Laura Pennington  |  December 4, 2018

Category: Cancer

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Another Taxotere Permanent Alopecia Claim Added To MDLThe manufacturers of a popular breast cancer treatment are facing another claim of Taxotere permanent alopecia. Women who thought the cancer treatment was only tied to temporary hair loss are reporting that their hair never grows back after undergoing treatment with Taxotere.

A new plaintiff has added a Taxotere permanent alopecia claim to the growing multidistrict litigation (MDL) against Sanofi-Aventis. Terry G., the plaintiff, alleges that the development of permanent alopecia was not listed in the warnings for this medication.

The women learning to cope with this permanent loss of hair in their life claim that they have difficulties moving on with their life post-cancer — their hair loss a constant reminder.

Many other plaintiffs have filed similar claims involving Taxotere permanent alopecia. Women who underwent this cancer treatment say they were never told that they could develop permanent and lasting hair loss. Although many individuals who undergo chemotherapy and other treatments for cancer can expect to lose their hair.

Typically, a person’s hair grows back after they have entered remission. However, in cases involving Taxotere permanent alopecia, many of the women have lost all of the hair on their body including the hair on their head and even their eyelashes. They say they have suffered significant emotional injuries as a result.

This most recent Taxotere permanent alopecia lawsuit involves a resident of North Carolina, who says she was treated with Taxotere between December 2015 to April 2016. The Taxotere permanent alopecia claim has accused the manufacturer of the treatment, Sanofi-Aventis, of fraudulent concealment, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent misrepresentation, failure to warn, and fraud and deceit.

Terry’s lawsuit joins a growing number of claims of Taxotere permanent alopecia brought by women across the country. The Taxotere MDL alleges that permanent hair loss is now a well-documented side effect of the chemotherapy medication that has been publicized in numerous articles, presentations, and scientific studies around the world.

According to the Taxotere permanent alopecia lawsuits, however, the brand name entities responsible for manufacturing this treatment have failed to warn health care providers and patients about the risk of permanent hair loss or to report this danger to the Food and Drug Administration.

Instead, the Taxotere permanent alopecia MDL alleges that the defendants hid this side effect and still fail to disclose the permanent hair loss that is a common side effect. Plaintiffs in the Taxotere permanent alopecia MDL are women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent chemotherapy using docetaxel injection concentrate, docetaxel injection, Taxotere or Docefrez.

Many of these women claim that they were not properly warned or prepared for the likelihood of permanent hair loss. The plaintiffs allege that the manufacturers knew about the risk of Taxotere permanent alopecia but failed to disclose it due to the likelihood that these patients would have chosen another method of treatment for their breast cancer. These women have come together in an effort to hold the manufacturer accountable.

The Taxotere Permanent Alopecia Lawsuit is Case No. 2:18-cv-09903-JTM-MBN, filed in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana.

Do YOU have a legal claim? Fill out the form on this page now for a free, immediate, and confidential case evaluation. The attorneys who work with Top Class Actions will contact you if you qualify to let you know if an individual lawsuit or Taxotere class action lawsuit is best for you. [In general, Taxotere lawsuits are filed individually by each plaintiff and are not class actions.] Hurry — statutes of limitations may apply.

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If you received intravenous chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer and were told that your hair would grow back but it never did, you may have a legal claim. Permanent hair loss is defined as a minimum of 6 months after the Taxotere chemotherapy treatment ended, and there is still no new hair growth. Join this free Taxotere class action lawsuit investigation now!

An attorney will contact you if you qualify to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to participate in this investigation, it is imperative that you reply to the law firm if they call or email you. Failing to do so may result in you not getting signed up as a client or getting you dropped as a client.

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