Brigette Honaker  |  January 11, 2019

Category: Legal News

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Truck Accident Wrongful Death Lawsuit Alleges NegligenceA recent truck accident wrongful death lawsuit alleges that negligence by a truck driver caused the death of an Arkansas man.

The family of Rickey R. Sr. recently filed this truck accident wrongful death lawsuit against Altex Logistics Inc., truck driver Necati B., and four John Doe defendants. The John Doe defendants represent additional principals, employers, successors in interest, shippers, brokers, suppliers, or recipients which may be liable.

According to the family, the accident occurred in September 2018. Necati was allegedly operating a semi truck and driving through Arkansas as a part of his employment with Altex Logistics. At the same time, the family says Rickey was driving his 2006 Ford pickup truck and approached an intersection.

According to the truck accident wrongful death lawsuit, Necati failed to stop at the required stop sign before pulling onto the highway. This allegedly resulted in him pulling directly into Rickey’s path where he was unable to avoid the large semi truck.

Rickey’s vehicle allegedly collided with Necati’s semi truck at a high rate of speed, resulting in “catastrophic” damage. Rickey died at the scene.

The truck accident wrongful death lawsuit accuses Necati of numerous acts of negligence including failing to yield to the right of way, failing to stop for a stop sign, failing to maintain proper lookout, failing to maintain control of his vehicle, failing to operate his vehicle at a reasonable speed, and failure to use ordinary care. These acts of negligence allegedly lead to the truck accident and Rickey’s death.

Because Necati was working for Altex Logistics at the time of the crash, Rickey’s family seeks to hold the company liable for the crash as well.

The truck accident wrongful death lawsuit seeks damages, court costs, and attorneys’ fees.

The Dangers of Truck Accidents

There are an average of 500,000 truck accidents in the United States every year, 5,000 of which result in a fatality and over 100,000 of which involve a serious injury. Semi trucks are massive in nature and, especially when carrying cargo, can be extremely heavy. Although the extra mass often protects semi truck drivers from harm, it means that smaller vehicles involved with truck accidents bare the brunt of the damage.

In some cases, truck accidents are a result of driver negligence. Some factors which may contribute to a car accident include: driver fatigue; lack of driver training or lack of experience; alcohol or drug usage; unsafe equipment; lack of equipment maintenance; weight, load, and size imbalances; high driving speeds; brake issues; cell phone usage or other distracted driving; road and weather conditions; and violations of federal trucking laws and regulations.

If negligence contributes to a crash, families may be able to file a truck accident wrongful death lawsuit to recover compensation for the loss of a loved one. These suits can recover a variety of damages including medical expense, loss of wages, pain and suffering, emotional anguish, vehicle damage, funeral costs, loss of companionship, loss of support, loss of future estate, and more.

The Truck Accident Wrongful Death Lawsuit is Case No. 3:18-cv-00245-DPM in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas.

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Truck accidents can result in serious injuries to drivers and their families. A truck accident lawsuit can recover damages to compensate victims and families for associated costs and damages.

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