Laura Pennington  |  December 26, 2018

Category: Apparel

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Saks fifth avenue clothing storeA new Saks class action lawsuit alleges that the upscale department store is falsely advertising the original prices of its clothing and jewelry.

The Saks class action lawsuit seeks to obtain recovery for a California Class of consumers who purchased items from the Saks company based on the original price printed on the item tag.

The lead plaintiff, Johnson Hung, claims that this is false advertising because the original prices listed were never charged for those items.

According to the Saks sale class action, consumers are misled into purchasing clothing and jewelry items from Saks based on the belief that they are saving substantial amounts of money due to a discount.

The Saks fake sale class action lawsuit says that consumers would not have purchased these items if they had known they weren’t getting a deal in doing so.

Hung argues on behalf of himself and other consumers that the defendant, therefore, violated California consumer protection statutes such as the False Advertising Law, the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, and the Unfair Competition Law.

The Saks class action lawsuit states that consumers are sensitive to the quality and pricing for products and that information such as whether a discount is real or inflated are of material importance to modern consumers.

These details are used to help consumers to decide whether to purchase at the current store or to find a competing vendor for jewelry and clothing.

The plaintiff in the Saks class action lawsuit says he purchased a clothing item from the defendant company. The original price of that item was listed on the product tag as $1,280. The plaintiff was led to believe, according to his Saks class action lawsuit, that he would receive an 82 percent discount.

However, as the plaintiff more closely inspected the item in question, an original price of $640 rather than $1,280 was listed. At this point, the plaintiff realized that the misleading tags were promising him far more of a discount than he would actually receive.

The Saks class action lawsuit says that the clothing and jewelry retailer does this in an effort to encourage consumers to make purchases they might not otherwise make.

Hung says that this is an unfair business practice that harms consumers across California and that he attempted to contact the company directly about this matter but received no resolution.

The plaintiff in the Saks class action lawsuit says that the defendant responded to his concerns by stating that they can mark prices on their items in any amount they choose.

Hung, however, says that he and other consumers have been duped into purchasing items they believed were at a significant discount when those prices were only being used as a marketing tactic.

The Saks class action lawsuit seeks to represent potential Class Members who purchased or attempted to purchased Saks products that were marked as discounted far more than the actual discounted rate during the applicable class period.

The plaintiff and proposed Class in the Saks class action lawsuit are represented by Todd M. Friedman, Adrian R. Bacon, Meghan E. George, and Thomas E. Wheeler of the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman PC.

The Saks Fake Original Pricing Class Action Lawsuit is Johnson Hung v. Saks Inc., Case No. 2:18-cv-10594, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

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41 thoughts onSaks Class Action Lawsuit Says ‘Original’ Prices are Misleading

  1. wm Norto says:

    Add me please.

  2. Emma dickens says:

    Add me

  3. Natiya Pope says:

    I spent thousands of dollars on things that was suppose to be on sale

  4. Christina Kauffman says:

    Add me

  5. Savin Roum says:

    Add me!

  6. Karin C Mcnally says:

    Add me please

  7. Susan Macklin says:

    I have spent TOO much at Saks believing I was getting a great deal. I really find it offensive that major retailers get away with this!

  8. Mary Freitag says:

    add me please

  9. Sandra Douglas says:

    Please add me also

  10. Angela Strozier says:

    Add me

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