Close up of Facebook app icon, representing the Facebook class action settlement payouts.
(Photo Credit: Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock)

Facebook privacy settlement payouts overview: 

  • Who: More than 17.7 million people submitted valid claims in the Facebook data privacy settlement.   
  • Why: The $725 million settlement puts an end to claims that Meta — formerly known as Facebook — shared about 87 million Facebook users’ information with a third-party app developer, who in turn sold the data to Cambridge Analytica.
  • Where: Nationwide.

In an eventful final approval hearing, a California judge said he was “blown away” by the 17.7 million claims filed in a $725 million Facebook privacy class action lawsuit settlement

Lawyers for the plaintiffs told U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria that more than 17.7 million valid claims have been filed in the Facebook data privacy settlement — with several million more still needing to be processed. 

According to plaintiff lawyers, each claimant can expect to receive around $30, based on the number of claims that have been filed. Judge Chhabria noted this amount is lower than expected but can be attributed to the unprecedented number of claims filed in the case.

“It’s because such an incredibly large number of people made claims in this case,” the judge said. “I was kind of blown away by how many people made claims.”

Facebook users had until Aug. 25, 2023, to file a claim in the Facebook class action lawsuit settlement; more than 28.6 million claims were filed. However, around 2 million of these claims are duplicates, while 8 million may be fraudulent. Even after these deductions, 17.7 million filed claims is a significant number.

Although the $725 million Facebook deal has attracted widespread media attention and millions of claims, not everyone is satisfied with the settlement. Objectors in the case claim the settlement total is too small based on the number of affected users and that the criteria for payouts laid out in the settlement agreement are unfair. 

These objectors were each given two minutes to argue their cases to Judge Chhabria during the final approval hearing. Plaintiffs’ lawyers hit back against their arguments, saying the objectors ignore the significant risk of litigation when calculating the potential statutory reward of going to trial. 

Class lawyers in the Facebook class action lawsuit need to tell Judge Chhabria the total they will seek in attorneys’ fees from the settlement — a sum that was left out in their motion for attorneys’ fees. 

“We’re just not good at math,” one lawyer joked, calling the issue an “oversight” but stating that a 25% cut of the settlement would amount to almost $180.5 million. 

The $725 million settlement puts an end to claims that Meta — formerly known as Facebook — shared the information of around 87 million Facebook users with a third-party app developer who then sold their information to Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica is a UK-based political consulting firm known for its role in former President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The firm filed for bankruptcy shortly after the Facebook data-sharing scandal was revealed.

Did you submit a claim in the Facebook privacy settlement? Let us know in the comments below.

The settlement class is represented by Lesley E. Weaver, Anne K. Davis, Matthew S. Melamed and Joshua D. Samra of Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP, and Derek W. Loeser, Cari Campen Laufenberg, David Ko, Adele A. Daniel, Benjamin Gould, Emma M. Wright, Daniel Mensher, Michael Woerner, Matthew Gerend, Christopher Springer and Eric Fierro of Keller Rohrback LLP.

The Facebook privacy class action lawsuit is In re: Facebook Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation, Case No. 3:18-md-02843, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

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454 thoughts onHere’s how much the Facebook privacy class action settlement payouts could be

  1. Jacqueline Washington says:

    Though we as customers submit because it was OUR Privacy. Lawyers will get the largest part leaving customers 3-5$ while they collect MILLIONS. LOOK at the Google suite or Tmobile. So yes people will file lawyers get paid and we just watch it happen

  2. Jacqueline Washington says:

    Though we as customers submit because it was OUR Privacy. Lawyers will get the largest part leaving customers 3-5$ while they collect MILLIONS. LOOK at the Google suite or Tmobile. So yes people will file lawyers get paid and we just watch it happen

    1. Virginia montjoy says:

      I can’t bitch about it really I know the lawyers come out smelling like a rose but It comes down to this…if I had went to law school I to may have made millions lol 😂 guess I’ll never know!

  3. Cindy weed says:

    I did claim a long time ago never heard nack

  4. Xenanon says:

    As people have stated on this and other settlements, the amount isn’t a lot compared to what the attorneys get. You guys aren’t thinking big enough. Pool together the $30 from say a million of the 18 million people that settled. Then you have 30 million dollars. Then hire a team in Germany to build a decentralized app where privacy is paramount and do and initial public offering. Each person gets maybe 1,000 shares of the company. It will be a social network to compete against Facebook. The only difference being that people get paid crypto for their data. That is why nobody can ever get ahead because they have us spending 10s of dollars while they spend millions. Think bigger.

    1. I wish says:

      That is a Golden Idea!!!

  5. Lavaughn Perry says:

    Yes it is terrible the justice system. Someone somewhere knows it’s not right why only the attn and whoever handlrs the paperwork are the only ones having a winfall, it could be handle alot differently and the attn would still make a great deal . What kind of settlement is it if if nonenof the wrong caused is made right. Come on where are the smarties stand up. .

    1. Jose says:

      What we have ro do is file a class action lawsuit against the lawfirm , the only ones that make money here, and we should audit tye time and money they really spent on this case ; wich should have been pretty easy since all the prcedence of lawsuits for the same thing filed and have been awarded minimal compensation for and as i say the only ones making the Millions are the lawfirms .

  6. Chris Calanche says:

    I was not notified of this class action lawsuit. Is there some way to file a claim for those of us not notified?

  7. Amber Lahs says:

    I am not totally sure if I put my claim in of someone has time could they please check? My credit score wea ok and steadily getting better but now it needs a life line

  8. Dana Watson says:

    I didnt expect much. But ouch….
    I still had a civil case were i was being sued from a credit card processing company for 130k… the stress of those to years… and 30 $

    Such is life…. smh

    1. LqImgtn says:

      Okay who’s doing the math here… 180 million for lawyers fees! Wtf makes them get so damn much? Anyone can argue a case. It’s tought in middle school and practiced for a grade in th grade. Tell me why any person deserves a 180 million payout? ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WHO ALREADY LINES THEIR POCKETS WITH THE TEARS OF THE POOR AND WEAK AND HELPLESS IN OUR WORLD? YOU MAKE TOO MUCH AS IT IS! EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE RESET… PAY AND COST OF THE WORLD NEEDS TO BE RE-ADJUSTED. (JUST MY OPINION)

      1. Amy says:

        I agree with you to a certain extent, but you really can’t hate on the lawyer it is no one else’s fault, but our own, that we are not lawyers making the money that they are… IJS….💁‍♀️

  9. Martha James says:

    I haven’t received a payment of any kind and I was part of the claim too and I put my claim in before the deadline

  10. Jelly head says:

    It was never gonna be more than around 100-200 dollars. Y’all acting like you expected thousands after millions filed…..

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