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amazon websiteA recent Amazon class action lawsuit accuses the online retailer of charging excessive prices for basic goods such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer in the wake of the coronavirus.

Plaintiff Stephanie Armas, a Florida resident, says she took to Amazon in an attempt to stock up on supplies in the face of the spreading novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

As a mother of five, Armas says she wanted to purchase toilet paper and hand sanitizer for her family, but was charged “grossly unconscionable” prices for these goods.

Amazon allegedly charged Armas $99 for a 36-pack of toilet paper and $199 for a two-pack of 1 liter hand sanitizer bottles.

Did you pay high prices for toilet paper, hand sanitizer or other goods on Amazon? Get legal help by clicking here.

Armas argues these prices are far more what is usually charged, with toilet paper typically selling for around $1 a roll and hand sanitizer selling for between $7 and $8 per liter.

“COVID-19’s rapid spread and the very real threat of a widespread quarantine, have caused a run on various personal hygiene products, such as disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer and toilet paper,” the Amazon class action lawsuit notes.

“Unfortunately, retailers, such as [Amazon], are preying upon the public’s fear of a surging epidemic and using COVID-19 as an opportunity to pad profits by way of unlawful price increases.”

COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China and has quickly grown to be a global pandemic due to its virulence. At the time of Armas’ complaint, the coronavirus had spread to 104 countries around the world – resulting in more than 109,000 confirmed cases and over 3,800 deaths. By Feb. 28, the CDC confirmed the virus reached the United States.

Armas argues that Amazon’s exorbitant prices are not only unreasonable but are also illegal under Florida law, considering the state of emergency.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reportedly declared a state of emergency on March 9 in the face of the outbreak. The declaration aimed “to create a unified command structure […] and allows, if need be, out of state medical personnel to operate in Florida.”

Armas argues this state of emergency declaration also added protections from consumers based on Florida law. Under the state’s laws, retailers are not allowed to charge unconscionable prices for goods or services in the wake of a declared state of emergency.

The plaintiff says Amazon has violated these laws by charging unreasonable prices for hygienic products such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

Armas seeks to represent a Class of Florida consumers who purchased hygienic products from Amazon after a state of emergency was declared in Florida on March 9. On behalf of herself and the proposed Class, Armas seeks actual damages, statutory damages, court costs, and attorneys’ fees.

Plaintiff and the proposed Class are represented by J. Alfredo Armas, Francesco A. Zincone and Eduardo E. Bertran of Armas Bertran Pieri.

The Amazon Coronavirus Class Action Lawsuit is Armas v. Inc., Case No. 104631782, in the Eleventh Circuit Court in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida.

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493 thoughts onAmazon Class Action Alleges Coronavirus Price Gouging

  1. Jodi Tatum says:

    Add me

  2. Colleen Dalli says:

    add me

  3. Lori Terry-Bender says:

    add me

    1. Robert Crawford says:

      Add me I paid to much money and I think it was unfair.

  4. Christine Szczesniak says:

    I saw the prices when I tried to buy, but wasn’t stupid enough to pay them. It’s not Amazon price gouging, it’s the individual sales people who are listing items and making their own prices. That is how amazon works.

    1. Anne says:

      However, Amazon should have shut the price gouging sellers down, in a crisis that shouldn’t be allowed and feel Amazon should be responsible for not letting their sellers/vendors do this. Also, please be careful in how you word things, there’s a lot of people who did actually purchase items at the high prices because of many reasons, they couldn’t find them in their local stores, they’re elderly and afraid to go anywhere, they’re desperate because they had none and really needed it, so by you saying you weren’t stupid enough to buy is really hurtful to the people who did during this crisis, everyone should try to help one another not take advantage of them or make fun of them. I would never pay for the overpriced items either because I got laid off because of all of this and can’t afford it, nor would I ever give someone my business that price gouges, but I also won’t judge someone who did because I don’t know their story.

  5. cheryl moran says:

    add me please, totally unfair

  6. Cleide da silva says:

    Add me plese

  7. Maribel Ramirez says:

    I could not buy it because of the prices.

  8. Kelly Hawks says:

    Add me please

    1. Concerned buyer says:

      Walmart is also increasing the prices. I had soap in my cart and they took the soap out of my cart and doubled the price.

      1. Angie Enrisma says:

        I was forced to do with sanitizer and wipes, due to pricing. They even jacked the prices up on baby wipes.: (

      2. El Sue Em Sharif says:

        If you can prove this I know an attorney who will likely take your case.

  9. Leona Harrison says:

    I think it’s ridiculous that amazon is doing its consumers like this at a time like this I have 4 small children and out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer but when I seen the prices on amazon I immediately call the supervisors and was told that I either pay it or be without I was devastated the price was outrageous

  10. Chante T Alvarez says:

    Add me

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