Brigette Honaker  |  March 20, 2020

Category: Legal News

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A boy sulks while his dad watches.

Every medication carries with it the risk of side effects. With some medications, however, these side effects are more serious than others.

What are Risperdal’s Side Effects?

Side effects of Risperdal include diabetes, heart problems, obesity, and enlarged breast tissue, causing many physicians to shy away from prescribing the drug as a treatment option for children if other options are available.

While Risperdal’s most common side effect is weight gain, more severe side effects could be harmful to a child with a developing body and systems, as the drug impacts prolactin production. Doctors should always monitor a child’s health data before and after prescribing Risperdal to ensure that the risks don’t outweigh the benefits.

What is Risperdal Used For?

Risperdal  has been approved to treat autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The drug has been connected with multiple side effects however, including vomiting and rashes, in addition to adverse reactions when the user stopped the drug, such as rapid heart rate and restlessness.

Is Risperdal Safe for Other Uses?

One of the most common ways for side effects to be categorized after a drug is on the market is when doctors prescribe it for off-label uses. For example, Risperdal is not approved to treat anxiety, but a patient might be given the drug for that condition and therefore experience side effects that were not captured in clinical trials.

Is Gynecomastia a Common Risperdal Side Effect?

Risperdal increases the levels of prolactin in the body. Prolactin is tied to breast growth. With some patients, this can cause a spike to abnormal levels.

For females, prolactin is necessary for breast milk production and can also enhance breast development. For young men, however, this Risperidone side effect can cause gynecomastia, or breast tissue development. Hundreds of boys who took this medication after getting a prescription from their doctors have developed the condition. As it is the development of breast tissue, it does not necessarily go away with stoppage of the drug.

A 2015 study from University of British Columbia researchers found that the risk of gynecomastia with Risperdal users is significant.

The study examined over 400,000 males between the age of 15 and 25. In this group, there were 1556 cases of gynecomastia. Upon analysis, current users were shown to have four times the risk of developing the condition when compared with non users. When children and adolescents under the age of 18 were analyzed, they were found to have a five times higher risk of developing breasts.

Based on these results, the researchers concluded that “risperidone is associated with an increase with the risk of gynecomastia in adolescent and young adult males.”

Why is Prolactin a Problem?

While gynecomastia is perhaps the most well-publicized side effect of Risperdal, it’s not the only one. Prolactin can also impact metabolism, and cause a lost period in female patients, or milky nipple discharge in either male or female patients.

Because of the link between Risperdal and gynecomastia, patients should be aware of the early warning signs and report concerns to their doctor as soon as possible after experiencing nipple tenderness or growths under the nipple.

Have Any Patients Filed Lawsuits?

Due to the serious side effects reported by those males using Risperdal, some patients have taken the next step to file litigation against the drug’s manufacturer for damages caused and for pain and suffering.

These patients claim that the manufacturer knew or should have known about the possible risks and chose to hide or downplay them in an effort to grow their profits. A recent trial addressing whether Risperidone can cause gynecomastia ended with an $8 billion verdict for the plaintiff. The verdict was awarded in Philadelphia to a Maryland man alleging that he was not properly warned of the risks for gynecomastia with the drug.

Plaintiff Nicholas M. allegedly started taking Risperdal in 2003 when he was 9 years old in order to treat his autism. He claims that he later developed gynecomastia.

“This jury resoundingly told Johnson & Johnson that its actions were deliberate and malicious,” Nicholas’ lawyers said in a statement, according to the New York Times.

“The conduct that the jury saw in the courtroom was clear and convincing that J&J disregarded the safety of the most vulnerable of children. This is an important moment, not only for this litigation, but for J&J, which is a company that has lost its way.”

In addition to the $8 billion in punitive damages, the man was awarded $1.75 in compensatory damages – different to previously awarded compensatory damages of $680,000 in March 2016.

Are There Any Government Warnings for Risperidone?

As of 2005, the makers of Risperdal were required to update their package labeling to include a black box warning. That particular warning was about a higher risk of premature deaths for elderly people who had a dementia psychosis condition. There is no warning for risk of gynecomastia.

Join a Free Risperdal Side Effects Lawsuit Investigation

If you or your son took Risperdal and experienced any of the following Risperdal side effects listed below, you may qualify to pursue compensation for your injuries:

  • Male breast growth
  • Man boobs
  • Gynecomastia
  • Painful breasts
  • Nipple pain
  • Nipple discharge

See if you qualify by filling out the form on this page for a free case evaluation by a Risperdal gynecomastia attorney. 

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