Jessy Edwards  |  June 18, 2021

Category: E-Cigarette

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Almost 300 School Districts Join Class Action Lawsuit Against Juul
(Photo Credit: MaryCaroline/Shutterstock)

A school district in Maine has become the 290th district nationwide to join a class action lawsuit against vape giant Juul Labs Inc.

Last week, the Maine School Administrative District 11 School Board voted to join the action against Juul, which produces a range of vaping products, reported

The class action lawsuit is seeking damages to account for the “vaping epidemic” on school campuses around the country. 

According to Frantz Law Group, which is handling the case, the difference between a class action and a mass action lawsuit is that, under a mass action, each school district would be eligible for the true amount of its past and future damages, rather than just a nominal amount.

“The demand package will provide the defendants the true amount it will take to resolve each specific School District’s case,” the firm said in a letter to schools. 

For each school that joins the class action lawsuit, it is seeking funds for schools to deter students from vaping in the future and educate them on the harms of vaping

Those expenses include bathroom vape detectors valued at around $5,000 per bathroom, salaries for supervisors and counselors and educational programs. 

Frantz Law Group is telling the school districts the process involves each district filing its individual action in its local federal court. Within 30 days the case will be transferred to the federal court in San Francisco, California, where all school district cases against Juul will be litigated. 

Meanwhile other consumers, particularly parents whose children suffered from JUUL addictions or side effects, have also taken legal action against the company.  According to many complaints, the company put young consumers at risk.

One Connecticut mother filed a lawsuit against JUUL Labs after her teen-aged son suffered two seizures that she claims were related to his JUUL vaping habit.

Catherine Faulds said her son was just 14 years old when he began vaping with JUUL in October of 2018. She said her son tried JUUL in the first place because the mint and mango flavors both appealed to him, and that he didn’t know then that the JUUL pods contained high amounts of nicotine. 

Even though he only used his JUUL about every other day when he first picked up the habit, Faulds says the nicotine caused her son to become addicted and to use it more often as time went on.

According to the Juul lawsuit, he had his initial seizure in July 2019 while on vacation with his family in the state of Virginia. The lawsuit claims he underwent a lumbar puncture, CT scan, chest X-ray, blood work and other tests while hospitalized. The lawsuit alleges, “Plaintiff G.F.’s seizures and nicotine addiction from JUUL have permanently injured and altered his developing brain.”

In April 2021, plaintiffs secured a small victory when a multidistrict litigation of consolidated JUUL lawsuits escaped a dismissal attempt mostly unscathed. 

If you or a loved one developed heart or lung problems after using e-cigarettes containing nicotine and/or THC, you may qualify to join an e-cigarette lung injury lawsuit investigation. Click here for more information

What do you think of the school districts’ action against Juul? Let us know in the comments!

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One thought on Almost 300 School Districts Join Class Action Lawsuit Against Juul

  1. James says:

    How are people not caring about they’re kids enough to take vaping products away from them the companies fault

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