AT&T data throttlingA California woman claims AT&T’s false debt collection practices have damaged her credit and left her feeling “deceived, anxious, and harassed.”

Plaintiff Susan Whiting claims defendant AT&T Corporation has been unlawfully trying to collect a debt from her that doesn’t actually exist.

On behalf of herself and a proposed plaintiff Class, Whiting’s AT&T false debt class action lawsuit is seeking statutory damages under California and federal consumer protection laws.

Whiting says that starting in September 2016, AT&T began erroneously billing her for equipment and services she never ordered and never received.

The company apparently charged her for renting its modem and other internet equipment, when in fact Whiting had been using her own equipment. The plaintiff says she never even requested the equipment for which she was being billed.

Whiting says AT&T sent her letters in an attempt to collect the debt, letters that she says were full of misrepresentations. She claims these letters misstated the nature and legal status of the debt, the services rendered in the attempt to collect it, and the amount owed, among other things.

In her AT&T class action lawsuit, Whiting claims AT&T acted in violation of California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

The RFDCPA provides consumers with several broad protections against abusive debt collection practices, in part by incorporating references to the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Generally, these consumer protection laws forbid debt collectors from using false or deceptive representations or deceptive means in the course of attempting to collect a debt or to obtain information concerning a consumer.

Collectors are also prohibited from collecting an amount that is prohibited by law or that is not expressly authorized by the agreement that created the debt.

The act makes it unlawful for a collector to falsely represent the nature or legal status of the debt, or to falsely represent any compensation the collector may lawfully demand for their services provided in the course of collecting the debt.

The RFDCPA’s protections extend to alleged debtors as well as actual debtors – so a person who is the subject of false debt collection attempts can also use the act to protect themselves.

According to Whiting, both state and federal laws provide for $1,000 in statutory damages for each person affected by the alleged AT&T false debt collection practices.

Whiting proposes to represent a plaintiff Class consisting of all persons in the U.S. who were subject to AT&T false debt collection efforts via mail for equipment charges that the purported Class Member had no knowledge of. She expects Class Members will number in the thousands.

She seeks an award of damages that would include $1,000 in statutory damages for herself and for each Class Member. She also seeks reimbursement of attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation, plus any other relief the court deems appropriate.

Whiting is represented by attorneys Todd M. Friedman and Adrian R. Bacon of the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman PC.

The AT&T False Debt Collection Class Action Lawsuit is Susan Whiting v. AT&T Corp., Case No. 2:17-at-00076, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.

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97 thoughts onAT&T Class Action Says False Debt Collection Targets Thousands

  1. Brad VanCleef says:

    They billed me $199 and said I forgot to return my modem and they were right. They told me if I sent it back they would remove it from my credit. I returned it and they confirmed that the did receive it but they never removed it from my credit. Now when I call them they tell me they see I returned the box but magically I still owe them the same exact figure for unpaid service which I do not owe.

  2. Saphronie Anderson-Smith says:

    At&t cont to say I owe for equipment that I sent back. They call and call regarding it, they say I owe hundreds of dollars. How can I be apart of this suit.

  3. Jim says:

    AT&T has me down for almost $7,000.00 saying I ordered their Unlimited package in conjunction with their TV service. I explained to the kid while I was on the phone that I was under contract to Dish for another two years and I did not want Direct TV service….. They sent out a tech to install and everything else. I lived in the middle of North Dakota and told them that their service sucked and was canceling because I was miss work calls. I stopped by their store gave them all of their equipment and phones and went across the street to Verizon. I should have never left Verizon in the first place .

  4. Melissa Lawhorn says:

    I was double billed twice. I received a bill with a due date at the beginning of the month and another bill which was supposedly due at the end of the month. This happened 2x. When I questioned the company, they said different billing cycle. I refused to pay and have since returned everything back to them and have not paid them for the extra billing. They have been known to rip consumers off especially when you’re not looking over your bill carefully.

  5. Loretta Kosalsky says:

    They are charging me for an Bill I paid 3 yrs ago

  6. herman brumit says:

    I am in tn , the very same things happened to me. my home was a complete lose, I called and told att about that,and told them to come and get it if they can, at same time told the m to cancel all services , they still went on sending bills, now they have runined my credit

  7. Michelle Cave says:

    I agree, I have used them two different times. They still collectors after 5 years later and everything was sorted back then too.

  8. Michelle says:

    kept sending me to collection with 3 different agencies after it was paid off. looking for 400.00 more dollars

  9. Brenda says:

    I am being charged over $600.00 for something that I did not order. I tried contesting this because during this time, my information was stolen. I need help clearing this up!

  10. Diane Valentine says:

    They had me in collection & l had never stop paying them & they said l owe more cause l didn’t pay it all at once. 3 different collection people.

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