Kim Gale  |  November 15, 2016

Category: Consumer News

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FACTA Credit Card ReceiptWhen out shopping, do you notice that the debit card numbers on receipts don’t contain all the digits?

Not all of your information appears because of FACTA, the Fair and Accurate Debit Transactions Act, which was enacted in 2003 as way to prevent identity theft.

The debit card receipt contains just enough specific information so that the merchant and the customer can identify it in case a return or an adjustment is necessary at a later time.

The Danger of Debit Card Numbers on Receipts

Electronically printed debit card and credit card receipts should never include more than the last five digits of the account number, and should never show the expiration date.

These rules do not apply to handwritten or imprinted receipts. (Some businesses still use the old machines that require a physical imprint of the card with carbon paper, which will show all the debit card numbers on receipts.)

Merchants are allowed to keep more data of the transaction in their records, but the information must be securely maintained.

What Information Is Allowed on Debit Card Receipts?

Debit card numbers on receipts
should always include:

  1. Merchant’s DBA (Doing Business As) name and address
  2. Date of transaction
  3. Products or services purchased, including the prices and applicable taxes
  4. The cardholder’s signature on only the merchant’s copy, unless a PIN number was used
  5. Authorization approval code from the card issuer
  6. Up to the last five digits of the debit card account number if done electronically

Why Is FACTA Necessary?

The Bureau of Consumer Protection, a division of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), says compliance with FACTA laws are important because “debit card numbers on sales receipts are a ‘golden ticket’ for fraudsters and identity thieves.”

If a business does not comply with FACTA receipt rules, the retailer can face law enforcement action by the FTC.

Both civil penalties and injunctive relief have been applied in various cases. (Injunctive relief means the court orders the defendant to cease a specified act rather than ordering the defendant to make a monetary payment.)

A consumer who finds a merchant has “willfully” not complied with FACTA during a purchase can file a lawsuit if entire debit card numbers on receipts are shown.

Merchants found liable could pay anywhere from $100 to $1000, or the monetary loss the infraction caused.

FACTA has been law for 13 years, but consumers cannot assume all merchants are compliant.

Stay Alert When Shopping

Consumers should always look over their receipts and keep their copies.

Even merchants who have previously been compliant with FACTA laws regarding debit card receipts and debit card receipts can have equipment undergo a software update, or they could switch to a new card processing company.

Even if you shop at one of your “regular” stops, always check the receipt.

If you see an electronic transaction shows all the debit card numbers on a receipt, you could end up a victim of identity theft.

If you obtain a receipt that violates FACTA laws or if you think you could be a victim of identity theft, a class action lawsuit could help you obtain compensation for your losses.

Free FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

If you made one or more purchases and the retailer provided you with a receipt that contained more than the last five digits of your credit or debit card number or the expiration date, you may be eligible for a free class action lawsuit investigation and to pursue compensation for these FACTA violations.

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