Top Class Actions  |  March 3, 2020

Category: Closed Class Actions

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pain killers

Following a bankruptcy filing, consumers who were injured by OxyContin or other addictive opioids manufactured by Purdue Pharma may be able to recover compensation.

The claim program benefits individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

In September 2019, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy after facing significant liability in OxyContin and opioid addiction lawsuits. Following their bankruptcy filings, Purdue launched a $23.8 million ad campaign in order to advertise a claims program.

Under the claims deal, Purdue will pay to resolve the claims in nearly 3,000 lawsuits alleging that their OxyContin and other opioid products were irresponsibly produced. Allegedly, the company downplayed the risks of their opioids and overstated the benefits.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have allegedly died over the past 20 years as part of the opioid epidemic in America.

“A lot of the victims don’t know that they were victimized. They may think that they’re addicts. They may think that they have a moral failing or a character failing,” Ed Neiger, a lawyer for opioid victims, told AP News. “There were people in a boardroom that caused them to become addicted to opioids.”

Although the amount that consumers can collect hasn’t been finalized, compensation may be available to injured parties. A Class Member’s payment will vary depending on the injury they suffered (death, addiction, dependence, lost wages, loss of wages, loss of spousal relationship, etc.).

In order to receive benefits from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form online or through the mail by June 20, 2020. Class Members should include proof of any damages or injuries.

Who’s Eligible

Individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

Potential Award

Varies. Payments have not been estimated, but will likely depend on the damages sustained by consumers as well as the number of claims filed.

Proof of Purchase

Proof of injuries or damages (medical bills, etc.)

Claim Form

NOTE: If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim.

Remember: you are submitting your claim under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. If you’re unsure if you qualify, please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator). If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other open class action settlements you may be eligible for.

Claim Form Deadline

7/30/2020 UPDATED

Case Name

In re: Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 19-23649, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing


Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Purdue Pharma Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC
Grand Central Station, PO Box 4850
New York, NY 10163-4850

Class Counsel


Defense Counsel

Eli J. Vonnegut

If your loved died from an opioid overdose in the last three years from an addiction that began as a legal opioid prescription from his or her doctor, you may have a legal claim.



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334 thoughts onPurdue Opioid Addiction Class Action Settlement

  1. R T says:

    JON, APRIL 11 2020 JUST ABOUT GOT RIGHT; A RICH, POWERFUL & DIABOLICAL FAMILY CAME UP WITH A SCHEME MADE SURE TO HIDE A NATURAL CURE, THAT FAMILY NAME WAS & STILL IS THE,THE SACKLERS; THEY WERE IN THE NEWS, WHEN THEY TRIED TO /OR ARE FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY,AFTER MAKING HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS MAKING SURE THAT PAIN SUFFERERS BELIEVE THAT THEIR DANGEROUS PAIN PILLS WERE THE UNIVERSAL PIAN SOLUTION OF CHOICE… NO MATTER no matter the consequences. I was drawn in myself when they started the company in 1970 and pushed hard up to and thru 1998 making sure that western doctors,medical facilities &universities bought the idea that pian pills was the answer and spent big money by the millions ;lobbying state legislators to ensure that laws were passed ,with the help from the united states government & fda that is supposed to be protect us. don’t believe me ask JESSE CANNONE; FROM THE LOSETHEBACKPIAN.COM website. the rest of you that came up with b.s. line need to read more instead of listening to fake news.

  2. michael holbrook says:

    Well its like this if you don’t suffer from sever gut wrenching pain then you have not a dam clue as to what it does to the mind i have had my spine busted 4 times from working and a sever car crash in 2008 a control arm that held the rear end in place broke at 112 mph in a curve and i hit an oak tree side ways need less to say i died 5 times that day i spent the next year an half on every pain pill made and never got hooked i stopped them in oct 2009 because i no longer needed them but in 2012 i had a real bad fall from the top of a house and the pain was back a hundred fold and wound up at the er/in gut wrenching pain and could not get any dam help from doctors i have seen 20 or 30 of them sence and still i have to suffer unless i find a drug dealer who will help because you could cut your leg off here in west virginia and you will never get any thing for pain our goverment and doctors are only making drug dealers rich because people like me who are suffering gut wrenching pain are going to buy drugs from the street to ease our pain our law makers shorley are stupid when thay think thay are getting street drugs stopped like making us suffer from sever pain thay are putting more drug dealers on the street and more drugs are being shipped in from other countries maybe its pain killers maybe not but unless you know your drugs think twice it is also illegal but if you suffer pain you will do what ever it takes to ease your pain for me i think people who OD/or get hooked on pain pills have some other problem and thay are using drugs as a way to cope with it and its not pain because i took pain meds from 1995 untill 2009 for sever pain and never had any problem and if only i would have new that i was goning to have this pain come back worse than it was i would have never stopped i would have just stashed them back till i needed them because i just cannot afford the price of treating my pain buying street drugs ya i know drinking is cheaper but i can not stand the fevear it gives me 103+ and weed is dam good for sleeping it will ease pain but not sever gut wrenching pain and pain like that takes away every thing friends family all your lady will even leave cronic pain is like being in prison in your own house you can go out side but only if your pain doesent stop you and i have watched as 8 years have passed me by with not a dam sole who gives a shit about me i live here in a 10 X 70 cell and pray to god please lord if i must suffer like this just take me lord if you would just forgive me i would i am only 56 but my life is over just because i cannot get doctors to help me even though i have the medical records to prove i am in sever gut wrenching pain why cannot we sue doctors and law makers for our suffering

    1. Lkw says:

      Your problem, NOT the pharmaceutical company.
      Man Up!

      1. Specialist says:

        Oh look, a big Pharma shill.

    2. M Me says:

      PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, use periods to end a sentence. Does one know how difficult it is to follow a story when everything runs together? I understand if you use voice text, that this could happen. The word “period” needs to be spoken when at the end of a sentence. Voice text will properly punctuate. I am not trying to be mean but it makes another person’s ability to read it and understand it a whole lot easier.

      1. Linda sue peterson says:

        Translate we got things to do life instead our punctuation so skip to next story. Smile be ….happy…….

    3. Richard Bray says:

      Your pain is coming from being hooked on pain pills ,,
      Withdrawals from pain meds make you hurt worse than you could ever imagine ..
      Maybe you should try getting on Methadone..
      I hope you get some help for your pain either way ..

      1. Rene says:

        Methadone is just another addictive drug. Not the answer.

        1. janeyt says:

          Methadone is worse!!!

      2. Angie Kowitz says:

        Mr. Bray, Methadone killed 2 of my children. They did not overdose either. At least that is what the coroner said. Be careful what you suggest to people. Best just not to reply. I know that this medication has it’s usage but it was prescribed for breakthrough pain. It took care of the pain and now my grandson does not have his mother. I also realize I am biased.

      3. Sherrie Brown says:

        Please don’t ever advise methadone. You will never get off of it. Withdrawal is 1000 times worse than anything. I know. Tried over and over for 10 years. That was after 6 years on morphine, after 4 years on vicodin/soma combo. For a workers comp injury to my neck, my life was ruined. Should have never took the first pill.

  3. Joel says:

    I have chronic pain and I take opioids for the pain, but I make the choice to do this. Every one wants to blame the company or the doctor, no one forced anyone to take pain medicine, no one forced anyone to fill a prescription. Take responsibility for your own actions!

    1. Lkw says:

      So TRUE!

    2. Specialist says:

      Shilling for big Pharma isn’t a good look. There’s a reason they’re paying out all this money, you know. Maybe you should foray into the situation and research a bit more.

    3. Mgold says:


  4. Maria Padilla says:

    This lawsuit is doing nothing but harming chronic pain Patients like myself. There is no proof they caused addiction. Addiction is an illness. People who suffer in pain are committing suicide because our meds are being yanked. Opioids were NOT a first line in treatment and to claim it was used for off market uses is B’s. EVERY MED IS INCLUDING MAT DRUGS. I would like to sue Whomever is suing Perdu for causing great harm with their lack of scientific evidence. Sorry families lost loved ones but your family members had an addiction problem or were living in great pain they could no longer deal with. Don’t cause others to suffer or families watch their loved ones deteriorating from pain or Suicide

    1. Jon says:

      What everyone seems to be missing here is that this company intentionally mislead people. They marketed OxyContin as a non addictive pain killer and doing so made them criminally negligent. They lied. So if you are upset at how heavily regulated pain medication is you can thank the makers of OxyContin.

      1. Specialist says:

        Glad to see someone else has done a deep dive into Purdue’s actions.

      2. Edna says:

        Now finally someone who “knows” the REAL TRUTH!! They, the Sacklers put in writing, basically that they created a NON ADDICTIVE pain medicine and thats got to be one of the TOP 3 LIES to mankind EVER!!! SPOT ON MY FRIEND!!! I never had any addiction problems via hydros or percs for root canals, minor surgery etc. then I broke my spine the third time and now if I stop taking Sacklers NON ADDICTIVE Oxycontin OP’s, the P being plastic thanks to ALL the drug addicts that don’t have pain and take for God knows why, now we have to ingest plastic thanks to them and i read they still shoot up. THANK YOU DOPE HEADS, Stick a needle in your arm YOU FOOL You…(as the song goes) People with real pain have to take OP that is NOT nearly as effective as the original formula OC’s with NO plastic. Non addictive my ass!!! Sackler Husband and Wife Oxycontin Killers!!! in more ways than one. All the negative comments are surely coming from JEALOUS under or over achievers that can’t get on board the “Well Deserved” OXY $$$ Train. You should be on OZZY’s Crazy Train anyway because you should NOT speak when you have not been in the shoes of a person that suffers REAL pain thereby making you clueless AND useless on this topic!!!

    2. John Huff says:

      The doctor is currently switch me from opiates to a methadone program on methadone at least 10 years methadone program

    3. Lh says:

      Obviously you don’t understand the real problem. It’s the irresponsible management of the drug once prescribed. In addictive personalities it can easily become misused and abused leading abusers to feel shame and hiding from the problem.

    4. Joel says:

      True every pain medication is addictive, but I would like for you to tell a American veteran that has been blown up by an IED or injured in war to just deal with the Pain, you sir are the real dumb ass here!

    5. Specialist says:

      If there were no proof I’m sure Purde would be taking a trial instead of a settlement. Opioids were ABSOLUTELY the first line in treatment in many instances until as late as the 2010’s(Mainly referring to Coedine, Tramadol, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone). Most people I know had them prescribed for the smallest of pains, and had medicine cabinets filled with excess, and my state isn’t even close to one of the worst. Florida probably takes that prize with the pain mills/clinics.

      These big Pharma companies know what they’re putting out there, going all the way back to Bayer pushing Heroin as a non-addictive alternative to morphine.

    6. Specialist says:

      You do realize a large amount of medicine is already made outside the country, right? And there’s generic anyway, you wouldn’t lose access to pain relief medicine even if Purdue went under.

    7. Kent says:

      What’s sucks is the doctor will proscribed but the GD pharmacy is lie and say they don’t have the medication you need. Then if you do find a pharmacy that will help you they charge 1000 s for your medication. It’s all bullshit.

  5. Sean says:

    I find this as a money grabbing opportunity. Yes I get the addiction.I have had 6 spinal fusions so I am quite familiar with pain. This drug was designed and giving millions an opportunity to and actually live a day or or a couple of hours without pain. If anyone out there reading this that has started the day crawling to the shower to mask the pain from the night before of an hour or two of sleep to try to eak out the morning to try to get on top of the pain so you can actually go to work or playground with your child or grandchild and be an those that do not have a idea of what real pain is. Yes I was prescribed pain pills before it was cool.before all the celebrities started to overdose. And I am fine.I never had the need to take more than what my Dr prescribed. Or surrendered to Heroine. This medication has made my life work. I work and contribute to my family on day’s when the pain is bad I struggle to crawl out of bed..makes me wonder why peaple have a hand out for a company that has helped so many people like myself manage from day to day. I belive you are pointing your finger at the wrong person/company Looking for excuse. It just makes it more difficult for the one’s that are truly in pain that need the help manage true pain.

    1. Daddy says:

      So true I can identify with you Sean.

    2. Jacob says:

      So true.

    3. Babydoll says:

      Amen Sean, i have had the bones in my bottom broken n jammed to had to learn to walk again early in my life by falling into a Orchestra pit 9 ft down and a couple of severe car accidents among other accidents that happen in our normal lives since then i have been diagnosed with disc degegrative disease with lower lumbar fusion surgery with metal rods and screws to hold spine in place and severe to advance rheumatoid arthritis and rayneads phenomenon and celebral palsy disease as two of two years ago i am no longer able to work and without my medications n pain meds taking the edge of the pain i would not be able to lead a half way normal life to be able to finish raising my family so i wish they would quit penalizing those of us that need these medications because of those that dont need them and i can speak from experience of coming from a family thats has addition characteristics in the family that if u follow your doctors instructions you can aviod additive tendencies its a choice we can make i will never be pain free but taking the edge off pain really does help me to still be able to be a functionaable adult for my child cause with said medications i wouldnt b able to get out of bed or be able to walk most days the pain would be unbearable sometimes even with the meds its unbearable to move but the i will take my level of 3 to 4 pain with meds on good days and 6 to 8 Pain on my couple of bad days a week over unbearable of 10 plus pain level without the medication and no movement possible so in my opinion the ones that are dimissing those of use who are disabled and that are in pain they have no ideal what real pain in life feels like and i truly pray they never have to cause i guarntee they wont be able handle it they should ask themselves have they hurt so bad they prayed for the pain to stop by any means necessary I/myself would not wish that on the devil let alone another human being so get off your soap box and quit punishing us disabled for the actions of idiots who cant follow instructions that the doctors give concerning thier health and medications with tratment i would need 24 hr right now but with treatment i am able to prolong my mobility and do for my self and my children Thank God for the Doctors that put care enough to monitor our treatments and keep us going for our families i applaud them Sorry i was never good in English class at punctuation or anything so i apologize for those who will criticize me on my runon paragraph/sentences i say ” JUDGE NOT OTHERS UNLESS YOU ARE WITHOUT IMPERFECTIONS THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE JUDGE IN THIS LIFE AND ITS NOT YOU UNLESS YOUR NAME IS GOD..” OK MY RANT IS OVER SORRY SO LONG AND DETAILED

      1. April says:

        Amen Babydoll !!!
        Never judge another person without walking a mile in their shoes people!!!

    4. Robert Whetstone says:

      After reading this you tell me who is to blame. I worked in the oil field all my life and was injured in my early forties. I was almost pulled into by a air hoist lifting me up to do a easy normal job. The operator of the hoist not looking up at me almost killed me. My boot got caught in a V as I was going up the derrick. The operator never saw me, never looked up until the sole of my boot fell in front of him. My life changed from that moment on. I was in pain from head to toe in a wheel chair for almost a year. I meet this Dr. who said he could help me, he was a pain management Dr. He had started me out on a low dose of Oxytontin 20 mgs. After a short period I was taken 10 eighties a day. You read that right yes 10 eighties a day. 800 mgs a day for the next 8 years and the prescription was coming from Purdue at no cost to me. I was told it was the new drug that would take all my pain away and was not addictive. Well after all my teeth fell out, after a triple bypass, not being able to communicate with my family or friends, falling asleep standing up and much much more I was considered a drug addict and no way in hell remember how I got there. My life was of no value My family and friends looked at me different. With GOD’s help I realized I had to change and over the next 30 years I fought for my life, I am 70 years old have had back surgery, Knee replacement, Hip replacement and waiting on my shoulder to be done all because of that injury 35 years ago and still in lots of pain. Only difference is its so hard to get anything for pain so I suffer once again.

    5. Mgold says:

      I completely agree with you!

  6. Scott G Nielson says:

    We lost our son in 2009 to OxyContin over dose he could not get off of them after many try’s at rehabs an hospital he overdosed.

  7. Stephanie R BARFIELD says:

    My husband was prescribed oxys for cancer back in 07 and by 2013 he was on 200mg every day plus 15mg breakthrough oxys every 4hrs. His ins stopped paying for them switching him to huge doses of morphine now. He will always be on these because of the addiction he has from all the narcotics in the beginning. I’ve watched him go they pure hell with these pills and having to have them and taking extra because he was immune to them. Having to stay up babysitting him so he wouldn’t overdose or cause a fire or hurt himself while “doped” up. Idk if we have a claim but if appreciate info if we are.

    1. Maria Padilla says:

      Did you ever stop to think he has a pain problem and not addiction? Dependency or usage does not constitute addiction.

      1. Robert says:

        Dependency is addiction what is wrong with you people

        1. Specialist says:

          Dependency isn’t addiction actually, but I do agree with you that a lot of people in this comment section are very uneducated on the matter. Especially when it comes to Purdue’s culpability and addiction being a disease.

  8. Dan says:

    My name is Dan. In the early 2000’s I was in Florida on vacation. I was on the beach and hurt my back. I went to a doctor down there and the next 15 yrs of my life are a blur. They prescribed me 40mg OxyContin. Next thing I knew I was there once a month seeing doctors who were prescribing me 220 30mg Roxicet and 220 80mg OxyContin a month. As a result of this I was sentenced to 97 months in federal prison and my addiction has cost me everything. These pills were the ruination of my life and the state of Florida is to blame as well because of their relaxed malpractice laws

    1. Lkw says:

      Yep, good ole American. Blame someone else. NEVER accept responsibility for your actions.

  9. Fred koehler says:

    Was hurt at work and workers comp just jerked things around until i finally got my own insurance involved. Had back surgery in 2009 and w comp settled but they stopped holing up their end. Now have had 5 knee surgeries on one knee including half then. Full replacement and now other knee has been replaced and they need to go back in just 6 months latter. So been on these drugs for years 10/325 1 to 2 tabs every 6hrs for pain lost job because of injury also. Would i qualify

    1. Robert says:

      I am basically crippled because I can not get any relief for the constant pain I am in, why must I pay for others indiscretions

      1. John Huff says:

        always in constant pain right me left and right shoulder lower back and neck

      2. Gracey says:

        I understand, I’ve been there. Took a long time to find a doc willing to prescribe and it always throws me when they ask me to refer people. There was a wait when I started, so it surprises me when they have openings.

  10. ROBERT SWIM says:

    My mother suffered from a flesh-eating bacteria leaving most of one leg crippled, and was on oxycontin until her death, by suicide, however the entire family saw and knew the changes these drugs were creating in personality and addiction, she was not the same person she had been, and this was due, as much to the oxycontin as the disease. More than one DR. recommended she get help to control the addiction, but she refused to give up the drugs

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