Jon Styf  |  November 16, 2023

Category: Household
Close up of a handheld steamer, representing a HSN steamer.
(Photo Credit: FotoHelin/Shutterstock)

HSN steamer fine overview: 

  • Who: HSN agreed to a $16 million fine from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) related to its Joy Mangano-brand My Little Steamer and My Little Steamer Go Mini.
  • Why: The steamers were reported to leak hot water and create a burn hazard that HSN did not promptly report to the CPSC as required, the CPSC says.
  • Where: The HSN steamer fine was announced by the CPSC’s Washington, D.C., office.

HSN agreed to a $16 million fine from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) because its Joy Mangano-brand My Little Steamer and My Little Steamer Go Mini are reported to leak hot water and create a burn hazard, which HSN knew and didn’t report promptly to the CPSC.

“By the end of 2012 and continuing into 2019, HSN received numerous reports that the steamers would spray, expel, and/or leak hot water while in use, resulting in serious and permanent injuries, a limited number of which constituted grievous bodily injury,” the CPSC said. “Despite possessing information that reasonably supported the conclusion that the steamers contained a defect that could create a substantial product hazard or created an unreasonable risk of serious injury, HSN did not immediately report to the commission.”

HSN received 400 complaints of the steamers spraying or expelling hot water and 700 additional reports of leaks that led to 91 reports of injury and 29 insurance claims of injuries, including second- and third-degree burns and scarring, along with one report of partial hearing loss, the CPSC reported.

Additionally, HSN had knowledge of 500 complaints of spraying or expelling hot water in online reviews and 150 reports of leaks with 87 reports of injury. HSN and the CPSC recalled the steamers on May 26, 2021.

HSN settlement requires company to send audit reports annually for 3 years of compliance program

The HSN steamer settlement includes an agreement that HSN will send annual reports for three years detailing its compliance program for that year, along with internal controls and audits of the effectiveness of the compliance policies and procedures along with training.

HSN was accused last year in a class action lawsuit of failing to design and maintain its website in a way that would make it fully accessible for blind and visually impaired individuals. 

Have you purchased products from HSN? Let us know in the comments.

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