Brigette Honaker  |  October 28, 2019

Category: Food

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  • The G Butter class action lawsuit was dismissed April 13, 2021.

A recent class action claims that G Butter is wrongfully advertised as being a “high protein” and “low calorie” nut spread.

The G Butter spreads are offered in several flavors such as Birthday Cake, Brownie Batter, Cookie Dough, Cookies & Cream, Peanut Butter Cup, Pumpkin Spice, Red Velvet Icing, S’mores, Sugar Cookie, Vegan Cookie Dough, and White Chocolate.

G Butter allegedly touts its products as aimed to “make healthy eating a long term lifestyle, while still tasting exceptional.”

However, these “guilt free” spreads are far unhealthier than the brand portrays, according to a recent G Butter class action.

Plaintiff Michael Jordan argues that these products are not conducive to a healthy lifestyle despite the overstated nutrient claims. He and other consumers reportedly relied on labeling claims and advertisements when purchasing the products but did not get their money’s worth due to a failure to deliver on the marketing promises.

In his G Butter class action, Jordan argues that the G Butter product he purchased “was not a healthy food, doesn’t lend itself to a healthy lifestyle, did not contain accurate Nutrition Facts label statements, was not a low-calorie food, and was not a notable source of protein—all contrary to Defendants’ claims relating to the Product and its nutritional content.”

Nutrient facts on the back of the products reportedly show calories between 100 and 157, carbs between 5 and 6 grams, fat between 5 and 9 grams, protein between 10 and 14 grams, and only 1 gram of sugar per each 2 tablespoon serving. These claims are allegedly false based on independent testing.

According to the G Butter class action, independent testing reportedly showed that the products contain more than 220 calories, between 8 and 13 grams of carbs, between 17 and 21 grams of fat, between 1.5 and 5 grams of sugar, and only 2 to 5 grams of protein.

Jordan argues that G Butter misleads customers about the contents of their spreads due to lower protein than promised and more of all other undesirable parts such as calories, carbs, fat, and sugar.

Under federal regulations, a food label is deemed misbranded if the nutrient content is greater than 20 percent in excess of the value declared on the label’s nutrient facts. Jordan’s G Butter class action argues that the spreads are legally misbranded as the “labels consistently overstate the amount of these nutrients per Serving of the Product by more than 20 [percent].”

Jordan seeks to represent a Class of consumers who purchased the products anywhere in the U.S. He also seeks to represent a Consumer Fraud Multi-State Class of the same consumers in California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

Jordan also seeks to represent a subclass of consumers who purchased the products in California.

Have you purchased G Butter spread products with low calorie claims? Share your experiences in the comment section below!

Jordan and the proposed Class are represented by Paul Souferis and Mikhail Shvartsman of Souferis & Shvartsman PLLC and Gary M. Klinger of Kozonis & Klinger Ltd.

The G Butter Nutrition Content Class Action Lawsuit is Jordan v. G Butter LLC, et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-24397-DPG, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

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186 thoughts onG Butter Class Action Says Calories, Fat, Carbs Are Understated

  1. Dustie says:

    Add me to the list. Bought a ton during my bikini prep, too good to be true.

  2. Nicole Dustin says:

    I have purchased at least 10 jars of G Butter over the past few years, so I’m really disappointed to find
    This out. Please add me to the list

  3. Stacy says:

    Disappointed. I have bought several of these jars on various different occasions over a period of time. Add to list please

  4. Aaron Proctor says:

    This project helped me lower my Glucose & A1c to near normal levels. Plus, I lost 30lbs to boot. I’ll keep buying it until it’s no longer available.

    1. Scott Davis says:

      Is this the only thing you are eating? Heartfelt congratulations on your weight lose, that is amazing. How are you so sure your diet was a success because of one product?

      I get you, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I guess I might feel the same. But if their lab numbers are true, you could have lost much more.

  5. Brittany says:

    Oh great. I just had a gastric sleeve and thought this would be a great alternative. I cannot have the much sugar, also sent my diabetic friend this way and other sleevers……

  6. Angela Mills says:

    I just bought 3 jars and now see this. Please add me

  7. Laura Chen says:

    add me as well. it tastes so high in sugar! and i feel the sugar spike after a teaspoon!!!! this is so false! add be!!!

  8. Kelly says:

    I buy tons of this stuff due to reactive hypoglycemia and it does not in any way spike me and drop me.. and actually can be use for a Keto Diet .. so the fact that some of u say no wonder your not losing … honey it isn’t from this that’s keeping the pounds on! I eat meat veggies nuts cheese and water and tea unsweetened and have this if I want something sweet!!!

  9. WHITNEY H says:

    I have bought like 6-8 jars add me to the list

  10. Nicholas V says:

    Bought 3 jars, and though they taste good the mislabeling is infuriating. Please add me to the list. Sad.

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