Paul Tassin  |  April 21, 2017

Category: Consumer News

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Till at a Walmart supermarketA California woman is challenging Walmart’s “Rollback” sale pricing, claiming it uses false original prices to deceive shoppers.

The retail giant’s sale pricing advertised as a “Rollback” discount is in many cases false and deceptive because it’s based on purported original prices that are completely fictional, according to the Walmart class action lawsuit.

Plaintiff Brenna Ceja claims Walmart uses this alleged fake sale pricing to increase profits. In her complaint, Ceja includes photographs of Walmart “Rollback” price tags as they appear in retail stores.

In some of these photos, the Walmart “Rollback” price appears to be the same price as the one on the item’s original price tag. Yet some of these Walmart “Rollback” price tags advertise a former price, or “was” price, that’s obviously higher than the “sale” price.

Not all items marked with Walmart “Rollback” price tags show the original price, according to Ceja. Items so marked are lacking a clear statement of the product’s original price, she says, and consumers at large do not have the expertise to determine the product’s value themselves.

She argues that for these items, shoppers should be able to rely on the posted “Rollback” price tag to determine what the item is worth. But a customer who relies on the “was” prices on Walmart “Rollback” tags would be deceived as to the item’s true original price, Ceja claims.

The plaintiff argues Walmart’s “Rollback” pricing deceives consumers into thinking they’re getting a bargain that doesn’t actually exist. By creating a false impression of a discount, Walmart is inducing customers to make purchases they would not make otherwise, she claims.

Ceja cites California law that specifically restricts the type of fake sale pricing she is accusing Walmart of. A state statute requires that to advertise a price as a “former price,” that price must have been the prevailing market price for the item advertised within the three months preceding the advertisement. Otherwise, the advertisement must state the date on which the former price was the prevailing price.

The Walmart class action also cites Federal Trade Commission guidance describing circumstances that make sale pricing deceptive. According to that guidance, sale pricing based on a fictitious original price creates an impression of a false bargain. In that case, “the purchaser is not receiving the unusual value he expects.”

Ceja seeks to represent a sizable plaintiff Class that would consist of all persons in the U.S. who from April 20, 2013 through the date of final judgment, purchased merchandise advertised with a Walmart “Rollback” price based on an advertised “was” price that did not match the actual former price for that item.

She is asking for a court order requiring Walmart to stop its “Rollback” pricing and to conduct a corrective advertising campaign. She is also asking for an award of damages, restitution and disgorgement, and reimbursement of attorneys’ fees and costs of this litigation.

Ceja is represented by attorneys Kiley L. Grombacher and Marcus J. Bradley of Bradley/Grombacher LLP.

The Walmart “Rollback” Fake Sale Class Action Lawsuit is Brenna Ceja v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Case No. 2:17-at-00427, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.

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742 thoughts onWalmart Class Action Says ‘Rollback’ Pricing Deceives Shoppers

  1. carol harris says:

    I worked for Wal mart and saw what went on stuff would come in at a higher price (sames tuff on the shelf was cheeper) then Hallelujah we lower our prices not so …..also they would roll the prices back up to where it was in the beginning before then roll back and. Call it lower price or roll back. And down to where it was in the beginning

  2. Marshall MORAN says:

    I have products multiple times at Walmart over the past 5 years advertised as roll backs. There is never any proof presented.

  3. Tammy says:

    Please add me to this suit!

  4. Damita Parsley says:

    I shop at Walmart a lot. I work very hard for my money and I do not have funds to be cheated out of and especially from a large chain store as such as this. I am very disgusted. How do I get on board?

  5. Minerva Green says:

    We shop a lot at Wal-Mart and to think we’re being cheated. If we were cheated them they’d be all over us.

  6. dorothy MARCHIONE says:

    I like to go to Walmart shopping for my groceries and household goods especially when it says cut price lower price I look fot these products,but if they aren’t really true then they are cheating their customers . I want in this lawsuit please ty

  7. Troymeka Bond says:

    Yes I think it sAdd when u go up there and they say we can’t give it to u for ht purchase yes u should it saying rollback well someone didn’t do it right not my fault

  8. april says:

    put me in im in a walmart like 2 times a day and i believe roll back prices to be true

  9. Karen Terry says:

    I am interested in the Walmart class action suit. I purchase everything at Walmart.

  10. Jacky Block says:

    Gee, I just posted a comment. Anyway, I’d like to be a part of this class action suit on Walgreens. I practically own that place. I spend a lot of money on prescriptions and other things there. Have been for years. What do I do to get in on this? Please let me know> Thank you. Jacky

    1. Top Class Actions says:

      This particluar case is involves Walmart, and is still moving through the courts and has not yet reached a settlement. Claim forms are usually not made available to consumers until after a court approved settlement is reached. We recommend you sign up for a free account at and follow the case. We will update the article with any major case developments or settlement news! Setting up a free account with Top Class Actions will allow you to receive instant updates on ANY article that you ‘Follow’ on our website. A link to creating an account may be found here: You can then ‘Follow’ the article above, and get notified immediately when we post updates!

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