Abraham Jewett  |  July 12, 2024

Category: Data Breach
Close up of hands typing on a keyboard with a data breach concept overlay, representing recent data breaches.
(Photo Credit: TippaPatt/Shutterstock)

Data breach class action lawsuits overview: 

  • Who: Class action lawsuits have recently been filed against Intuit, Evolve Bank, CDK Global, Advance Auto Parts, Truist and Panera Bread. 
  • Why: The class action lawsuits revolve around claims involving recent data breaches. 
  • Where: The class action lawsuits were filed in U.S. federal courts. 

Intuit, Evolve Bank, CDK Global, Advance Auto Parts, Truist, and Panera Bread have recently been targeted with class action lawsuits based on recent data breaches. 

The companies are accused of failing to prevent the data breach incidents by having adequate safeguards in place, among other things. 

Intuit failed to safeguard sensitive data during a data breach class action claims 

A consumer filed a class action lawsuit against Intuit earlier this month over claims the company failed to adequately safeguard sensitive data that became compromised during a TurboTax and Credit Karma data breach disclosed in March. 

The class action lawsuit argues Intuit failed to maintain reasonable security standards and failed to adequately train its employees about cybersecurity.

“(Intuit) had no effective means to prevent, detect, stop or mitigate breaches of its systems — thereby allowing cybercriminals unrestricted access to its current and former customers’ (personally identifiable information),” the Intuit class action says.

Class action says Evolve Bank suffered a preventable data breach

Three consumers filed separate class action lawsuits against Evolve Bank over claims the company suffered a preventable data breach earlier this month

The class action lawsuits similarly argue that Evolve Bank stores its customers’ information in a way that makes it vulnerable to a cyberattack. 

“Plaintiff and class members now face a lifetime risk of identity theft, which is heightened here by the loss of Social Security numbers-the gold standard for identity thieves,” the Evolve Bank data breach class action says.

CDK Global bears responsibility for a recent data breach, class action claims

A former California car dealership employee filed a class action lawsuit against CDK Global last month over claims the company bears responsibility for their data being exposed during a recent data breach. 

The class action lawsuit argues CDK failed to safeguard the personally identifiable information stored in its network. 

“Defendant could have prevented the Data Breach… by properly securing and encrypting and/or more securely encrypting its servers,” the CDK class action says.

Advance Auto Parts bears responsibility for data breach identified last month, class action says 

A class action lawsuit was filed against Advance Auto Parts last month over claims the company bears responsibility for a data breach identified in June. The breach affected its employees and job applicants. 

The class action lawsuit argues that the data breach occurred because Advance Auto Parts stored private information on a database that was not password protected. 

“Foreseeably, cybercriminals exploited this obvious vulnerability, exfiltrated Plaintiff’s and Class Members’ Private Information from the database, and then listed this information for sale on the dark web,” the Advance Auto Parts class action says. 

Class action claims Truist failed to adequately safeguard and secure customer info during the October 2023 data breach 

A consumer filed a class action lawsuit against Truist in June, claiming the company failed to properly safeguard and secure its customers’ information during an October 2023 data breach. 

The class action lawsuit argues the data breach allowed the information to fall into the hands of cybercriminals. It further alleges that the incident could have been avoided if not for negligence on behalf of Truist. 

“The Data Breach was a direct result of (Truist’s) failure to implement adequate and reasonable cyber-security procedures and protocols necessary to protect consumers’ (personal identifiable information) from a foreseeable and preventable cyber-attack,” the Truist class action says. 

Panera Bread failed to secure or encrypt servers adequately, class action says

A former employee of Panera Bread filed a class action lawsuit against the restaurant in June over claims it failed to adequately secure and encrypt its servers, leading to a March data breach. 

The class action lawsuit argues that the Panera Bread data breach affects an estimated tens of thousands of current and former restaurant employees. 

The former Panera Bread employee also claims the restaurant waited too long to disclose the data breach to potentially affected individuals. 

“Not until after months it claims to have discovered the Data Breach did Defendant begin sending the Notice to persons whose (information) it confirmed was potentially compromised as a result of the Data Breach,” the Panera Bread class action says. 

Have you been affected by a recent data breach? Let us know in the comments.

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15 thoughts onRecent data breaches affect Advance Auto Parts, Panera, others

  1. Glendy says:

    Advance auto parts estoy segura que no protegió mi información para nada ya que he recibido llamadas ofreciéndome artículos y fui a la tienda y me indicaron que ellos no llaman para eso además perdí los puntos de la tarjeta y me indican
    Que los usaron cuando nadie tiene la tarjeta solo yo

  2. Frank P says:

    Just yesterday I received a letter from Advanced Auto. Telling me about this breach.

  3. Talitha frazier says:

    Add me

  4. Rachel says:

    Received this panera letter last month. They offered a credit monitoring program for a year but it wasn’t clear whether if you sign up for it if it will waiver your rights to prosecute in a class action lawsuit or not. I would like to know if I do sign up for this if it will waiver my rights or not. I haven’t worked at Panera for 2 years and worked there for 9 years. This company in short was awful to work for and I want them to be accountable if my information was leaked.

  5. LATASHIA Bonner says:

    Add me.

  6. Justin says:

    I got my letter today saying I was affected when advanced auto parts data was hacked. SMH. I’m in pa but I 100% want in on the class action. Don’t see a way to sign up yet though.

  7. Angela Williams says:

    When will this stop. You as well pay with cash for your own safety!

  8. Cindy Burgener says:

    Yes, for at least the last 13 months not only been a victim of personal data breaches also business data breaches as well as that too was also compromised. In less than maybe a year and half, at least 11 or more data breach letters have been received several from organizations I had not even been affiliated with since at least dating back to 2014, in addition to several healthcare accounts and others and others I am unsure of. At some point though these organizations in question failed to secure my personal or business identifiable information, or medical data, or even banking information. There are even some that I am presuming acquired my information through potentially mergers or acquisitions because I personally have not conducted business with that particular establishment; however, it seems that all of those entities failed to secure the data entrusted in their care. Thoroughly and completely feel as violated as one can and could possibly feel.

  9. Jen G. says:

    Add me please

  10. Bharati Jain says:

    Add me

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