Anne Bucher ย |ย  July 12, 2016

Category: Consumer News

police officer unpaid overtime lawsuitA class action lawsuit has been filed against President Obama and several others who have allegedly incited supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement to injure or kill law enforcement officers.

Plaintiff Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor, has also named Attorney General Eric Holder, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Al Sharpton and several leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement as defendants in the BLM class action lawsuit.

โ€œThose defendants have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers, Jews, and Caucasians,โ€ Klayman alleges in the BLM class action lawsuit.

According to the BLM class action lawsuit, the defendants have โ€œpublicly incited people to violence with the fiction that police officers and other law enforcement (including many black and minority police officers) are intentionally and systematically targeting and hunting blacks and other minorities to kill them for no reason other than racism or sport.โ€

Klayman accuses the defendants of inciting violence by promoting a false narrative that blacks and other minorities are being arrested and prosecuted disproportionately to the crimes that they have actually committed.

He asserts that the vast majority of crimes are committed by repeat offenders and that the efforts of BLM supporters are causing dangerous offenders to be released back onto the streets.

The Black Lives Matter class action lawsuit asserts that the defendants consistently condemn the injury or death of black people, โ€œbut almost never white people,โ€ thus sending the message that it is acceptable to kill white people.

According to the BLM class action lawsuit, the defendantsโ€™ actions resulted in the tragic killing of five police officers on July 7 in Dallas during a rally protesting police killings of two black men. The complaint also lists several other police killings that were allegedly tied to the defendantsโ€™ incitement of violence against law enforcement officers.

โ€œWithout the false propaganda from Defendant Obama and Defendant Holder that blacks and black Muslims are being intentionally hunted, targeted and/or disproportionately arrested based on race, the waves of violence would not be occurring,โ€ Klayman alleges.

He launches similar allegations against the other defendants.

Klaymanโ€™s BLM class action lawsuit charges the defendants with Deprivation of Civil Rights: Aiding and Abetting Murder, Conspiracy to Deprive Plaintiffs of Civil Rights: Right to Life and Liberty, violation of the Fifth Amendment, Terrorist Promotion of Gang Activity under Florida law, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Klayman seeks to represent a Class of law enforcement officers of all races and ethnicities, โ€œas well as relevant Jews and Caucasians also threatened and targeted by the Defendantsโ€™ ignited race war, who reside in the United States.โ€

He is seeking compensatory and actual damages in excess of $500 million (or $1.5 billion in trebled damages), punitive damages, attorneysโ€™ fees and other relief deemed appropriate by the court.

Klayman is the founding attorney of Freedom Watch Inc. and he is representing himself and putative Class Members in this BLM class action lawsuit.

The Black Lives Matter Class Action Lawsuit is Larry Klayman v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al., Case No. 3:16-cv-02010, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

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87 thoughts onBlack Lives Matter Movement Incites Violence, Class Action Says

  1. Trisha Hubbard McFarland says:

    I hate dirty copsโ€ฆ they think they are above the law and can kill whoever they want to kill. THEY are the ones inciting violence against all the good cops of every colorโ€ฆ and most cops are good cops.

  2. Casia says:

    I think this lawsuit is a good thing. Obama is going to start a race riot if he continues saying the things he does.

  3. Angela says:

    This is crazy.

  4. Top Class Actions says:

    Here at Top Class Actions we aim to bring you the latest class action lawsuit news. However, this does not mean that the lawsuits we report on is a reflection of our position on current issues.

    1. Winston says:

      Iโ€™ve never seen this type of lawsuit before on your website, I thought of your organization as professional and serious about helping people, but this propaganda is not helpful for any person of color. An attack on the only black president and black lives matter! Really you have an issue with black lives?โ€ฆโ€ฆ

      1. Douglas Palmer says:

        Winston,Your response is a perfect example of the lack of your capabilities to think for yourself, look at the history of slavery in America/United States and for an opinion based on fact not fiction!

  5. G. Swartz says:

    This class action should be expanded to everybody targeted by BLM movement.

    1. Michael Stevens says:

      Have you been targeted? Anyone you know? How?

      1. Catsintrouble says:

        I am white skinned, even though I am of Sioux heritage. Being white makes me a target of this hate filled racist movement filled with people that should be going to work every day, not blocking traffic, sucker punching and murdering those that do. This action will probably not go too far, but it brings to the attention of our flawed legal system to try to do something about it. Pay them for slavery imposed upon them by their own kind? Not going to happen any more than the tribes of Native Americans will be paid for the genocide and land grabbing done to them. The blm should either go to school or get a job, and stop whining about the situation they have put themselves into. They are doing no good for any American.

  6. mason says:

    We need to sue the KKK and get money from all the banks former slave ships then too as a black race ,if this goes anywhere .

    1. Eddie says:

      The KKK was sued already Mason. Google KKK and Tuscaloosa Alabama. They took everything they had, even an old run down cabin in the woods.

      1. rawdog34 says:

        That was back in the 80โ€™s.

        1. heyitsme says:

          Because it was in the 80s, does that mean it doesnโ€™t count or something?? Did it happen? Yes, so therefore, his comment applies. smh

    2. Sara Verdick says:

      Your remarks are stupid. The slaves were brought to America by the Dutch and sold to the southern plantation owners. Their own people sold them to the Dutch. Why pick on the white people of today for what happened years ago. The Black Lives Matter is a radical violent organization that needs to be stopped. It is proven that blacks committee more crimes than whites.

    3. Tom says:

      Why not sue the Muslims that operated the slave markets

    4. Sara Verdick says:

      Stupid remarks

    5. LaToya Dawkins says:

      Amen Michaelโ€ฆ I guess I should start a class action suit against the KKKโ€ฆ Then weโ€™re evenโ€ฆ

  7. Rachel Parks says:

    Huggs Yall!

  8. Rachel Parks says:

    TCA must post all of the potential claims to help us consumers, how many of you would rather turn over your checks youโ€™ve collected over the years? They are just the informing party. Hang in there and see where this case goes please! Every American is struggling right now but yall please donโ€™t bite off the hand that feeds you. Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™m not wrong in this, anyone else? Politics or not, TCA has the right to inform the public and has helped us over the years.

    1. mason says:


    2. Michael Stevens says:

      Rachel: re-read your first sentence: TO HELP US CONSUMERS. How does this help any consumers at all? This is not related to any consumers, nor will offer any settlement to anyone. It is nothing but a stunt. Of course TCA has the right to post whatever they want, it is their blog after all. I am just questioning whether posting a lawsuit as absurd as this helps connect any consumers to any settlement, as reads the motto of TCA (look at the logo at the top of the page if you would like).

      1. Cri says:

        Yes, Im questioning their motive also.

  9. Betty says:

    Ridiculous should be suing Trump fore targeting everyone even the handicap

    1. Dean says:

      Trump never insulted a handicap? That was a very well known obnoxious reporter who hides behind his disability to get his way and create false stories. That makes it hard on us who have a disability and want to be treated like normal people.

    2. Cheryl Butler-Adams says:

      Betty if only we could sue for stupidity!! Lol

      1. Paula BREWER says:

        I just want to live in PEACE with everyoneโ€ฆ.STOP THE VIOLENCE

    3. Garth says:

      Trump will be our NEXT President. Canโ€™t wait to kick the black family out of public housing in January.

  10. Michael Stevens says:

    I am certain this suit will go very farโ€ฆ What a ridiculous lawsuit! And TCA, do we really need to report on suits like this? I thought the purpose of the site was to help people affected by settlements be aware of relevant cases. I do not see who this could be relevant for.

    1. Eddie says:

      Larry ( Klansman ) Klayman strikes again. Just google the guy thatโ€™s all I can say.

      1. John P. Hurabiell says:

        So, you disagree and immediately resort to invective. Pretty damn childish.

        1. Michael Stevens says:

          I think the irony of your comment escapes you, John.

        2. Eddie says:

          John are you an Right Wing Republican or just someone who hates Barack Obama. Did you take the time to look up Klayman? He files a lawsuit against Obama every chance he gets. The Southern Poverty Law Center even has a file on the guy. What do you find Childish about what I said?

          1. Kss says:

            wow sean, you are so disrespectful of womenโ€ฆ.BLM have caused a lot of folks not to be able to exercise there constitutional rights to peaceful assembly by threatening violence to all who are not of their mind set, i feel violated by blm, i cant go to the convention in Cleveland for fear of being sucker punched in the face by some man that has no respectโ€ฆ.hmmmโ€ฆ. I AM ALL FOR THIS SUITEโ€ฆ.obama is the instigator here and should be held accountable

        3. AJ says:

          Ill sign on to this!

          1. Ajs says:

            Iโ€™ll be more than happy to sign this one. This black lives matter is the one thatโ€™s racial. President Obama is racial. Sense he has been president we have had so much violence between black and white and the police its rediculous. Iam glad we have police. I think police officers should be paid more and more of them. And if some certain people would not act the way they do this would not have to be.

      2. mike says:

        your President has disgraced this Nation and every principle that it was built had 8 years ITS OVER. I am a Vet so I feel I have a voice and can speak iโ€™ve seen it and I felt it above and beyond what he does that the media carries he gives us a 1.5 % raise and has the audacity to ask for a special 1 time 19.6 % raise for his retirement which includes wife and kids. he has opened the gates of Hell to our country and has turned every piece of our history that built this country into secondary principles America has its problems, lazy,spoiled and self centered but its still the best place on earth and thank God we have made it and are the out. Stop being a Hater and step into reality, life is much better..

    2. Cheryl Butler-Adams says:

      Lmao right! If I canโ€™t sue the USPS for giving my cellphone to another address surely this too will fail! Just clogging up our judicial system!!! FYI POTUS never uttered these words. 15 mins began at he clerks stamp! Smdh

    3. Cj says:

      I agree!!!!

    4. Diane says:

      I agree. That is absolutely ridiculous

    5. P. Staudt says:

      As a former Law Enforcement Officer injured in the line of duty, lost a partner and cousin in the line of duty I must reply to this. Both deaths and my injuries were because we were serving & protecting lives without thought to our own safety. Every brother in blue serve with the same devotion and commitment to how important our oath is and the knowledge that only another brother in blue will run into danger to save you. In my case, my life was saved by a citizen that ran to my rescue. However, we never faced people that made false statement of facts that in my opinion only want to revenge the deaths of blacks in the commission of criminal activity! They NEVER stand up for the injustice to black lives that were victims at the hands of other black that are criminals. I will never say that because a man is white that he cant be arrested for his crimes of other whites or blacks. To call for the deaths of all Police Officers in revenge is insane and needs to be brought to the publics attention. Not to is an injustice to the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, and children that lost their family member from such actionsโ€ฆ

      1. Debra J. says:

        P. Staudtโ€ฆ.Noone is calling for the killing of police officers. There are people of all races who take the law into their own hands for a plethora of reasons. There are black on black crimes, white on black, white on white, latino on latino and the list goes on. HOWEVER, when it is your duty to protect and serve, killing ANYONE when it is not warranted, someone has to stand up! If the first thing you do is pull out your gun and shoot, at a simple traffic stop, then something is definitely wrong. I know that police officers are trained to use certain methods to subdue a person. There is NO denying that shooting a person in the back while they are running away is WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL. Thanks to smart phones and even smarter people, you can now have access to such incidents via You Tube and many other websites. I am completely against the killing of any innocent person, civilian or law enforcement. Everyone deserves to go home to their families at the end of the day. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly regardless of race, religion, ability or disability. Every personโ€™s life is precious.

        1. danny says:

          I agree but BLM did call for the killing of police officers when they marched and stated โ€ โ€œWhat do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now! โ€ฆโ€ as well as the โ€œPigs in a Blanket, Fry like Baconโ€.. I am not for anyone killing others unwarranted but the media skews things for ratings not the truth. Videos/cell phones can sometimes only show a portion of the reality that occurs. If you have ever watched a movie that shows one point of view and you come to one conclusion only to watch till the end and it shows a totally different perspective that you never saw.

    6. Mimi Cummings says:

      Exactly.. Shaking my head!

    7. Martin halley says:

      Everybody has there say letโ€™s agree on that

    8. Martin says:

      This is the lawsuit said yes

    9. Garth says:

      Thank you for posting this article on an important class action lawsuit. This is relevant to all Americanโ€™s who feel this President, Al Sharpton and the racist Farrakhan, collectively have incited more hate and violence against the men and women in blue who dedicate their lives to protect all freedoms. Furthermore, the statistics spewed by those above were false concerning black men were disportionately singled out by police officers. Explore the truths and donโ€™t believe their hype.

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