Top Class Actions  |  March 3, 2020

Category: Closed Class Actions

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pain killers

Following a bankruptcy filing, consumers who were injured by OxyContin or other addictive opioids manufactured by Purdue Pharma may be able to recover compensation.

The claim program benefits individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

In September 2019, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy after facing significant liability in OxyContin and opioid addiction lawsuits. Following their bankruptcy filings, Purdue launched a $23.8 million ad campaign in order to advertise a claims program.

Under the claims deal, Purdue will pay to resolve the claims in nearly 3,000 lawsuits alleging that their OxyContin and other opioid products were irresponsibly produced. Allegedly, the company downplayed the risks of their opioids and overstated the benefits.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have allegedly died over the past 20 years as part of the opioid epidemic in America.

“A lot of the victims don’t know that they were victimized. They may think that they’re addicts. They may think that they have a moral failing or a character failing,” Ed Neiger, a lawyer for opioid victims, told AP News. “There were people in a boardroom that caused them to become addicted to opioids.”

Although the amount that consumers can collect hasn’t been finalized, compensation may be available to injured parties. A Class Member’s payment will vary depending on the injury they suffered (death, addiction, dependence, lost wages, loss of wages, loss of spousal relationship, etc.).

In order to receive benefits from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form online or through the mail by June 20, 2020. Class Members should include proof of any damages or injuries.

Who’s Eligible

Individuals who were injured by Purdue opioids such as OxyContin before Sept. 15, 2019, or the families of minors or deceased victims.

Potential Award

Varies. Payments have not been estimated, but will likely depend on the damages sustained by consumers as well as the number of claims filed.

Proof of Purchase

Proof of injuries or damages (medical bills, etc.)

Claim Form

NOTE: If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim.

Remember: you are submitting your claim under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. If you’re unsure if you qualify, please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator). If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other open class action settlements you may be eligible for.

Claim Form Deadline

7/30/2020 UPDATED

Case Name

In re: Purdue Pharma LP, et al., Case No. 19-23649, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing


Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Purdue Pharma Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC
Grand Central Station, PO Box 4850
New York, NY 10163-4850

Class Counsel


Defense Counsel

Eli J. Vonnegut

If your loved died from an opioid overdose in the last three years from an addiction that began as a legal opioid prescription from his or her doctor, you may have a legal claim.



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334 thoughts onPurdue Opioid Addiction Class Action Settlement

  1. Belew says:

    1) The “disclosure statement hearing date” was again delayed to 5/26/21. Assuming all approved at that hearing, then all you claimants will be provided (5 weeks from then, approx) with your claim amount and distribution timing with an opportunity to vote on the “acceptability” of it.
    2) All valid claimants should definitely see the new HBO documentary “The Crime Of the Century” which is all about this case.
    3) There has been discussion in this forum about payment “tiers”. Where are you seeing this? Please be specific.

    1. Cassie says:

      My Attorney sent email listing the tiers and the amounts that could be payable

      1. Arletha says:

        I haven’t heard anything from this law firm in months

      2. Shawn Norton says:

        I have not seen this as of yet!

      3. Marie G Cappello says:

        My case manager considering I’ve never got to speak with an attorney my daughter passed away May 6th 2020 I filed this claim before she even passed away do you know to this day that case manager is the worst case manager ever in life she still has not sent me the voting ballot I received a letter two weeks ago the only time I ever get to speak is if I call them and they call me back three days later and supposedly I have one of the best attorneys in the country she won’t explain the tears she won’t tell me what year I even qualify for she doesn’t tell me anything but yet because they don’t have the information to give us but they’re going to tell us what they want us to vote for yes or no yes that makes no sense to me is contradiction it’s like so bad and it is so non-comforting for us suffering people my daughter died and she know what she left behind she left behind her daughter who’s suffering she’s 9 years old she was eight when she died she watched her mother die nine times before she died forever and she just turned nine and she has PTSD and she has anxiety and you know what the doctors want to do keep her on drugs and doped up so she can deal with it this is so sick this country is so sick and these attorneys are f***** up excuse my language how dare they tell us what they think we should vote for when they can’t even tell us what teary fall under or what the amount of money that we would qualify for who are they to say what they think is right if they can’t give us an explanation of anything I don’t even know what to do at this point I’m going crazy I can’t deal with it my anxiety my separation anxiety my hurt my family’s hurt is so hard I just don’t know what to do

    2. Kevin Cox says:

      You can see the tiers by downloading court minutes available on line. Prime Clerk Purdue Pharma. You can read entire trial.48k for od death to 3500 for Quick settlement. We all got jobbed.

    3. nathan trombley says:

      i was turned into a drug addict lost everything went to prison and was on oxycontin at the highest dosage for15 years never told it could hurt or kill me

    4. Tanya Scott says:

      my husband received his documents today to vote, but it has $1.00 for amount of claim. I’m not understanding what this means or what he is voting on. this makes no sense.

      1. Belew says:

        $1.00 is set for claims where the claim amount has not been fully determined yet. It did not say that in your paperwork?

        1. Amy says:

          Did you say yes or no for your vote? After see the $ 1.00 because if you say yes they can send you 1.00 $ because you say yes

        2. Pam says:

          Question: So the $1 in the paperwork will not be your settlement, REGARDLESS of what you vote, correct? They will not hold you to $1 because of your vote?

      2. Cassie says:

        That 1.00 is just for voting procedures

  2. Sherry Best says:

    Frank, the Lawyers get 40% of anything you get, I read top tier was something around 48,000 minus 40% but it could be as low as 3,500, no one’s getting rich off this lawsuit, I myself was disappointed

  3. Belew says:

    What appears to have been sent out is a “disclosure notice”. A plan is being put in place to provide claimants their clam amount and distribution timing with an opportunity to vote on the “acceptability” of it. There will be a court hearing to go forward with this voting plan on 4/21/21. If approved, the plan is to have voting ballots out to claimants by 5/19/21, with a voting deadline of 7/14/21. Then, the final voting report will be submitted with a final confirmation hearing set for 8/9/21. Any claimants with claim amounts that are not validated will have claim amounts initially set at $1 to eventually be revised to the actual as per details of their claim. Claims that are of questionable validity will be notified of the voting as per the aforementioned 5/19/21 ballot communication, but will not be allowed to vote. However, many likely fraudulent and duplicate claims are currently being deemed invalid with affected claimants receiving that notification as well, as part of the process leading up to the aforementioned 5/19/21 voter communication.

    1. Belew says:

      The 4/21/21 hearing date has been moved out to 5/4/21. Likely all of the other dates in the above post have moved according as well.

      1. Belew says:

        Rescheduled again to May 12, 2021. See above.

    2. Cassie says:

      I received my ballot today to vote on.So they are starting to send them out

  4. Sam says:

    Sick from covid, and im not going po box today, but i have a letter today and wondered if anyone knows what it is.

  5. Belew says:

    Purdue Pharma submitted its bankruptcy restructuring plan on 3/16/2021 in which members of the Sackler family (billionaire owners) have pledged $4.2B from their personal fortune (an increase of $1.3B from the previous offer). Although the family would pay $0.5B up front, the time has been extended from when the balance would be finally paid in full (extended to 9 years). Any one in this forum with valid submitted claims will likely not see settlement checks for many years (most likely 3-6 years, and possibly as long as 9 years).

    1. Roger Pineau says:

      This is first i’ve heard this,
      I’m a top teir plaintiff. Was told by end of 2021 I would be compensated. About to loose everything. Can you give me a site with realtime facts which I can moniter.

      1. Kevin Cox says:

        Roger I have replied. You can download all court minutes.They have a graph. Top tier Dead from OD 48 grand. Addiction with losses(wife services jobs etc) 20-35 thousand. Quick settlement 3500. And they can pay it out over several years. Plaintiffs will get to vote. Watch mail. Nobody getting big money besides lawyers.

        1. Dan says:

          How do you find out what tier you are

    2. Tyler M Schroeder says:

      I’ve been waiting for my Personal Injury Claim to be offered upon. How do I get this done quickly? Accept the $3500 offer? And if so how can I expedite the process? I have grown tired of waiting for this Purdue Pharma nightmare to be over…unfortunately for me I’ve spent the past 23 years addicted to every kind of opioid or substitute within. I’m turning 39 this year and have absolutely nothing to show for my time spent on this planet. I need this part with Primeclerk and Purdue over with if at all possible. You seem knowledgeable in this area and can hopefully point me in the right direction. Thanks for your time Belew…and cool name btw. Hope to hear from you soon (208) 598-1028.

    3. darrell chrisco says:

      We should all be awarded money out of This initial amount and giving a check each time the sackler family is required to make a payment or whatever. It’s very unfortunate this has affected me in ways that have put me in hardship for the last decade, I’m tired of living like this! Struggling everyday, while the sackler family even after admitting the wrongdoing still lives in multimillion dollar homes wanting for nothing, ever except for an easy way out of all this. I had to do my time, they should have to do theirs, not buy their way out on paper just to continue to screw people around. We the people in this class should be receiving at least a million, each, screw tiers. And there’s more than enough money $1 billion is $1,000 million I feel like they could afford 12+ billion, especially knowing that during the years just the drug oxycontin was marketed they brought in what 8 billion dollars a year or better there’s plenty of money they just won’t have their multimillion dollar homes and live like gods.

  6. Kimber Coates says:

    I just read that Purdue is asking for another 4 million for fees…Omg my son still has no head stone. Totally messed up

    1. kevin cox says:

      Read today payouts to individuals will MAX out at 48k. What a joke. Payouts start at 3500.

      1. Frank Fletcher says:

        What a joke. I had better be in the top tier after 20 years & losing everything 250grand min.
        Got them all the info. they get 40%.

        1. kevin cox says:

          Will say again. I read court minutes. Anyone can. They have a chart. OD DEAD 48 grand, addicted 20-40. Took pills want quick settlement 3500. You can download thousands of pages All there. They are insulting us. We do vote though to accept or not.

          1. kevin cox says:

            And btw they pay it out over 7 years.

          2. Cassandra Westfall says:

            Its terrible how they are doing this i was in pain management from 99 to 2010 was prescribed many of their opiods dr said wasnt addictive lasted longer I became addicted I live in chronic pain today as I write im never ever going to be able to take a narcotic again it took me to a place I never want to go again.

          3. Annoyed says:

            Perdue law firm Is a joke. They refuse to return any emails or messages, refuse to advise me of the information they have regarding the case details. And have left out half of my prescription records, when I was under the assumption when I signed a medical related this is what they were gathering! Had I known that you could submit directly to the court I would have done this on my own! I want out of the contract with them, they are getting 40+% for literally NOTHING!

        2. Jenna says:

          I left one day and never came back home. I was found after 9 hours after the ppl I was with got rid of my body. I was thrown and left lying in such a bad position that my circulation was cut off and all my leg muscles died. I was brought to the ER by the two strangers that found me. When the PM took me out of my SUV and laid me flat, all that death was flowing in to the rest of my body immediately putting me into cardiopulmonary arrest for 8 minutes. That is a very long time to be dead. They revived me and took me straight to surgery to remove all my leg muscles from my knee down. Compartment syndrome/drop foot. I was in a coma for two months. I had 10 surgeries the first 3 weeks. Kidneys completely failed, major blood clots all over, unidentified jane doe, severe neuropathy, all I could move when I woke up was my eyeballs. A hole in my head, cut all my hip length hair off, lungs collapsed, life support. They finally found my mom. They decided to pull the plug and that is when I woke up. There was a preacher there with some family members ready to read my last rights. I’ll never forget how awful that feeling was. It is indescribable. I thought I was tied down but wasn’t couldn’t scream tubes down my throat and my mother stood beside me dying with me. I will be horrifically haunted by that until the end of time. I am permanently disabled now. I’m a fighter tho, I still strive to succeed. I won’t lie, I sure miss the old me.

          1. Jenna says:

            48,000 isn’t even enough to try to fix one leg. That’s a big bummer

        3. Annoyed says:

          Perdue law firm Is a joke. They refuse to return any emails or messages, refuse to advise me of the information they have regarding the case details. And have left out half of my prescription records, when I was under the assumption when I signed a medical related this is what they were gathering! Had I known that you could submit directly to the court I would have done this on my own! I want out of the contract with them, they are getting 40+% for literally NOTHING!

  7. Linda sue peterson says:

    That was a sad story only if your pity party wasn’t full bullshit. I’m never online and saw this advertisement of this suite but people don’t pay no attention because it May be a bogus story. So I’m not a junkie nor probably over half of these people are these are people that lost a person like death like their babies their children their dears are there that bill those junkies may not mean crap to you but they do us. So you should take your better attitude somewhere else because that’s your fault that you’re broke and you were all that hard Boblo blah and pain medicine this and that and all that crap that you wrote and you’re just mad because you didn’t read the advertisement on Facebook Instagram Twitter Google everywhere and they even extended it so there was one group and then they opened it up to a whole Nother group so you’ve had plenty of time to respond so you’re just bitter because we might get a dollar. Do you lose a child and you bury them and you call these people Jenkees you’re a junkie for not think they are different terms of junkies huh you keep going back all these years when we know that you spell the seller know this or that and now you’re mad that you can’t get you a dollar that’s makes me sick I’ve lost someone I lost the home I lost my job I lost everything I like an hours do you get a year so you take your little 20 years and 7-Up your old man but Go to make sure to save these and save your user ID or whatever this is because when I get my check and happy dance and I will send it to the old beater man so you need to watch your mouth what you say to people on here what do you lose a kid or grandkid you know it’s gonna come down your line and your family then that family members not gonna be a junkie to you but they’ll be a junkie that is bitter old man. Go soak in your Bitterness and all these people on here just read this crap over and over again when you get a check make sure you send a bitter old man a happy dance chicken dance to him so we can remind him that he’s 20 years and shit

    1. Sherry Best says:

      What’s sad is that people will be paid in tiers, the top which is death, yeah you may get a little money but then your lawyer gets 40%, the lowest tier is only 3,500, so think about 3,500 minus 40%, I hope people don’t think they are going to get bank out of this cause none of us are, I’m sure all of us have a bad story to tell, and it’s sad that some people think this money will fix things but it’s not that kind of lawsuit, one of the top tiers is 48,000 dollars, then minus 40% and you walk with the rest.
      I wish all the best to you all

  8. Jason says:

    This is bullshit I literally saw one ad about this lawsuit and it was after it apparently closed so wtf…

  9. Ben says:

    I like the way u put it out there, my kind of man. I have been on 3 kinda of opioids. This shit has changed my life for the worst, wife relationship, friends, and other family. If u find a law firm that could get us a settlement , please let me know, thanks Ben.

    1. Melissa Nardi says:

      I’m in the same boat filled out paperwork for class action against Purdue and all of a sudden it’s been settled and I didn’t get crap but now I’m on a moriphine pain pump !! And I hear there is a class action for those – pain pumps

      1. ARTHUR A KELLY. Jr says:

        Is there

  10. Lori says:

    I submitted a claim in June of 2020 but the inly documents I have is a letter from my Doctor that states I am physically dependent in Oxycodone and have been for 26 years.. he has only been my Doctor for 4 years as they shut them down right and left where I live. My first doctor got in some severe trouble over the quantities he prescribed me and one other patient. I am so stuck between that rock and a hard spot !! I dint know which way to turn anymore. I’ve barely been keeping my head above water.
    How do I turn in any additional claim supporting documents.

    1. Timothy J Petri says:

      Pharmacy records and or bottles you may still have..

    2. Tim Fisher says:

      Did you get an attorney? They take 40% but will help with all the little stuff and especially finding records. If you filed on your own one might take over or help. Big Firms are representing many, including me> I have been through it all since ’98 when Doc showed me the new non addictive pain killer called oxycontin. Good luck!!

    3. Linda says:

      If you have pharmacy names is Allie gave

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