Sarah Mirando  |  February 12, 2013

Category: Pharmaceuticals

Mirena-IUD-complicationsWhile many women are using Mirena intrauterine devices (IUDs) as a long-term contraceptive aid, it is actually used for another purpose. Six out of every 100 women deal with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It causes problems during the menstrual cycle and can even lead to cancer.

However, while many gynecologists are aware of Mirena IUD side effects like uterine perforation and spontaneous migration of the device, they may not think of them when it is not used as a contraceptive. It is more important for women to not deal with thickened uterine linings and ovarian problems. Gynecologists note that polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to infertility or even diabetes. Ironically, the former joins Mirena IUD spontaneous migration side effects as threats associated with the device.

It is most commonly implanted in women who have already had children. The mild trauma associated with giving birth makes insertion of the T-shaped device less painful. However, in the case of PCOS, it may also be used in younger women. That makes infertility side effects more worrisome as many women use the device rather than the “Pill”, but still want children later on in life.

The benefits occasionally outweigh Mirena IUD side effects in terms of minimizing endometrial cancer. However, unless women are made aware of the device’s failings, they may not be able to make an educated decision. The device maker Bayer Pharmaceutical has a new IUD on the market, but it is unclear whether or not there is a reduced likelihood of Mirena IUD spontaneous migration side effects. It may take years for enough data, including FDA adverse effects reports, to detail what problems arise from the new device.

There are other options available including oral contraceptives and monthly shots like Depo-Provera. Each has their own side effects issues, but a consultation with an experienced gynecologist could help women make the right choice and avoid a necessary consultation with a Mirena IUD lawsuit attorney.

Many were not aware of problems associated with the devices, however. In that case, a legal consultation may help in establishing whether or not pursuing a claim against Bayer Pharmaceutical makes sense. Get in touch with a Mirena IUD lawsuit attorney by filling out the short form at the Mirena IUD Injury Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Investigation. It costs nothing but could result in a jury award or settlement for financial assistance.

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12 thoughts onMirena Side Effects a Problem for PCOS Patients

  1. Camber says:

    I have never had a cyst, and always had regular periods, I had the IUD in for 3 years. I started having cramps and when I had an ultrasound the IUD had came out some so the doctor talk me into trying again, it came out again within 4 weeks. So I took it out and haven’t used birth control in over a year. Now I go months without having a period so I was told I had pcos. I’ve gained a ton of weight and now I am having signs of HS and my hormones are over the place. I just want to feel normal again and I’m afraid that will never happen.

  2. Alyssa says:

    I got pregnant and had a baby in 2020. I got Mirena and started having weight issuers, cysts on ovaries and period issues. I got off of it almost a year ago. Gained more weight, diagnosed with pcos, can’t conceive. My cycles are between 25-70 days, I don’t ovulate, I have the heaviest periods. I’m so upset reading these comments after being told “it’s genetic” when nobody in my family has had these problems!!!! This is so sad…

  3. Elisabeth Firman says:

    I had pcos before having the Mirena fitted. So far its 5 months on. I have been bleeding everyday in 2 weeks intervals sometimes shorter. But I’m getting chronic pain from my right ovary. Which has always been my worst one for cysts. But trying to get and ultra sound on nhs is really hard. I’m so tempted to take it out

  4. Samantha McCormick says:

    I’m 19 years old, was 16 when I got my Mirena IUD in. I was perfectly health. Normal period cycles, on time every month. I get my IUD out May of 2021, it’s not February 2022 and I have now been diagnosed with PCOS. I have started treatment for my sudden infertility, and still no positive ovulation tests. I wish I would have known this would ruin my future life of trying to have kids or have a normal body. I weighed 150 when I got my IUD in. Gained 30 pounds after, weighed 180 when I got it out. I now weigh 200 and can NOT get the weight to come off. It doesnt budge. I work out, never eat anything unhealthy. I even follow recommended diets for PCOS. Nothing helps. It’s almost been a year journey and I still have yet to see any progress. I hate that women experience the same issues as me and I wish I was aware that this is way more common than not with the Mirena IUD.

  5. Edna M Lucio says:

    I’m the same I had children prior to the mirena. They would make jokes n say if someone looked at me the wrong way i would get pregnant bc i had got pregnant really easy. After the mirena i had 2 stillbirths and 4 miscarriages and my last one I had she was preterm. I’m not going to lie to you pcos has ruined me. I’ve been battling this disease for 8 years. N here recently started researching about the disease finding out what n why n how it happened then went back to see when they diagnosed me n put all of together n I can swear up n down this disease came from the mirena. It had to I was healthy never had issues till after it was removed.

  6. Edna M Lucio says:

    I’ve had the same problem after the mirena I have had 6 miscarriages/stillbirths struggled to keep my last pregnancy. I was diagnosed with pcos shortly after the mirena was removed and been living with this disease for 8 years. Not to include that now I have type 2 diabetes I suffer from obesity a thyroid disease adrenal nodules, hs, hypertension. My last pregnancy I had cholestasis bc if the pcos which almost kill my baby before she was born. And everytime I put my diagnosis with pcos there is an association. They didnt tell me back 07 that this device produces a hormone that causes cyst which I’ve never had before or that you will always have severe pain or that I would stop having menstrual cycles all together or that that hormone it releases will trigger me to develop pcos. Why doesnt any of these cases mention you will have a long term chronic disease that could possibly turn into other diseases and possibly cancer.

  7. Jessica Johnson says:

    I had 4 kids prior to having Mirena placed in 2010 and haven’t been able to conceive since. Period issues came about in year 2 which is why I had it removed. PCOS diagnosis didn’t come until 2017 after switching to a new gyno who IMMEDIATELY recommended a specialist for what I’d been going through.

  8. Tm says:

    The same has happened to me as well. Started losing hair while the Mirena was in after about 2 years. Got it removed about a year later and my periods were all over the place with many symptoms. Eventually got diagnosed with PCOS about 6 months after it was taken out. Sad to think I may never have the option to have another child.

    1. Top Class Actions says:

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    2. Edna M Lucio says:

      You will be if you start the hormone treatments. But I’m not going to say it’s not going to be hard to keep the baby alive. Or wont have complications. I’m sorry to hear that.

  9. Conketia Sanders says:

    I had mirena after I had two children. Before that I had no problem getting pregnant and had normal periods. After having the mirena my life has not been the same. I have PCOS and cannot conceive. I totally believe it’s from the Mirena. No one in my family has had this problem. My mom had 10 kids.

    1. Jilliam Rodriguez says:

      I believe you, the same has happened with me I only got one shot though, afmter I remarried the second time I tried all sorts of treatments with doctors expect IVF, and nothing still, I never had PCOS before having my daughter, I believe mirena is responsible for my infertility.

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