Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Overview
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system which plays a vital role in the body’s immune system. NHL starts in the lymphocytes which are specialized white blood cells that function in the immune system.
Tumors from NHL may occur anywhere within the lymph system. Because there are lymph nodes (bean-sized collections of lymphocytes inside the chest, abdomen, and pelvis), lymphatic vessels (connect lymph nodes), and other instances of lymphatic tissue all around the body, this means that the cancer could develop almost anywhere. In some cases, it may affect bone marrow where lymphocytes are formed. In other cases, the cancer may form in organs or structures such as the spleen, thymus, adenoids, tonsils, stomach, intestines, and other digestive tract structures.
According to the National Cancer Institute, there will be an estimated 74,200 new cases of NHL in 2019 which represents 4.2 percent of all new cancer cases. NHL deaths in 2019 are estimated to be 19,970, composing 3.3 percent of all cancer deaths. The institute also reports that 72 percent of individuals survived the disease between 2009 and 2015.
Symptoms of NHL
According to the Mayo Clinic, NHL may present with a variety of symptoms including:
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin
- Abdominal swelling and/or pain
- Chest pain, difficulty breathing, persistent coughing
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Unexplained weight loss
- And more.
Causes of NHL
Unfortunately, doctors have been unable to pinpoint the cause of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. However, doctors have been able to determine several risk factors, including:
- Immunosuppressive medications such as those prescribed after an organ transplant
- Infections by certain bacteria and viruses
- Exposure to certain chemicals, especially those used to kill weeds and insects
- Older age
NHL Treatment
According to the Mayo Clinic, the treatment of NHL depends on the severity and stage of the cancer. Stage 1 NHL is limited to one lymph node region. Stage II NHL affects two lymph node regions or has spread to one organ. Stage III NHL affects lymph nodes both above and below the diaphragm. Stage IV NHL is the most advanced stage and affects multiple organs and tissues around the body.
If a patient’s NHL is caught early and is not very aggressive, a doctor may take the “wait and see” approach. Lymphoma may be slow growing which means that they do not require treatment for years and can simply be observed without advancing.
If a patient’s NHL is aggressive, a doctor may recommend treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplant, drug therapy, and other options.
Roundup and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup herbicide, has faced countless lawsuits claiming that the broad spectrum weed killer can cause cancers including NHL.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has reportedly been shown in scientific studies to increase the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and the International Agency for the Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies the chemical as a probable human carcinogen. Consumers use this evidence in their legal battles against Monsanto and its parent company Bayer.
5 thoughts onWhat Is Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma?
I have this now can I join lawsuit or it’s to late…
Why is nothing being done to stop these attorneys from charging such large fees for so little work? The majority of attorneys that are representing claimants in this litigation/settlement didn’t do most of the work so why are they allowed to charge so much? Aren’t there limits for settlements when the payout is over $10 billion? And why aren’t they looking at the fact that Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is different than Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia so you can actually have two different types of cancer from Roundup?
Most of the people who have had to use roundup over years like I did from age 10 until my mid twenties have developed an opiate addiction due to the false promises of our country that working hard opens up the American dream for all so while making millions for the company they pay you minimum wage which is never enough to support your family so you’re willing to work twice the hours at twice the rate of taxes all to end up trying to eliminate the pain you end up with the drug habit that big pharma profited in the billions of of and now being hurt with no job and no doctors that actually care about you instead of the payments the state insurance is going to pay them so when you do see them everything that is wrong with you becomes your fault it will always be the drugs and your addiction so how can you know if the roundup your now deceased step father who died at 40 had you working with roundup everyday since you were 10-11 years old mixing it getting it everywhere like there’s nothing wrong with it but how now do I as an addict get a proper diagnosis when every doctor doesn’t want the responsibility of getting paid welfare rates to take on patients who could have problems that aren’t visible and that aren’t worth their time especially when they’re dealing with another junkie who just looking for a free ride that’s the way they all handle people with no money fact is my doctors paperwork is good enough for welfare but I’ve been fighting for my own disability for 9 years how can I possibly get any proper diagnosis or documentation now when there’s no money in it for them the only reason I have any paperwork is because the doctors and lawyers were interested in that lawsuit money so my injuries are good enough for welfare but not enough to get my life on track so now I live out of bookbags on couches with all the symptoms of NHL but no doctor that cares and I have nothing to offer so nobody cares and I’m not and immigrant but my mother is so if our wonderful country doesn’t care about those of us born here then what hope do the illegal immigrants have if it’s this bad for Americans born here what hope do our future families have
The Young Turks is the only justice and all these companies and corporations that are being sued for negligence should be forced to correct the world that they harvest their fortunes from instead of always trying to act like they’re just like the rest of us when they aren’t and they never will be if we don’t do something about them
I would like to see how many migrant, seasonal, farmworkers get this NHL….especially the illegals desperate for any work….I don’t know if it was used on the vineyards…..There’s not enough information here….It’s easy to see in California that illegal seasonal workers just hide out in little camps and people’s places in groups….they just die….nobody the wiser on what the cause of death was…..Another huge group that hides all the time is meth users….they walk tall until they drop dead….probably a heart attack…..nobody knows if they had NHL or not because meth props them up until the end…..Doctor’s aren’t even given a test that finds meth unless they get to the person within 24 hours or the drug “leaves the system”……They prefer to put schizophrenia on the diagnosis at the mental hospitals when the problem is meth and sneaky behavior causes dual loyalties…..therefore of course they are schizo….they have secret contacts…..this means they have secret agenda always going on to make these meth purchases……Traitor and secrets describe one big way in this drug and sex and financial world how someone can wind up schizo….
Current husband lost first wife to non-hodgkins in 2010