Top Class Actions  |  March 3, 2020

Category: Closed Class Actions

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pain killers

Following a bankruptcy filing, consumers who were injured by OxyContin or other addictive opioids manufactured by Purdue Pharma may be able to recover compensation.

The claim program benefits individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

In September 2019, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy after facing significant liability in OxyContin and opioid addiction lawsuits. Following their bankruptcy filings, Purdue launched a $23.8 million ad campaign in order to advertise a claims program.

Under the claims deal, Purdue will pay to resolve the claims in nearly 3,000 lawsuits alleging that their OxyContin and other opioid products were irresponsibly produced. Allegedly, the company downplayed the risks of their opioids and overstated the benefits.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have allegedly died over the past 20 years as part of the opioid epidemic in America.

“A lot of the victims don’t know that they were victimized. They may think that they’re addicts. They may think that they have a moral failing or a character failing,” Ed Neiger, a lawyer for opioid victims, told AP News. “There were people in a boardroom that caused them to become addicted to opioids.”

Although the amount that consumers can collect hasn’t been finalized, compensation may be available to injured parties. A Class Member’s payment will vary depending on the injury they suffered (death, addiction, dependence, lost wages, loss of wages, loss of spousal relationship, etc.).

In order to receive benefits from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form online or through the mail by June 20, 2020. Class Members should include proof of any damages or injuries.

Who’s Eligible

Individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

Potential Award

Varies. Payments have not been estimated, but will likely depend on the damages sustained by consumers as well as the number of claims filed.

Proof of Purchase

Proof of injuries or damages (medical bills, etc.)

Claim Form

NOTE: If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim.

Remember: you are submitting your claim under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. If you’re unsure if you qualify, please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator). If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other open class action settlements you may be eligible for.

Claim Form Deadline

7/30/2020 UPDATED

Case Name

In re: Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 19-23649, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing


Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Purdue Pharma Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC
Grand Central Station, PO Box 4850
New York, NY 10163-4850

Class Counsel


Defense Counsel

Eli J. Vonnegut

If your loved died from an opioid overdose in the last three years from an addiction that began as a legal opioid prescription from his or her doctor, you may have a legal claim.



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334 thoughts onPurdue Opioid Addiction Class Action Settlement

  1. Brenda Ross says:

    My husband and i have a claim to establish my husband was put on strong pain medication when he fell and broke his femur they kept giving him the medication for years after and stronger medications also the medicines ended up breaking up our marriage losing arm job contract work every doctor that my husband went to prescribed him the narcotics and when he could not find them from a doctor after he got addicted he would buy them off the streets she spent all of her savings $297,000 sold everything we owned just to buy the pills that the doctors put him on for a broke bone and ever took him off the list goes on and on for him and me as my life was destroyed being married to him in the abuse he put me through because he was in pain or did not have his pills after a year-and-a-half we went back together to try to work things out again but the pain in the misery that the pills caused my family was still there there is no love there was no sex there was no family time all there was with those pills and the addiction we have lived with for 15 years. Several attempts of sucide.

  2. Thrall says:

    It was extended from 6/30.

    1. Ashley says:

      Thank you! I have been looking for the website to file the claim but found this instead! Thanks for the update on deadline!

  3. charles caudill says:

    I would like compensation me and my uncle both addicts both went to prison for selling to supply out habit. I would like compensation this narcotic has devistated my family. Prison , seoeration from my son, my uncle had several drug charges multiple suicide attempts.

  4. Thomas Hamm says:

    I lost my grandson who I raised to your drugs. Still have some of the origional containers.
    He passed away in 2015 at 22 and began taking the crap in 2000 because of a hernia issue.
    He kept getting more and more and even bought some of it illegally. I tried to make him stop
    several times and even put him in a saboxone clinic to no avail. His name was Bryce Cotey

  5. CL Brash says:


  6. Gregory Fountain says:

    I have been taking vicodin,Oxycotin, Oxycodone,Dilauda and a host of muscle relaxers and nothing improved except my desire to use more than prescribed

  7. April Sirois says:

    Does Moraphine count in this lawsuit? It has destroyed my ability to swallow correctly and my liquids are being inhaled and causing me to get pneumonia etc-

    1. Geneva Davis says:

      I use to look for someone who could selle some perocet. I ran out before time for a refill.

  8. Confidential says:

    I started taking 80mg oxycontin in 1998 from CRPS was told not addictive by Large HMO plan was taking 180 a month and Norco Break Through. Stayed on this med same dose until it was turned into plastik aka phenyetelene oxide and didn’t know. I got one bottle of OP and the other was the Original. Had no ideas as I took them as prescribed and oral. In less then a few weeks my pain level went through the roof and was throwing up sticky mess, the New reforumulated pills, again had no idea. Next thing am having stat urgent Colonoscopy I was in so much pain. Turns out it was the new pills that not only didn’t get pain relief, I almost died. I still have the 2 bottles same month Sept 2010. Should I file the Class Action, is it worth it. Need Feedback. And read up on CRPS before judging me. Thanks

    1. Juli Wordgirl says:

      Hey there! Hope you collected records and filed by 7/30/2020! You have a good story to share ( and by good I mean terrible!!). Blessings!

  9. Mgold says:

    Seriously stop calling yourselves victim’s! You made The Choice to continue using! Being a victum implies that it was entirely out of your control. Most likely, no one held you down and shoved pills down your throat. You could have said no. It doesn’t matter what the doctor said to you. You made The Choice to go looking on this street’s for more. That’s entirely on you! Don’t play the victim card when you chose to keep going. As for doctor’s, it’s not their fault either. They were trying their best to help you, don’t forget that. No doctor should be sitting in prison for trying to do their job, to help you be out of pain. Tylenol will rip your stomach and liver apart. Many people die from that too. There is ALWAY’S a RISK. Whether it’s otc or prescription medication. Meanwhile, you people are costing the lives or cancer patient’s and people with life threatening intractable illnesses who desperately need pain management help. There is a suicide epidemic for those people now! Are you happy knowing that this “war on opiates” will cost more lives of people who just can’t take the suffering anymore? Living life in pain is horrible. I went year’s suffering without proper pain management. I didn’t even have a life anymore. I chose to get myself into physical therapy and to start advocating for myself. Any one of you could have made the same choice. You didn’t. Don’t blame the pharmaceutical companies for your CHOICES.

    1. Todd E. Marrs says:

      No one told me that if I took oxytocin that I would become addicted to them to the point were it didn’t matter what other people said or thought I would jump through firey hoops to feed my addiction and stop my pain. Not every body is the same. Even if they felt like they had it under control. Most likely the oxytocin took control of their lives and sent them down an uncontrollable path wether they felt they had control of the outcome or not. Eather way big Pharma didn’t allow the public and the prescribing Doctors know how potential or serious the addiction could get. Oxytocin ruined Patients and Doctors lives though out the world. I am still struggling to put my life back in order and I have been for quite a long time. So the best of luck to every one that has been directly involved or damaged by the opioid crisis. God bless and the best of luck to all effected by this opioid epidemic. Sincerely,
      Todd E. Marrs

      1. Michael Dorris says:

        Bless all y families.lost.y shattered.

      2. DOROTHY Jenkins says:

        My sister took OxyContin after a knee replacement and was given it several times to help with pain due to her rheumatoid arthritis. As a result she developed an addiction to opioids and died of a heroin drug overdose November 2018. Should I consider filing for a claim.

    2. Caleb says:

      This is pure ignorance. Do some research before you start harping on others and being judgmental. First off, some doctors were given kickbacks and incentives for prescribing more narcotics–specifically oxycontin and oxycodone. Secondly, once you’re addicted and your prescription is ripped out from under you, seeking illicit means to get the drugs are your only option. Without the meds you cannot work, cant sleep, cant watch your kids, cant hardly walk to the bathroom, etc. How about stop judging and go fix some of your own issues.

      1. Melissa says:

        Nailed it!

        1. Teddy Ruxtonn says:

          I have used pain meds for well over 16 years. I lost my job my car and my dignity as I have no one to blame but myself. The pain meds do help and yes they ar addictive but without them I could not function.

      2. Michael says:

        Right On. 100%

    3. james bennett says:

      this shit killed my mother, I don’t have a mother now. so how do you put a price on that?

      1. Thrall says:

        That has been my question for a while. How does someone put a price on the tragedies that are being deliberated here? Further, what proof is going to be required to be put forth that establishes Purdue is to blame? Unless things get super simplified, this is going to take years just to establish a proposed settlement — which is going to be a huge amount. Then it needs to get in front of a judge to hopefully approve it, and THEN you can count on serious appeals by Purdue after that. This is not like a simple class action where the company admits no wrong doing but wants to just settle and be done. I am guessing three to five years for all of that to occur … ??

        1. Mari says:

          I too, have been / going through this hell for 20 yrs!! I’m 53, highly educated, etc..sooo you self righteous inconsiderate morons who dare to diminish someone’s pain over losing their mother, and their LIFE!! And every possible scenario!! There’s a good place in hell waiting for you!! To my fellow sufferers there is already evidence of premeditated malicious wrongdoing, with percentages of the evil companies, and their political cronies, to PROVE this!!.. docs are available online in full!! So there is NO LEGAL question, as to their GUILT!!.. my question is, is it best to go to a private attorney, or are we selling out wayyy short by joining this… we only have a few days til this expires, and then we give up the right to obtain our own council!! HELP IF ANYONE HAS ADVISE…

          1. Thrall says:

            Mari — That is an individual decision. Find a lawyer and make that decision … soon. My situation is much simpler — I got super addicted, went in to an out-patient program, and was able to get off the pills. I just want to be paid back for what I paid for the detox program. That would be great.

      2. Mari says:

        I’m so sorry!!?❤️??

      3. Nazikifea Stingley says:

        I feel you man. It killed my mother too. I watched her die and their was nothing I can do. She passed April 6, 2019. I’m still hurt.

    4. Thrall says:

      … troll is back … ignore …

    5. Alana S Bories says:

      Someone who doesn’t know addiction is a disease has a lot to say. All the Doctors knew who handed it out like Candy for any little reason. Look it up. This is very sad that Doctors knowing the Pills they gave out would cause addiction, from this comes a behavior problem some go to Prison come out still addicted sooner or latter is Death leaving us behind Suffering. They forgot about us families left behind in severe pain from the loss of our Loved Ones. They didn’t figure this one in. They all knew it especially Purdue Pharma. Check the Stats on how many are Dead from their Greed and think of all the ones left behind suffering. You got it Right they killed our loved ones by being Greedy we are now left behind and are suffering and we can’t even have a pain pill because WHY? Because of them and their greedy and careless ways using our loved ones lives to death for their money. Did they care? They are no different then Drug Dealers in the Streets. In fact they are worse they were all educated on knowing that their pills they pushed to Doctors giving them Gifts in return to push to their Patients would cause altered Minds this makes the mind want more now they can’t live without it now comes behavior problems now called Addiction with Mental Problems. We watched our Sick Loved ones Shackled (Good Word) in Courts and sent to Prisons. Yes they were sick in Prisons do you think that is painful? They come out of Prison not many make it they Die this is a Real Disease. I have lived this watching my only Son taken from me because someone who is educated knowing the results that the behavior results in the pain to death. The Loved ones left behind that was affected and have to learn how to live again. If anyone knows that answer please share it with all of us looking for that Answer. Thank you

    6. Stephen says:

      Brother you nailed it on the head . I’m thinking getting on law suite I say “what the heck ” then over the months I reminded bbn myself I actually wanted to go to court for pharma. Oxis perquisites are a miracle after hitting a tree at 60 miles an hour 40 yrs ago to server arthritis today I don’t have a clue how I could’ve supported my family without Paine management. Now after 40 yrs construction I can relax with two or three percent 10 MGM so on what . I know it’s getting harder and harder to receive our meds . We need to find ppl who just give up and use their provider STOP RETRO CALL BACK ON OUR PAIN MEDS PERIOD honestly anyone on meds for five plus years should have to be weened down but only with a 100% ok of patient were not and family . The family should have say on lowering ppl doses .ex any mistakes this first time I’ve ever done anything like this

    7. Michael says:


      Crawl back under your rock, back into your troll-hole you sniveling turd. An addiction is not a “choice” or a character flaw, it’s an actual medical condition with real causes. Purdue knew how addictive its brand of oxycodone was and exploited it.

    8. Dorothy Anderson says:

      You have no soul!

    9. Laura Case says:

      You are so close-minded it makes me feel sorry for you. Do you just roll through comments looking for people to bash? There are so many extenuating circumstances that you couldn’t begin to comprehend. You are so concerned about those that have committed suicide because of the pain yet your words of hate are nothing more than the finger on the trigger of the gun a young addict is holding to their head because they don’t understand how they got to the place they are. I would like to say so much more but I will not let myself be consumed by anger. I am not an addict I am simply a human being that understands life happens. Remember one day you may be judged as harshly as you judge others. Have a good day.

    10. Mama says:

      ignorant woman

    11. Santana says:

      I started taking Opioduds at 30 yrs I thought I had a back injury that is what doctors told me it turns out I had a tumor on my kidney and it was removed I was said to be in remission 6 yrs later I had a tumor and my left adrenal gland which after 9 yrs I lived and it was removed I have chronic pain and lupus yes it is a choice it is also a quality of life. I guess u never lived in pain so bad that you curl up in a ball and cry. God for give me for being ill I pray for healing so I have no pain

    12. MKennedy says:

      You have no freaking clue on what you are talking about! Just because your pain level wasn’t as bad and you could benefit from physical therapy and you did doesn’t mean that’s the case for others!

    13. soap box is for closed minds. says:

      While you are right . Some of those doctors prescribed heavy pain medications to seekers obviously a 20 year old young man doesn’t need three a day. Ethical treatment of patient myself and also
      AS I SAID I wanted received and was twenty 3 80 s a day. Do No Harm. I DONT See a point in your theory great doc. 350.$ cash per visit lines out door , Most prolific and efficient killers ever. After all said and done they lose license to practice become millionaires retiring .

    14. Erin says:

      Your an ignorant ASSHOLE!! ?

  10. Mgold says:

    This is ridiculous. It’s not the pill’s fault that you had a weak will and chose to go looking for it outside of a professional setting. You made a choice. I used to make poor life choices too. Then I woke up one day and saw that it wasn’t worth it. I got into pain management and started getting serious about my health and I’ve been a successful pain management patient for 4 year’s. I don’t abuse my meds. I choose life over being high and so can every person here. Stop blaming the maker’s of life saving medication’s and look inward at your own poor choice’s. They didn’t put the needle in your hand, you did. I’m not saying being an addict is easy but it’s just as much a choice as ordering a pizza or going shopping. People get highs from food and shopping too. They can be addictions. So is alcohol and that’s completely legal. How many people ruin their lives with that and tell themselves it’s okay. No one is blaming the cigarette companies or liquor stores. There is 0 medical use for that and absolutely no positive benefits.

    1. Danita Wright says:


    2. Erin Roche says:

      Really?? Noone sued the big tobacco companies?? Is that a joke? Or just more of your ignorance?

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