic victims may soon be finalized.
  • Why: Opioid distributors and wholesalers have agreed to settle allegations they fueled the opioid epidemic in the United States.
  • Where: Once finalized, the opioid settlement payments will be distributed throughout the United States.

Corporations that allegedly fueled the opioid crisis in the United States may be required to pay $32 billion to victims and governments as negotiations are nearing an end.

The largest deal involves AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson and Johnson & Johnson. The drug distributors and wholesalers deny any wrongdoing but agreed to pay $26 billion to escape the litigation.

NPR reports that a final opioid settlement agreement, which will provide payments to nearly all 50 states, local governments and victims, may be announced imminently.

Purdue Pharma, notorious for creating OxyContin, and members of the Sackler family are still in talks but may be nearing a deal worth around $6 billion.

The Sacklers maintain that they have done nothing wrong, but they have faced tremendous backlash for their purported involvement in pushing the sales of OxyContin despite high rates of opioid addiction and overdoses.

In December, a proposed $4.5 billion settlement reached as part of Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy proceeding was rejected by a federal judge. The Sacklers are seeking to be released from all future liability for opioid cases.

Some opioid crisis victims are concerned that the proposed opioid settlements do not provide enough for those who became addicted to prescription opioids and family members who lost loved ones to fatal opioid overdoses.

The bulk of the payments will be spent on reducing future addiction and fatalities, which supporters say will be the best way to funnel as much money as possible toward easing the effects of the opioid crisis.

Pharmacies Deny Wrongdoing in Opioid Crisis Lawsuits

Even if the opioid settlements are approved, other opioid lawsuits against companies that sold prescription opioid medications will continue. 

Major pharmacy chains including CVS, Walgreens and Walmart have denied wrongdoing.

However, they may not be able to avoid liability for their role in the opioid crisis. Last year, an Ohio jury found that the pharmacies did not do enough to keep patients safe when dispensing the pain medication.

The pharmacies are reportedly planning to appeal.

In another opioid lawsuit filed in California, U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer denied motions by opioid manufacturers and distributors to pause the case. This opioid class action lawsuit was filed by the state of California and the city and county of San Francisco. They allege the pharmacy companies improperly dispensed prescription opioid medications.

According to the California opioid lawsuit, the drug companies created a public nuisance by improperly marketing opioid painkillers and failed to prevent the drugs from ending up being sold illicitly.

Last month, an “unprecedented” number of local governments throughout the United States agreed to participate in Johnson & Johnson’s $26 billion opioid crisis settlement. The deadline to opt in to the opioid settlement was Jan. 26, and approximately 90% of local governments that were eligible to participate indicated they would do so.

Johnson & Johnson has also reached a proposed $590 million opioid crisis settlement with Native American tribes.

Do you think the pharmacies should be liable for their alleged role in the opioid epidemic? Join the discussion in the comments below.

California is represented by Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LLP and Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP.

The California Opioid Lawsuit is City and County of San Francisco, et al. v. Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 3:18-cv-07591, in the U.S. District court for the Northern District of California.

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86 thoughts onOpioid Crisis Settlements Totaling $32B May Soon Be Finalized

  1. CARRIE OLSON says:

    Add me please

  2. Amber T Sparks says:

    I was in bed for 17 years thinking I had no choices.
    I have cysts on my kidneys and drug induced lupus. My drs kept telling me I needed it.
    I had a business I was at these doctors mercy..
    I had 5 back surgeries they put inferior products on me. I didn’t ask to be guinea pigged. the state governments are receiving more than folks that have truly suffered. My best friend and care taker is dead from the same dr and he gets off Scott free. he’s in legislature now.. how does this settlement seem fair to the folks that suffered. I walked around at a 45% angle from broken screws for 3 years while they just kept pumping drugs instead of finding the cause. The real victims won’t see anything but the states get compensated. This settlement pays the lawyers and sows up these companies but does very little for someone that’s lost what I lost. I am sick lupus doesn’t go away it’s forever. these cysts are forever.. my friend is dead forever. Where’s Our justice…

  3. Rebecca Kelley says:

    Pharmacies are directly responsible for giving out huge quantities of Oxycodone. They were overly supplied by this opioid and reaped in a huge profit margin by giving those large quantities to unsuspecting patients. Pharmacists knew Oxycodone was highly addictive. They are even more highly trained than doctors about drugs.

    My husband overdosed on Oxycodone, Fetanyl and Morphine after a doctor prescribed all three drugs. Why didn’t the Pharmacist red flag this and not give my husband the deadly combination? Doctors saved his life in an emergency room but it was a very close call. After that scary close Doctors continued to give my husband the only Oxycodone. We were not told how highly addictive it was. They gave that to him for five years. He lost all quality of life. His personality changed and he slept 14 or more hours a day. He died addicted to Oxycodone and from esophageal cancer which research has proven there is a direct link to using opioids and cancer.

    State Agencies and Local Governments are getting most of the 32 Billion Dollar settlement for prevention. I filed a claim on behalf of my husband and will be getting a settlement. I didn’t file it for the money but for justice. My case worker said it may be around $1,700 if that. Why aren’t victims being compensated fairly? Why isn’t Big Pharma paying for future prevention? They are directly at fault for not disclosing how highly addictive Oxycodone is. This isn’t justice it’s just more greed going to government instead of to victims where it belongs. ☹️

  4. C McCarthy says:

    Well the drug companies should not have false advertised the medication to doctors. But everyone should know pain meds can be addicting but not to everyone. I have had over 100 surgeries and need more. The last 5 i got made me worse. When i was younger and only got one a year i used yo shred my pain med rx’s. Now i have 5 surgeries a year. If anyone should be an addict it could be me. But im not if i get a 14 days supply with to taking 4 a day it would last me almost twice as long i would wean myself off on my last refill cutting them in half. When you are in legitimate pain you dont get addicted but i used to smoke i quit easy with no patches etc. But i could smoke a pack in six months or six hours. I didn’t need to smoke when stressed or sith coffee at work. I used to drink in my twenties my mom was in a band now ill have one drink every two weeks. Some people have addiction qualities gambling drugs alcohol. Drs should not prescribe pain meds unless tested and something is really wrong. So now people like me in legitimate pain can’t get medicine to help thanks to the addicts. I give credit for people who have gotten off of them. But addicts will get their drugs on the street no matter what. Thats what we need to get rid of. Then drs should wean the addicts off meds legally and with no fentanyl added killing people. Now people who need them will be committing suicide cause of pain or turn to the streets and overdose. I have had two back fusion surgeries same spot and last one still nerve damage cant feel my foot had knee surgery last year i have condition i need fixed every 14 months but occasionally meniscus tears i had two complex ones resident did surgery didn’t fix them still bad pain caused me to fall downstairs broke l2 vertebrae right before second back surgery. They didn’t fix that. Finally dr said i could get my knee replacement since wanted to wait til i was 60 im 59. Well got infected and blood clots in my legs went into both my lungs surgeon wouldn’t help me when thought just infected. Called ambulance 4 days later went to er had cath procedure to get clots out of lungs. Was in icu. Couldn’t do therapy got delayed my knee hurts have hamstring tear since last jine was supposed to get fixed after knee now have to wait til clots are gone nerve pain down hamstring leg. Couldn’t walk on either leg since April of last year. Was on work disability from feb thru end of may worked til Aug 17th and back on work disability since. Lucky my job has both short and long term disability. I feel like a waste of society since no pain meds to help me. Have to use electric cart at stores i haven’t vacuumed or dusted my house in over a year i do the bare minimum. My dogs have been in a kennel for a year just had them jan 2021 may june 2021 cost me a fortune since have three. These drs are making me broke i keep telling them im having the surgeries to fix my pain i dont want to take the medicine i want to be able to function and if they cant get this shit together then i should be able to feel less pain. Over the counter stuff doesn’t help and i have kidney tumor removed and ibuprofen is bad for kidneys dont work anyway abd now being on blood thinners cant take cant take muscle relaxers cause on antibiotic everyday makes your blood pressure tank mine low enough. Most pain meds maje me sick can only take one. Hope they change the laws or fire these drs that cant do their jobs right and get better surgeons. Therapy ive been doing for 14 months have tens unit and nothing is helping. I can understand people really in pain going to street drugs. I dont want to live that live and lose everything i worked 42 years for. But i want to live this useless life either. If I would better die first time cause that life sucks. I make these athletes look like wusses i dont know why i have all these orthopedic problems. Probably cause im a hard worker or use to be. Now can hardly take take of myself and i cant my poor dogs.

  5. Kenneth Maack says:

    I was addicted to oxycontin for 13 years and stop on my own after losing wife and kids plus everything I work for . The judges say there should be consequences for us taking the drug well what about dr,pharmacy, nurses and everyone pushing them on patients day in day out because I know my Dr kept pushing them on me and would tell me it was OK to take them at work they were safe I lost my job for being on them at work eventually why don’t people like that get to walk away with no consequences and then for the city ‘s and the government to receive 95% of the funds and not the true victims like myself and all the Americans it has effected and destroyed to receive penny’s is unbelievable and down right wrong in everyday our own government praying on is don’t they taxes and screw us enuff don’t people even have any morals and common cents anymore in are govement officials I am disappointed in are system

  6. Orlena Abshire says:

    Add me please this has hit my family hard

  7. Kim Baltimore says:

    Not coming off wrong but I ? for all of you people . Please don’t get mad at me for what I’m about be real about .for one nobody can take the blame for people who choose miss use there medication if you thought it had you hook stop and get help cause the doctor tells you from the start don’t miss use this medication only ask needed for pain .but people liked the feeling so that why they miss used it then when there boy get use to it stop working so they have up there dose and That’s when it’s bad some come up with all kind of ways to do it most people don’t understand it’s people in the world that fighting harbors pain I mean real pain body pain that do not miss use medication they know what they can do common sense .now the one that need help with pain can’t get help cause of people miss useing there medication . once doctor stop giving cause they see there addiction to them people go to other doctors or look for them I’m just keeping it real I never took them in my life I’m not a follow .my pain I deal with cause people of the ? miss used medication and band some people from getting help with their real pain body pain broken bone back pain hip pain all kind of pain .so like I say I’m sorry for all lost and addiction some people knew the cost of it . Everyone have and addiction but some chosse to get help some choose to live for it what I can’t understand why try in blame someone for your addiction you did to your self people have a choice in life .some have family that try get them help some don’t but family can take so much .what I’m getting at people have a choice there only one who can get help if they won’t help .so it don’t matter if they pass this law or whatever there other medications people get addicted opioid not going stop people drugs is drugs all over the ? it’s up to people to choose there path . The FDA approved the medication and the ? miss useies it so who’s the blame God bless us all .I love my life I know right from wrong I live for myself and god and family I have seen a lot in my life but praying for the ? I just can’t see how people do so much harm to there body and mind . again so sorry for those who lost their family from od aka being addicted to drugs . No judgement here just wish people wake up and ask for help don’t wait until it’s to late and I pray I don’t get any hate just keeping it real and praying one day people will understand the meaning of life god bless ..

    1. Amy Berlin says:

      I agree that the way Perdue presented it to doctors was wrong and they were not transparent. However oxycontin and other opioids are life-saving meds for so many of those in pain, surgical patients, and those suffering with cancer. They give us a quality of life that otherwise we would just be a shell of a person suffering and being tortured daily. It’s a humanitarian crisis so let someone suffer in pain stays on end for years when they can take a medication that can give them their life back. Not everyone who takes it gets addicted. I was able to work and enjoy my career while taking them and since I’ve been forced tapered I can no longer work and I barely leave the house and most days I just lay in bed with pain. We shouldn’t have to live like this the CDC created this mess and they literally weaponized the DEA to go after doctors who were just trying to help patients. This is beyond wrong and inhumane. We deserve to have a life too. It’s a trickle effect. Without these meds people will turn to the street and end up with illicit fentanyl which is killing people and then you have the ones that can’t get their pain meds and since they can’t take the pain they take their own life and this is the real crisis. Prime example is the VA and our veterans should not be treated this way after serving our country and giving their life to do so. Not everyone who takes these meds is an addict I’ve been on them 15 years and I’m not an addict but I need them to be able to function and live a normal life and just do basic things that most people take for granted. Studies have shown that less than 5% actually become addicted. Those in pain deserve to have these meds to have a life. Most of the overdoses are from the street poisonings from illicit fentanyl not from a safe supply of a prescription. Those in the pain community are fighting to have access for these medications so we can live our life because no one should have to suffer on a daily basis. I’m sorry for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one but there comes a point where they keep taking it because of the way it makes them feel. For pain patients most of us don’t get that euphoric feeling what we feel is relief from pain and that’s what we’re addicted to. I’m addicted to feeling no pain not some type of high as others describe it.. I’ve missed out on so much because the pain holds me back and at this point I’m only existing and I’m not living my life
      I’ve missed out on things with my kids losing a career that I love and just enjoying life. I don’t want to get to the point where the pain gets to be too much that I just want to end it all because I can’t stand the suffering when I know there’s a medication that will fix it and turn it all around and let me function as a normal person and enjoy things that I used to love doing. Nobody should have to live like that. The CDC owns this because they’re suggested guidelines were taken as mandates and It ultimately weaponized the DEA to go after doctors who are simply helping and caring about their patients and that’s wrong. The DEA ought to be more worried about the illicit fentanyl and other drugs that are on the street instead of being in doctor’s offices where their humanely treating their patients and easing their suffering. It’s absolutely disgusting what they’re doing. The CDC owns this mess because of their ridiculous guidelines which ultimately LED to so many suffering and taking their own lives. Then you have the cancer patients who are hurting and can’t get pain meds does it really matter if they become addicted at that point they’re at the end of their life they shouldn’t have to suffer before they die their pain should be controlled. Surgical patients should not have to be denied pain medication and suffer and pain while being giving Tylenol which says absolutely nothing after a major surgery. This abhorrent behavior has to stop. We deserve to have a safe supply to ease our pain and not before to turn to the street for relief but chances are we will be poisoned from illicit fentanyl and then they’ll classify it as an opioid overdose. The CDC also has cooked the data to make it look like it’s prescription opioids that’s driving this crisis we don’t have an opioid crisis we have a poisoning crisis that’s affecting kids and adults. Or an asthma patient asteroid inhaler then why would you deny a pain patient and opioid medication that would give them a quality of life. This is America and we are adults and wish can weigh the risk benefit ratio. I’ve been on opioids for almost 20 years if I’m not addicted by now then I’m not going to be and I should be able to choose to take a medication if I want to I shouldn’t be denied help because others have misused it. It’s easy to blame the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors because they’re low-hanging fruit when ultimately it’s the person using it that holds the responsibility. The majority of us shouldn’t have to suffer because some people misuse their medication. I feel sorry for them because they have an addiction problem but that lies with them not with the medication because it doesn’t affect everyone the way it affects them, opioids gives me a quality of life and my prescription should be between me and my doctor not the CDC and the DEA. Doctor should not be terrorized and jailed for abiding by their oath and commitment to their patients. We know the rest going into this and I’m willing to take that risk if it lets me enjoy life and be able to watch my kids grow up and be productive in society and engaged in my kids activities. I’m tired of being a recluse and being stuck in bed when a pill can simply let me engage in activities and enjoy my life. We only get one shot at this and I want to enjoy it pain free to the best of my ability. We all deserve that.

    2. Lavonne Roundtree says:


      I am not mad at you but you were blessed to never suffer chronic pain from multiple surgeries, degenerative spinal disease (my case), and only God knows the prognosis of others. My crime was I got sick and trusted “highly credible” medical specialists whose greed exceeded their commitment to their oath. They knew the opiod trap, but patients didn’t bit they got rich at our expense. I, too, as a Christian and true believer. It is my faith that kept and I realized years, ago, that my faith was on trial. Just imagine one day in the life or wearing the shoes of the horrible stories you’ve read. It was just that bad and worse. Words can’t fully express the pure he’ll of the Oxycontin deception, true cost in more than money, and the scars you carry forever. God bless you.

      1. kristina riddle says:

        Well said also Lavonne have you ever seen the series @ The Sacklers on Hulu it’s called Dope Sick well that is how alot of ppl got hooked was they trusted the FDA who lied @ the risk of addiction and passed it as NOT being so the FDA person then went to work for the Sacklers family knowing it was highly addictive I watched my 18 year old daughter after having scoliosis surgery rods top to bottom in back as the Dr kept filling her Rx well she had the surgery at 14 and then at 18 she died 12/22/15 and I kept trying to get her help they said she was NOT bad enough well I looked the Coroner in his eyes the night she died and I said it’s pretty damn sad that I have had her at this hospital 3 times they said she was NOT bad enough for Rehab and she left a lil boy 18 months old and I had to adopt him my own grandson to keep him and they only want to pay him such a small amount he will never see his Mommy again and I will never see hug kiss my baby all over a pill that she had to take after surgery and needed the surgery redone so SOME ppl really needed it and believed the Drs who were saying it’s NOT addictive it’s approved by the FDA so NOT all.ppl.took it to be taking it so I agree on some of what u said but not all and I also disagree with this famy getting off so cheap as the k ew and did NOT care who died etc all the wanted was to be billionaires as they are and will stay that way as they have hid money they should be held accountable as they were drug dealers legally by the FDA and all these states getting billions and I know for a fact as I have an email from our governor they can use the 531 million they already got and getting more how ever they want on roads planting trees what ever the hell they want it does NOT have to go towards drug prevention it’s however they want but they will NOT pay families but they can pave roads whatever WRONG as where was the state when they should have been looking into Drs pharmacy’s and the damn FDA why should the state get anything but yet they have already got 500 plus millions and they can do with it how they see fit they may use 100 million for drug addiction treatment or rehab but they do NOT have to bullshit the government always has there hands in something but where were all these ppl when the addict needed help.

    3. William F. Manley Jr. says:

      Bill I went into the hospital and had a surgery I was prescribed 380 mg oxycontin a day with 215 mg Percocets for breakthrough pain in less than a month taking what I was prescribed from my doctor if I tried to stop taking those pills I wanted to peel my legs I want the Pooh my skin off how is that my fault I did exactly what I was supposed to do that’s all I’m going to say you should really add get educated get off your soapbox

    4. connie says:

      I pray for you to stop blaming the victims and gain some insight into the causes and results of addiction. Your one sided response indicates your lack of understanding and ignorance on the subject.

    5. Roice Eiland says:

      Kim you are like so many uneducated people,whom have not a clue as to how a person get addicted to opiates.When you have a traumatic injury and the doctor prescribes narcotics to help you deal with the pain but doesn’t inform you that over a short amount of time your body will eventually develope another type of pain(addiction)where now your body has to have the narcotics to be normal THEN WHAT.But I don’t blame you a lot of people suffer from your IGNORANCE.GET EDUCATED BEFORE YOU SPEAK

    6. Chris says:

      If only it were that easy. Sounds so easy saying it but if it was that easy people would not be doing

  8. BILL Voecks says:

    Monetary settlements with manufacturers. Why aren’t any of the owners, CEO’s going to jail? Small time drug dealers get incredibly long prison sentences, yet those who have knowingly killed a half a million people aren’t help responsible. There is no justice for the wealthy.

  9. Eddy Garcia says:

    I lost my brother and husband both to opiates within a few months of each other. I have been addicted for the last few years and can not get treatment since I don’t have health insurance. Life is meaningless and there’s nothing I can do except pay there’s an end in sight. I can’t live life without a substance today but am trying very hard to abstain from this deadly drug as much as possible. I just started attending 12 step meetings and I’m trying to remain in faith that the urges will eventually stop.

    1. Ellie Mae says:

      Can you get into the Methadone Clinic?That’s where I got help..It’s saved my life..I pray that you will call and try to see if that’s something you’re interested in…Prayers for you!!

    2. Patti Lifsey says:

      I took oxycontin & other opiates for 24 years due to pain. I quit taking them almost 4 years ago. I did it on my own without treatment. Still have pain but if I can do it why can’t you? Did I want to more than you? I don’t understand.

      1. Alison Taylor says:

        We are not all the same. We are not born as blank slates. You stopped pain meds on your own, but you didn’t start from the same place and everybody else. It is impossible measure “Who tries or works harder at soberiety.” Because you succeed, does not mean someone else failed.

  10. P.S. says:

    My family has been destroyed by oxycontin my husband of 36 years is dead both my son’s are in prison. And many.nieces ad nephews in jail. And these people that lied falsified documents will not be help legally responsible because they have money. That’s what kind of world we live in. They will answer to a higher power one day we can hope.

    1. Sabrina says:

      Oh trust that god sees everything dear and the lord said “ Vengeance is mine “ you be strong and trust that god has a plan for you!

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