Amanda Antell  |  September 14, 2018

Category: Legal News

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Hand pointing to hip implant X-ray, illustrating ASR hip replacement settlementDePuy Orthopaedics is facing a growing number of product liability claims from patients alleging they had to undergo DePuy ASR hip revision surgery due to the serious device complications caused by their metal on metal hip replacement system.

These claims have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL), due to the similar nature of the injuries that allegedly caused the patients to undergo DePuy ASR hip revision surgery.

In August 2010, DePuy conducted a massive market recall of their DePuy ASR hip implants due to a concerning number of patients who had to undergo revision surgery. A massive settlement fund was set up for patients who had to undergo DePuy ASR hip revision surgery since March 2015, allegedly due to the defective nature of the hip prosthetic.

One of the most recent claims alleging DePuy ASR hip revision surgery was needed was filed by plaintiff Peggy A. and her husband Richard A., who are eligible to participate in the DePuy ASR hip revision settlement.

According to the DePuy ASR hip lawsuit, Peggy had the metal on metal hip replacement system implanted on her left hip on April 22, 2009, for typical treatment purposes.

Peggy says she and her physician were assured the DePuy ASR hip implant was a safe and reliable prosthetic system for patients looking to restore damaged hip joints. This was allegedly not the case for Peggy, as she began to experience painful complications related to metallosis or blood metal poisoning.

According to the claim, Peggy had to undergo DePuy ASR hip revision surgery on Sept. 7, 2016 and had the metal on metal hip replacement system explanted. Peggy and Richard opted to file legal action against DePuy, after learning of the high device failure rate related to the DePuy ASR hip replacement system and that these products were subject to a recall.

Overview of DePuy ASR Hip Revision Problems

According to the complaint, medical records show that Peggy’s blood work exhibited a high level of cobalt and chromium, which also may indicate metallosis. This condition is caused by the all metal ball-and-socket joint components interacting and shedding metal ions into the bloodstream, which can quickly complicate the patient’s health.

Metallosis can cause a number of painful symptoms that severely impact the patient’s daily life, including but not limited to:

  • Debilitating pain
  • Limited movement
  • Fretting
  • Corrosion
  • Infection
  • Tissue death
  • Formation of pseudotumors

Due to the severity and inconvenience of these complications, DePuy ASR hip revision surgery is often the only viable treatment option. It is important to note that DePuy ASR hip revision surgery is considered riskier than the initial procedure, due to higher risk of infection.

Even though these complications can be devastating to patients, DePuy allegedly failed to disclose this information to the public. Peggy states that she would not have agreed to have the metal-on-metal hip replacement system implanted, if she had known the high rate of DePuy ASR hip revision surgery.

Peggy and Richard’s DePuy ASR hip lawsuit is joining MDL No. 2197, where it will stand alongside other claims and will be streamlined through the litigation process.

This DePuy ASR Hip Revision Lawsuit is Case No. 1:18-dp-20063-JJH, in the U.S. District Court of Northern Ohio, Western Division.

Do YOU have a legal claim? Fill out the form on this page now for a free, immediate, and confidential case evaluation. The hip implant attorneys who work with Top Class Actions will contact you if you qualify to let you know if an individual lawsuit or class action lawsuit is best for you. [In general, metal hip implant lawsuits are filed individually by each plaintiff and are not class actions.] Hurry — statutes of limitations may apply.

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Please note: Top Class Actions is not a settlement administrator or law firm. Top Class Actions is a legal news source that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. Top Class Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the status of any class action settlement claim. You must contact the settlement administrator or your attorney for any updates regarding your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are expected to be mailed out.