Top Class Actions  |  March 3, 2020

Category: Closed Class Actions

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pain killers

Following a bankruptcy filing, consumers who were injured by OxyContin or other addictive opioids manufactured by Purdue Pharma may be able to recover compensation.

The claim program benefits individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

In September 2019, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy after facing significant liability in OxyContin and opioid addiction lawsuits. Following their bankruptcy filings, Purdue launched a $23.8 million ad campaign in order to advertise a claims program.

Under the claims deal, Purdue will pay to resolve the claims in nearly 3,000 lawsuits alleging that their OxyContin and other opioid products were irresponsibly produced. Allegedly, the company downplayed the risks of their opioids and overstated the benefits.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have allegedly died over the past 20 years as part of the opioid epidemic in America.

“A lot of the victims don’t know that they were victimized. They may think that they’re addicts. They may think that they have a moral failing or a character failing,” Ed Neiger, a lawyer for opioid victims, told AP News. “There were people in a boardroom that caused them to become addicted to opioids.”

Although the amount that consumers can collect hasn’t been finalized, compensation may be available to injured parties. A Class Member’s payment will vary depending on the injury they suffered (death, addiction, dependence, lost wages, loss of wages, loss of spousal relationship, etc.).

In order to receive benefits from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form online or through the mail by June 20, 2020. Class Members should include proof of any damages or injuries.

Who’s Eligible

Individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

Potential Award

Varies. Payments have not been estimated, but will likely depend on the damages sustained by consumers as well as the number of claims filed.

Proof of Purchase

Proof of injuries or damages (medical bills, etc.)

Claim Form

NOTE: If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim.

Remember: you are submitting your claim under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. If you’re unsure if you qualify, please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator). If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other open class action settlements you may be eligible for.

Claim Form Deadline

7/30/2020 UPDATED

Case Name

In re: Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 19-23649, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing


Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Purdue Pharma Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC
Grand Central Station, PO Box 4850
New York, NY 10163-4850

Class Counsel


Defense Counsel

Eli J. Vonnegut

If your loved died from an opioid overdose in the last three years from an addiction that began as a legal opioid prescription from his or her doctor, you may have a legal claim.



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334 thoughts onPurdue Opioid Addiction Class Action Settlement

  1. maria l becker says:

    Been using oxydone 20 mg twice a day for the last twenty years it has affected my kidneys .

  2. Thomas Hamm says:

    Lost my grandson who lived with my wife and I because of this S%%t. Please add me to the list. Still have some of the origional containers of the Oxycodone etc.

  3. Angie says:

    I also have been a victim, I lost my dad, brother, 2 cousins, and my best friend all to drug overdoses all started by getting over prescribed oxycontin and oxycodone. My prescribing Dr is also in federal prison and was charged with at least 7 overdoses. I thought I was getting a hook up, so I wouldn’t have to beg once in awhile when I was in pain. If I would of known the rest of my life I would be regretting it may be I would have made better choices. I’m 8 years clean from Oct and herion, but I feel like I’m now addicted to suboxone in so scared to get off of them cause I’m scared of that life I had to live for 10years, I missed out on my son growing up, I can never get that back. Also I can’t get back my loved ones either. Please contact me if you think I have a case. Not to mention my brother was given an apartment by the physch hospital and 4 days later we found him dead, on Easter day. He was supposed to have someone coming to check on him from a program, he was on suicide watch in the hispital, it doesn’t make sense but it was 2006 I don’t think I can do anything now.

    1. Phil says:

      I hear ya brother. I’ve been addicted to prescription opiates since 1988. This time clean 8 months and life is good “ buprenorphine.” From the frying pan to the fire. Double figure treatment centers from 91 until 2013 some of which I know are gone. They sprout up,and disappear like the seasons. Job loss Marriage loss? Property? It’s the old story. In 88 I was 37 years old with a wife and three kids. By 1995 it was all gone thanks to Purdue pharma, Percocet and OxyContin.

      1. Rob says:

        Your story sounds all too familiar, almost sounds like we’re on the same time line. Recently just got clean again after losing everything for the 10th time. Wish I never touched oxy’s back in the late 80’s, I’d more than likely be a millionaire many times over by now. Left broke and with all sorts of health issues to deal with now. They’re saying it’s in the publics interest not to sue the pharmaceutical companies too hard, I say let them suffer like we have for most of our lives. They need to feel what it’s like to struggle every single day! Take care!

    2. sheryl simmons says:

      I completely understand how you feel. it took me 5 years of tapering down on subs which embarrassingly I acquired illegally as I could not afford to go to a clinic on my own. I tapered down until i was taking a piece so small that you could not tell i was taking anything. try it. just taper very very little. you see it took me 5 years. hopefully you also can do it maybe even sooner. i was terrified of being sick. i was addicted from prescribed medications and had never even taken anything in my life.

  4. Charles Fisher says:

    I lost a thriving business in Hawaii. Two beautiful homes my marriage and every dime I ever earned in my battle with this drug. My original prescribing doctor is now in federal prison. This company is getting off very lightly for the destruction they helped create.

    1. Natalie Christie says:

      I completely agree.

    2. Eric says:

      Earned two University degrees and had a very successful career earning 450000 a year.
      When my doctors stated prescribing me oxycontin I became addicted. Lost my career, divorced from the love of my life. Was Baker acted several times, attempted suicide and on and on

    3. sheryl simmons says:

      yes the entire family or at least those who physically cashed checks or received compensation from the business should be in jail. the doctors were also guilty but they were told that this medicine was not as addictive in the form it was given. some knew better i am sure after all the craziness began but who knows. again it is the drug maker who is the guiltiest of all

  5. rogermckee says:

    I’m not gonna pay street prices for OxyContin My doctor who prescribed it for me has me going thru monthly withdrawal weaning me off the devil and my teeth are falling out I need a good lawyer been on pain killers 20 years now cost me my job can’t get out of bed for 3 hours paying for lawn service and household chores. I just think hurt . Disabled but not on vacation! I’m 65 and feel like 100 back injury arthritis 2 heart attacks with out withdrawals won’t happen this lifetime pain killers manufacturers have been paying the doctors and they have no problem getting them! Lawyers have to help !

    1. David Callebs says:

      I’ve been on oxycodone for 15 years and now I’m paying for the pills out of my pocket $5 a piece

  6. Angela amoriello says:

    My husband had cancer and was prescribed oxicotin For pain it messed him up so much that he wound up committing suicide right after he took his last dose. This man had a strong constitution but the drug messed with his head and really didn’t relieve the pain all it did was dope him up to the point that he pulled the trigger on himself and left his family devastated

  7. Daniel W. Smith says:

    There will always be an on going struggle for doctors to relieve pain. It is a exercise in mercy. Doctors are trained to treat patients to relieve pain to the best of their ability, while not having the relief a cause a greater problem than the pain itself. It is a fine line to walk and that is why they study to be doctors, and should be allowed to use what seems to work best for the patient. That is their responsibility. Each patient will differ widely in their response to treatment.
    There is no , “one size fits all!”
    Patients may bring with them individual problems which will, by nature, have to be treated both physically and emotionally. This will continue to be a challenge for doctors as long as medicine is practiced. Regardless of the current furor over a particular medicine. The courts will assess if there is malice a forethought regarding marketing laws. However, if we center the argument solely on the medicine which allows us to address the problem, we are ignoring the most basic question. We have to treat those who are in chronic pain in the most competent and professional manner possible. We do have competent doctors! We are capable of diagnosing patients correctly and we are capable of treating our loved ones to lead functional, happy lives. It is a multi disciplined undertaking and we have to have faith in our doctors to treat these many different suffering people, in a manner that is taylored to the individuals. There will always be charletons who will sell snake oil! There will always be addicts that have to be identified and treated. There will always be moralists who will damn every form of treatment. We will always have re-actionists who will condemn what they do not understand! These problems have always been part of the human condition. We must put our faith in God and our abilities as Americans to overcome our ignorance and work toward the success of the future, and our compassion to those that suffer. We will overcome our anxieties to produce answers to these terrible plights of the present. We will respond with compassion, tolerence and above all our ability to recognize our good common sense. For this is what provides the essence of who we are and what America in all about!

    1. sheryl simmons says:

      I agree with what you are saying. however, this medicine is “physically” addictive. your body goes through horrible withdrawls. I would never even think about the meds mentally. it was physically my body throwing fits jerking and diarrhea my nose running eyes even running. worse thing i have ever experienced worse than the pain that i was treating with the medicine. I now live addiction free but also a lot of physical pain from osteoarthritis and bulging discs in my back. I am at such a loss of what to do about it as I will never ever take another opiate on a long term basis again. what can people with chronic pain take that is not addictive?

      1. Tim says:

        It happened to me I got hit at work. Worker’s compensation was in charge. The put me on morphine 30 years ago so they could make money. That was all I am hurt and they know but the only way they can feed their kids is to kill us slowly so they make the most money. Over 1000$ or more per month for 30 years.

  8. Kenneth Bryant says:

    I’m a full blown addict cause I was in a car accident an went to the doctors an he thought I would be ok to give 4 oxycontin 80mg an 2 40mgs a day for 8 years then cut me off I got deathly sick with withdrawals an went I went to another doctor for help he told me I had a herniated disc an I shouldn’t have been prescribed that much pain meds ever so how is that my fault for listening to the doctor how prescribed me way to much meds

  9. A.L. says:

    The one thing that we can be fairly sure of is that this process is going to take a lonnnnnnng while. This is a bankruptcy process (not a class action). And the claims process is pretty open ended. Being reimbursed for rehab costs is one thing where you have clear and concise payment statements requesting reimbursement against. But being reimbursed for something like losing your job is a completely separate matter … how does one quantify something like that? Or having their addicted son in prison because he was stealing to support his addiction? I think it will be a miracle if any payments go out related to this within three years … maybe more.

    1. Jose says:

      I totally agree, it is very difficult to have any sense of pity for this company. I have had my kids sister’s life ruined. She is separated, we had custody of her only child for almost 2 years. My sister started off by using her meds to help her be able to do so the things that a wife is expected to do. Naturally her usage progressively got worse, Department of Child Welfare Services hit involved. My brother in law was a truck driver (is a retired vet 22 years) he didn’t really care as long as he could enjoy his weekends. How do you put a price on that? My niece is scarred mentally and emotionally. She did well while she lived with us, but thus came at the cost of our 4 kids not having a normal schedule. Since we had to take her to counseling, mediation, and visitations ( that is 3 days a week dedicated to her) I’m only mentioning this as was commented, how do you quantify all of that and put any number on that?

    2. Gary says:

      Ya or Haven your life totely destroys by opiets Ben in rehab 3 times it all started with my doctor thanx doc you auta be in jail Gary Johnson

  10. Gracey says:

    When did this become a board for people to bash each other? You don’t like it, fine. Move on! Its happening with or without your blessing.

    1. Nikki says:


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