Joanna Szabo  |  March 7, 2018

Category: Consumer News

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kitchen-water-faucetThe Aquasana reverse osmosis water filtration system has been linked with a defect that can that can cause leaking, flooding and even property damage.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your reverse osmosis filtration system, Aquasana troubleshooting may reveal this small but significant defect: a break that can cause micro-cracks, which can in turn lead to leaking.

According to Aquasana customers, the company is not offering its customers any assistance in either replacing the filtration system or repairing the damage after Aquasana troubleshooting. If you have bought an Aquasana reverse osmosis water filter system and leaking or flooding has damaged your property, you may be able to file a lawsuit.

Aquasana Troubleshooting

Aquasana (formerly known as Sun Water Systems) manufactures a number of water filter systems, shower filters and water bottles. One of Aquasana’s popular products is the reverse osmosis water filtration system, which is used to filter tap water from the kitchen sink.

These reverse osmosis water filters are installed beneath the kitchen sink, and a separate filtered water faucet is installed at the top.

A growing number of consumers are reporting leaking or flooding problems with their reverse osmosis filtration systems. Aquasana troubleshooting to discover the cause has revealed that these problems were caused by a small but powerful defect.

The filters use locking tabs, but consumers are complaining that these tabs are not as watertight as they are supposed to be. Indeed, according to consumers, the locking tabs of Aquasana water filters can break after suffering very little stress, causing nearly invisible cracks in the tabs.

Unfortunately, the stress necessitated to damage the water filter system is likely to occur, since it is part of its very function: water pressure fluctuation and the removal and replacement of water filters. Each of these things can add stress to the system, causing tiny cracks.

These cracks grow until the system leaks, leading to flooding and property damage under the sink, in the kitchen and nearby areas. Aquasana has manufactured a new reverse osmosis water filtration design, but it reportedly suffers from the same defects.

While customers have complained about leaking problems, including flooding and property damage, Aquasana has not yet issued a recall over the system’s defects or notified the public about the risks of the system.

Customers are discussing in online forums own experiences with these water filter defects and subsequent Aquasana leaking and property damage. Customers have reported considerable damage to the kitchen and property, and many have noted that Aquasana has failed to either replace the system or repair the damage caused by Aquasana leaking.

After experiencing the leaking of their Aquasana filters, customers are left to replace the system on their own, which is a hefty expense. This water filtration system retails for approximately $275. However, several customers have reported that their replacement water filter cracked and leaked as well.

Filing an Aquasana Lawsuit

If you own or have owned an Aquasana reverse osmosis filtration system and have experienced leaking that has led to property damage, you may be able to file an Aquasana troubleshooting lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit can help with compensation for the cost of the defective system, property damage, and attorneys’ fees.

Join a Free Aquasana Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

If your home suffered damage as the result of a leaking Aquasana water filter, you may qualify to file an Aquasana lawsuit or class action lawsuit.

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One thought on Aquasana Troubleshooting May Detect Problem

  1. David Marsh says:

    Awful design. Mine leaked from the beginning. I should have returned it but didn’t. Eventually, when I contacted Aquasana they sent a new container, not a new base. The leak comes from the base. It’s gotten so bad that we have to have a platter underneath the base which has to be emptied multiple times per day, and we have to clean and dry the base every two days otherwise it starts to smell due to sitting in water. And now the filter light is messed up. We reset it to “blue” but within 1 or 2 uses it turns red again, even with a new filter.

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