Sage Datko  |  November 14, 2019

Category: E-Cigarette

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Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in fogSan Francisco voters concerned about e-cig health risks have declined to vote down a city-wide ban on vaping products.

E-Cig Ban Survives Ballot Measure

Proposition C appeared on the Nov. 5 San Francisco ballot. If the proposition had passed, it would have overturned a city wide ban on the sale of e-cigarettes instituted earlier this year.

However, approximately 80 percent of voters chose to keep the ban in place.

The purpose of Proposition C was to reverse legislation that prohibits the sale of vaping devices within the city that have not completed a review by the Food and Drug Administration. As of early November 2019, no e-cigs or vape pens have been approved by the FDA.

Rather than banning all e-cigs and vape pens, Proposition C would have limited purchases of those products to two devices and five packs of cartridges per in-person transaction, as well as requiring online retailers that ship to San Francisco to apply for a permit to sell those products.

Juul Labs spent approximately $19 million supporting Proposition C until about a month before the vote. Under Juul’s new CEO, K.C. Crosthwaite, the company withdrew support for the measure at the end of September 2019 and released a statement saying that they would cease fighting the San Francisco ban.

That announcement came shortly after Juul Labs said it would stop selling mango, fruit, creme, and cucumber flavored nicotine products in the U.S. The company has often been criticized for selling teen-friendly flavors of popular nicotine products.

Background on E-Cig Health Risks

E-cigarettes have been linked to multiple health risks, including vaping lung illnesses and seizures. These e-cig health risks may be especially dangerous for teens and young adults who use nicotine, as the chemical may have permanent effects on their still-developing brains.

According to the FDA, at least 127 reports of e-cigarette related seizures have been received by the administration. At least 92 of those cases were reported after April 3, 2019, indicating an uptick in the frequency of serious vaping side effects.

Seizures are a known possible side effect of nicotine poisoning. Seizures caused by vaping may be caused by accidental ingestion of e-liquid. Vape users may also accidentally vape more nicotine than they realize, due to the smooth vapor and ease of inhalation. Unlike combustible cigarettes, vape pens make it more difficult for users to keep track of how much nicotine they have inhaled.

If you or your child has suffered from seizures due to the use of vape pens or e-cigarettes, you may be able to hire a qualified attorney and seek compensation from the manufacturers of these devices. Victims who file e-cig health risks lawsuits may be able to collect compensation for injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Join a Free JUUL E-Cigarette Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

If you or your child suffered seizures after vaping with a JUUL e-cigarette, you may benefit from participating in a free JUUL class action lawsuit investigation.

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