Top Class Actions  |  March 3, 2020

Category: Closed Class Actions

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pain killers

Following a bankruptcy filing, consumers who were injured by OxyContin or other addictive opioids manufactured by Purdue Pharma may be able to recover compensation.

The claim program benefits individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

In September 2019, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy after facing significant liability in OxyContin and opioid addiction lawsuits. Following their bankruptcy filings, Purdue launched a $23.8 million ad campaign in order to advertise a claims program.

Under the claims deal, Purdue will pay to resolve the claims in nearly 3,000 lawsuits alleging that their OxyContin and other opioid products were irresponsibly produced. Allegedly, the company downplayed the risks of their opioids and overstated the benefits.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have allegedly died over the past 20 years as part of the opioid epidemic in America.

“A lot of the victims don’t know that they were victimized. They may think that they’re addicts. They may think that they have a moral failing or a character failing,” Ed Neiger, a lawyer for opioid victims, told AP News. “There were people in a boardroom that caused them to become addicted to opioids.”

Although the amount that consumers can collect hasn’t been finalized, compensation may be available to injured parties. A Class Member’s payment will vary depending on the injury they suffered (death, addiction, dependence, lost wages, loss of wages, loss of spousal relationship, etc.).

In order to receive benefits from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form online or through the mail by June 20, 2020. Class Members should include proof of any damages or injuries.

Who’s Eligible

Individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

Potential Award

Varies. Payments have not been estimated, but will likely depend on the damages sustained by consumers as well as the number of claims filed.

Proof of Purchase

Proof of injuries or damages (medical bills, etc.)

Claim Form

NOTE: If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim.

Remember: you are submitting your claim under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. If you’re unsure if you qualify, please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator). If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other open class action settlements you may be eligible for.

Claim Form Deadline

7/30/2020 UPDATED

Case Name

In re: Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 19-23649, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing


Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Purdue Pharma Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC
Grand Central Station, PO Box 4850
New York, NY 10163-4850

Class Counsel


Defense Counsel

Eli J. Vonnegut

If your loved died from an opioid overdose in the last three years from an addiction that began as a legal opioid prescription from his or her doctor, you may have a legal claim.



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334 thoughts onPurdue Opioid Addiction Class Action Settlement

  1. Christina says:

    Shut up you do it all ? or let me guess your an alcoholic lol that use to shoot heroin lol

  2. heather says:

    please add me.

  3. Donald Lee says:

    In my opinion, this so-called “settlement” is a JOKE and a FARCE. How in the hell can one “quantify” the utter damages and devastation these opioids have caused on one’s mind and body over the course of YEARS or that may have caused DEATH? To add insult to injury, these shyster lawyers representing Purdue have concocted this reprehensible so-called “proof of claim” garbage as the deciding factor in this sham “claim”. That means you’ve got to dredge up and parade some of the worst memories of your life and possibly a death certificate before your claim is considered “eligible”? What kind of disgusting, disreputable company would even come up with such a despicable so-called “settlement” as this just to save themselves a few bucks when they’ve made BILLIONS while they were directly responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands of people is incomprehensible!! This Purdue Pharma should NOT be allowed to just get away with these deplorable tactics.

    1. Christina says:

      Amen, You spoke the words my heart felt. No amount of money can ever fix what they have done ever. They are the worst heroin dealers in the world!!!

  4. Heather S. says:

    My mother died in August of 2016 from and overdose to fentynal but was addicted to pain killer’s since 1985. She tried many times to get off of them and it almost killed her several times. It got so bad that she had to start using fentynal for the pain because all the other pain meds did not work. I lost her to her addiction.

  5. Steven A Hall says:

    Ok was addicted for 20yrs.lost everything and everyone I ever had and loved because of my addiction.adds me please

  6. Charissa says:

    It is amazing to me the number of people that claim to be a victim to opioids. Not one of you were held hostage to take these medications and could have stopped at any point in time. Yes, you would have had to deal with the pain that caused your doctor to write the script in the first place, but the doctor didn’t force you to take them nor continue to take them.
    In my opinion, this lawsuit and any other like it are people who choose to blame someone else for making bad decisions. If you shoot someone, its not the gun Mfg fault. If you speed, it is not the car mfg’s fault. If you drink and drive, it is not the alcohol mfg’s fault. The same applies to this. Stop placing blame on mfg’s for stuff such as this and take the blame that belongs to you or your family member. You are not a victim if you made bad decisions!!
    Lawsuits like these only hurt people who suffer from chronic pain and cause them not to be able to get the medication they need.

    1. Tyler Rose says:

      Your and idiot. You need to educate yourself more. How are you trying to compare shooting somebody and blame it on the gun manufacturer. You can’t compare the two things being prescribed medication that they claimed was not addictive then you go ahead and take it as prescribed and then become addicted to it which addiction is a brain disease

      1. James Katterman says:

        I’ve been on lortab sence 2001. Result of botched back surgery. I cant function without them. Been life
        Flighted for suicide.

        1. Carmen Ross says:

          I feel your pain. Botched back surgery in 04 and addicted to percocet. Ended up disabled from a work accident. Now I’m screwed for life and the percocet is the only thing that can get me out of bed. It’s a vicious cycle.

    2. TDean says:

      Charissa: you are a &!&! nut.

    3. Dorothy says:

      Well all I have to say is that your really full of yourself. You don’t have a clue to how this has happened to so many truly innocent victims. I;m a 72 year old woman who never took anything stronger than an Tylenol. Worked hard all my life and when In 1984 I was in a bad accident at work and my spine was damage. One surgery led to eight, the pain was unbelievable. When surgeons could do no more I was sent to pain management. Because the pain was head to toe, beside all the pain I also suffer from migraines on an all day every day basic along with all the back pain. My doctor dish oxycotin and morphine and barbiturates out like it was candy. It started slow but was increased to hundreds a months. I thought that it was normal till one day I went to my appointment and his office was gone, he just vanished. I did not want to do anything that was against the law so I got on the Methadone program. When good for awhile till the meth affected my heart and I suffer from sudden death. My two grandson were able to revive me but I ended up with a pacemaker and 1 year later got infection in my heart with dyeing again being in hospital with a port in my vein and antibiotics for 8 weeks. To much more about my heart and pacemakers to write here. But I heard that the doctor did lose his license. I was someone who was very uneducated about drugs and had faith that the doctors knew what was best for me. Well bottom line is the hospital wean me off of the meth and I’ve been clean for 9 years. We are the victims of these doctors and and the drug makers. So maybe you should try to have some compassion for us because believe me anyone even you can end up in our shoes. Judges, police, lawyers anyone.

      1. Denise says:

        very well said. I to am a injured worker, 03- 2016 on Morphine.. Doctor got fired.. detoxed on my own.. Husband went through HELL !! But ! still here.. My mind will never be right again!!!! Need another surgery, But NO Way am I Taken These Pills Again!!

    4. HC says:

      Epitome of ignorance. Unless you lived it, you can’t fathom it…I pray you never have to go through it to find out.

    5. Tina says:

      I wish I had some ?

    6. Tonya M Nelson says:

      I’m sorry but I have to disagree with several of these comments. There are a lot of people who had no choice but to certain medications for legitimate reasons such as myself. I was born with sickle cell anemia and I was put on strong medication at a young age so I really had no choice in the matter and now as an adult after taking it for so long if I just suddenly stopped it would send my body into a massive shock and the outcome of that would not be at all for anyone.

    7. Accountability says:

      I’ve taken it. And stopped. It’s called self control.

    8. Mgold says:

      THANK YOU!! I’ve been saying the same exact thing!!

  7. Kathryn Hepburn says:

    Kathryn Hepburn = please add me, I’ve been threw hell and back, been on Opioids since 1999. I can not have a normal life without them. I truly understand everyone else comments. So I’m asking PLEASE ADD ME.

  8. Bernadette says:

    God Bless everyone of us that struggle day by day, year by year in the efforts to live pain free and free from addiction. It’s about time these manufacturers are held accountable for the countless lives that are ruined and continues to ruin in one way or another.

  9. lisa Zeffery says:

    My son overdosed n died 4-2-2002 at ageof 20. He took his dads pills../Life has neverbeen the same… He had so much to live for…I hate that word Oxycotin.. Lisa Zeffery

  10. Coleen JOHN says:

    My Mother was prescribed opioids and blood thinners together. When Mom took a bad fall the combination of these two drugs resulted in brain hemorrhage in three different areas of her brain. The doctors told us her brain would continue to swell and she would not make it. She managed to hold on for another year however the fall eventually took it’s toll on her health and she died of heart failure. I am very pleased these drug manufactures are getting sued. They deserve it!

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