Anne Bucher  |  July 12, 2016

Category: Consumer News

police officer unpaid overtime lawsuitA class action lawsuit has been filed against President Obama and several others who have allegedly incited supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement to injure or kill law enforcement officers.

Plaintiff Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor, has also named Attorney General Eric Holder, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Al Sharpton and several leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement as defendants in the BLM class action lawsuit.

“Those defendants have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers, Jews, and Caucasians,” Klayman alleges in the BLM class action lawsuit.

According to the BLM class action lawsuit, the defendants have “publicly incited people to violence with the fiction that police officers and other law enforcement (including many black and minority police officers) are intentionally and systematically targeting and hunting blacks and other minorities to kill them for no reason other than racism or sport.”

Klayman accuses the defendants of inciting violence by promoting a false narrative that blacks and other minorities are being arrested and prosecuted disproportionately to the crimes that they have actually committed.

He asserts that the vast majority of crimes are committed by repeat offenders and that the efforts of BLM supporters are causing dangerous offenders to be released back onto the streets.

The Black Lives Matter class action lawsuit asserts that the defendants consistently condemn the injury or death of black people, “but almost never white people,” thus sending the message that it is acceptable to kill white people.

According to the BLM class action lawsuit, the defendants’ actions resulted in the tragic killing of five police officers on July 7 in Dallas during a rally protesting police killings of two black men. The complaint also lists several other police killings that were allegedly tied to the defendants’ incitement of violence against law enforcement officers.

“Without the false propaganda from Defendant Obama and Defendant Holder that blacks and black Muslims are being intentionally hunted, targeted and/or disproportionately arrested based on race, the waves of violence would not be occurring,” Klayman alleges.

He launches similar allegations against the other defendants.

Klayman’s BLM class action lawsuit charges the defendants with Deprivation of Civil Rights: Aiding and Abetting Murder, Conspiracy to Deprive Plaintiffs of Civil Rights: Right to Life and Liberty, violation of the Fifth Amendment, Terrorist Promotion of Gang Activity under Florida law, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Klayman seeks to represent a Class of law enforcement officers of all races and ethnicities, “as well as relevant Jews and Caucasians also threatened and targeted by the Defendants’ ignited race war, who reside in the United States.”

He is seeking compensatory and actual damages in excess of $500 million (or $1.5 billion in trebled damages), punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and other relief deemed appropriate by the court.

Klayman is the founding attorney of Freedom Watch Inc. and he is representing himself and putative Class Members in this BLM class action lawsuit.

The Black Lives Matter Class Action Lawsuit is Larry Klayman v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al., Case No. 3:16-cv-02010, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

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87 thoughts onBlack Lives Matter Movement Incites Violence, Class Action Says

  1. Diane says:


  2. Diane says:

    Amen CP

  3. Sara Verdick says:

    Stupid. BLM is a radical violent organization that needs to be stopped.

  4. Ms. Lady says:


  5. Kathy says:


  6. Bobby V says:

    The people that are named in this lawsuit are exactly the problem in this day and age of racial tensions and killing of law endorsement, May I tell Eric Holder that crime in this Country is Disproportionately done by black people, that is why they are disproportionately arrested for crimes and fill our prison system.I am seeing bad things for the black community if things keep up the way they are.The white and other races do not get in the streets and demonstrate when our white thugs get killed by police nor do we march for our white trash thugs, We say throw them in jail or if need be, they fight back they need to be shot and that is exactly what happens to them and you do not see us crying about scum bag white lives. It amazes me how much uproar when a black is shot by law enforcement when they are killing themselves way more then white people do with the police combined, Thats where they should direct their rage.If the black thugs are looking for a race war, well there will be no doubt about who will win that one.

  7. Candy says:

    Next, CAL will be endorsing Trump…Politics, really? Unsubscribe is my next step.

  8. Donald Lee says:

    This is, undoubtedly, the STUPIDEST, RIDICULOUS, most ASININE so-called lawsuit I have EVER heard of. Even MORE unbelievable, is the fact that some of you posters are condoning this GARBAGE. Do you know ANYTHING about the BLACK LIVES MATTER Movement other than what someone else might have told you or what you might have seen or read in this so-called media? Contrary to what you THINK you know or may have been told, BLM is NOT anti-cop. What BLM is against, and what ALL people of good conscience SHOULD be against, is this constant MURDERING of Black people by some of these cops for little or no reason, and with impunity, AND, NOT being held ACCOUNTABLE for their MURDERS by this so-called justice system just like any other CRIMINAL would be. STOP giving in to your innate FEARS and PREJUDICES and STAND WITH BLM for JUSTICE!!!

    1. Diane says:


    2. Douglas Palmer says:

      Like the guys in Detroit, Ferguson, Baton Rouge, adinfinitum..! All criminals committing crimes and not following lawful orders of the officers making the arrests! You want to play accept the consequences!!

    3. Debra J says:

      Amen, Donald Lee. Very well said.

    4. K Smith says:

      A racist person wouldn’t understand although I agree with you. Intelligence is very rare these days. Very sad the self hate that still exist. Just a bunch of ugly evil people in this world. It’s in their DNA, they can’t help themselves but to pick on people, think they are perfect and get away with murder. It’s clear more and more people are conscious as to what’s really going on and finally doing something about it by taking a stand and forming political movements. BLM!

  9. CP says:

    This is the first politically motivated info I have seen on this website. Why didnt you publish the lawsuits lodged against Obamacare, if you were so concerned about us consumers? Or did I not get that email?

  10. Carolia says:

    Sign me up for this suit!!

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