Laura Pennington  |  September 12, 2018

Category: Legal News

Colored MRI scan of brain, illustrating Zinbryta encephalitis casesThose patients who received a diagnosis of Zinbryta encephalitis might be surprised to realize that this significant side effect can impact their life for many years to come. Most people who used the drug and have read some of the initial medical reports want to know what is encephalitis and how can it ffect their lives.

In short, encephalitis refers to an inflammatory brain disorder that can be developed from several different causes, one of which has been linked to patients receiving the medication Zinbryta for the management of MS symptoms.

Recognizing Zinbryta encephalitis effectively and quickly is extremely important for anyone who has been using the medication, Zinbryta. Despite the fact that Zinbryta has been voluntarily recalled from the market, patients who previously used this medication might develop Zinbryta encephalitis.

What Is Encephalitis?

Encephalitis is a medical condition referring to inflammation of the brain. There are many different causes of encephalitis, which can include viral infection. Zinbryta encephalitis is a risk faced by users of the multiple sclerosis drug, Zinbryta. Typically, encephalitis causes flu-like symptoms and signs like a headache or a fever.

Other problems have been reported, including seizures, confused thinking or problems with movement and senses. Those patients needing to know what is encephalitis may wish to discuss this directly with their doctor to determine an appropriate diagnosis.

The Connection with Zinbryta Encephalitis

If you or your loved one has already been diagnosed with encephalitis after taking the medication Zinbryta, you could have grounds to participate in a Zinbryta lawsuit investigation. AbbVie and BioGen, the manufacturers of the medication, announced in March that they are withdrawing Zinbryta from the market due to concerns over critical inflammatory brain disorders.

A minimum of 12 cases of Zinbryta encephalitis are already reported around the world and three of those have led to fatalities. In 2016, the FDA approved Zinbryta to assist adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. In patients who have multiple sclerosis, the body’s immune system damages and attacks the nerve cells in the central nervous system.

Zinbryta operates by reducing the activity of the cells, involved in attacking the immune system. Unfortunately, however, serious concerns about Zinbryta encephalitis emerged as a result of studies and individual cases reported.

Many of the patients who have already suffered from Zinbryta encephalitis claim that they were never told about the possible risks and were, therefore, not able to connect the flu-like symptoms to a more serious medical condition.

While the drug is off the market, patients who took the medication in the months and years prior should be aware of the risks and be prepared to discuss options with their doctor if unexplained symptoms emerge. Treatment for Zinbryta-related side effects should begin immediately for anyone who took the drug and was impacted.

The FDA is currently working with the manufacturers of the drug to ensure an appropriately organized and streamlined removal from the market across the United States. The European Medicines Agency previously conducted an investigation into 12 different reports of critical inflammatory brain disorders.

Join a Free Zinbryta Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with encephalitis, liver injury, Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), or another complication after taking Zinbryta, you may have a legal claim. Filing a Zinbryta lawsuit or joining this Zinbryta class action lawsuit investigation could help you recover compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and more.

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