Sarah Markley  |  May 30, 2018

Category: Consumer News

A new diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lawsuit has been filed by a Texas couple claiming that the Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller was the cause behind the husband’s illness.

Plaintiffs Tommy L. and Valetta L. have filed this diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lawsuit against the agricultural giant, Monsanto. Monsanto is one of the world’s largest agricultural biotechnology and agrochemical companies. It is based in St. Louis and employs over 20,000 people.

Monsanto leads the industry in the production of a few different products including herbicides and herbicide-resistant seeds. Glyphosate, an effective weedkiller, is the main ingredient found in Monsanto’s most widely used herbicide, Roundup.

According to this diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lawsuit, “glyphosate is a ‘non-selective’ herbicide, meaning it kills indiscriminately based only on whether a given organism produces a specific enzyme.”

Every year, about 250 million pounds of glyphosate is sprayed on America’s crops. But, according to this lawsuit, “plants absorb glyphosate directly through their leaves, stems, and roots, and detectable quantities accumulate in the plant tissues.”

Monsanto also produces seeds that resist glyphosate. These are called GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. GMO seeds make up a large part of crops produced in the US and around the world.

Since Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller is used so extensively, many people are exposed to it. Not only are people exposed to glyphosate through being in the environment of where it is sprayed, but people are exposed to it through the food they eat. Additionally, many say that glyphosate exposure leads to the development of certain cancers including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

The plaintiff in this diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lawsuit claims that the use of Roundup led to his cancer diagnosis.

Tommy claims that as a result of using Roundup in landscaping projects around his property, he was regularly exposed to the glyphosate that is in Roundup. He alleges that as a result of glyphosate exposure, he “developed non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (“NHL”), specifically diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, which was diagnosed for the first time on or after May 10, 2016 in a pathology report of Texas Oncology Center.”

Tommy’s wife, Valetta, claims that as a result of her husband developing diffuse large B-cell lymphoma from Roundup, she has been deprived of the “comfort, enjoyment, society, and services of her spouse to which she was and is entitled, and of which she has been deprived due to her husband’s injuries arising out of his exposure to Roundup containing the active ingredient glyphosate.”

For decades, the lawsuit claims, studies have shown that glyphosate is connected with cancer. Glyphosate has been listed as a probable carcinogen by certain agencies and may disrupt DNA, studies show.

Roundup has always maintained that it is safe, non-toxic and can be used around animals and pets. However, many have complained that it is complicit in their or their loved one’s development of cancers such as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

This Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Lawsuit is Case No. 4:18-cv-00727-JMB in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

If you or a loved one developed cancer after using Roundup as a farm worker or home gardener, you may have a legal claim. Legal migrant farm workers may also seek help. Learn more by filling out the form on this page for a FREE case evaluation.

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