Brigette Honaker  |  March 6, 2020

Category: Legal News

Hamster in cageClaims in a PetSmart rodent cage class action were recently trimmed by a California judge who ruled that the plaintiff cannot bring nationwide allegations.

Plaintiff Todd Carpenter filed his PetSmart class action lawsuit in September 2019, alleging the pet supply store knowingly sold pet cages that allowed hamsters and gerbils to chew through the plastic and escape.

Carpenter sought to represent a nationwide Class of consumers who purchased the Living Things Tiny Tales Small Pet Habitats from PetSmart, but these claims were recently dashed by U.S. District Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.

Judge Bencivengo agreed with PetSmart’s bid to dismiss nationwide claims from the class action after finding that Carpenter did not have the standing necessary to bring claims for a nationwide Class under California law.

“That PetSmart sold some Tiny Tales Homes in California does not create a sufficient relationship between PetSmart and California such that it should be subject to specific personal jurisdiction in California for the claims of a nationwide class with no connection to California,” Judge Bencivengo determined.

Judge Bencivengo also noted that California court “has little interest in the claims of non-California plaintiffs.” However, she did state that Carpenter could bring claims on behalf of a nationwide Class in another, more appropriate jurisdiction.

Regardless, the judge found that Carpenter lacks standing to bring claims under state laws other than those in California. He reportedly lacks standing because he has not suffered any injuries that could be linked to these laws.

Both Carpenter and PetSmart have until March 16 to prove why the class action should stay in the Southern District of California.

In his PetSmart class action lawsuit, Carpenter argues that the Living Things Tiny Tales Small Pet Habitats are defective. The rodent cages, which come in a variety of styles such as Comfy House, Country Barn, Barn Silo, Rocket Ship, Amusement Park, Castle, Castle Turret, Race Car, Clubhouse, and Playground, can reportedly be linked together by soft plastic tubes.

Allegedly, the tubes can be chewed through by rodents in their quest for freedom.

Carpenter claims he purchased four of these pet cages to connect to larger cages which previously housed his children’s two hamsters. However, to “the utter horror of Mr. Carpenter and his children,” these Christmas presents reportedly resulted in the hamsters chewing through the connecting tubes and escaping. Carpenter’s children were “completely devastated and deeply saddened,” according to his complaint.

The PetSmart class action lawsuit claims that the pet supply store knew or should have known that the hamster cages were defective. Numerous consumers have allegedly left reviews and complaints on PetSmart’s website. Despite these reports, PetSmart has allegedly continued to sell the products to unknowing consumers.

Did you purchase a hamster or gerbil cage from PetSmart? Did your pet break free from the cage? Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Carpenter and the proposed Class are represented by Christopher D. Moon and Kevin O. Moon of Moon Law APC.

The PetSmart Rodent Cage Class Action Lawsuit is Carpenter v. PetSmart Inc., Case No. 3:19-cv-01731, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

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17 thoughts onJudge Trims PetSmart Escapee Hamster Class Action

  1. Markus Watson says:

    Yep, our hamster has escapes many times by chewing through the soft plastic rings in its Tiny Tales cage. I’ve tried to reinforce it with masking or duct tape, but it keeps chewing through.

    One day it will escape and we won’t find it—until we start to smell it’s dead body.

    My kids love the hamster, but hate that it escapes twice a week.

  2. MONIQUE SYKES says:

    Yes I purchased a Tiny Tales dinosaurs house for Thelma and Louise my 9 yr old sons 2 female gerbils whom chewed there way through it and escaped to be found 2 days later safe but trapped behind refrigerator far away from his bedroom where they were safe. At the time we saw that they were gone my 9 yr old cried for 2 days devastated about how they got out and how Petsmart would sell us a cage that’s they knew gerbils would eventually chew through???? I am tryptophan get a refund but still nothing!

  3. Inali Roberts says:

    This cage isn’t even for gerbils or mice yet on the box it states that is is suitable for them. I work at Petsmart and have adopted and bought at least four gerbils and a hamster in the time since I started there. When I adopted my first gerbil from Petsmart, my former manager told me that plastic enclosure are not for gerbils. Gerbils are the most notorious chewers out of the three rodents. They can chew through PVC pipes with quite ease and the plastic for these enclosure are not even close to that durability. Yet Tiny Tales explicitly sells them for hamster, GERBILS, and mice; it says it on the box of every Tiny Tales. Aren’t hamsters and gerbils illegal in states like California and Hawaii, due to the likely hood of them becoming an invasive species. The Tiny Tales brand is literally enabling environmental destruction and negligence.

  4. Angela jackson says:

    Please add me my granddaughter hamster always escape his cage cages are expensive not made very well for hamsters

  5. Jason Bill says:

    We purchase our daughters teddy bear hampster on May 27th 2020 that not even quite 7 months ago. We purchased the hampster and the tiny homes castle with towers. This morning around 11:00 we found fluffy curled up barely breathing in the corner of her cage she had apparently chewed a piece of one of the plastic tower fasteners and ingested it. About 3 hrs later she died we reached out to a vet and they said there was nothing they could do. These hampster life expectancy is 2-3 yrs not 7 months. Our 9 yr old daughter is devistated and it was this cage that killed fluffy. Fluffy was a very loving hampster who received lots of attention from all of us. I’m mortified that petsmart sold us a unsafe cage for our daughters pet. Needless to say I went and did some digging and came across this class action that I 100% agree with

  6. Sheri Felton says:

    I purchased this for my kids hamsters and hamster chewed it all up add me please

  7. Heather Leyva says:

    Add me

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