Amanda Antell  |  August 23, 2018

Category: Legal News

Gadolinium Deposition Disease Lawsuit Claims MRI Dye Caused Severe Side EffectsBayer HealthCare is facing a new gadolinium deposition disease lawsuit, which was recently filed by a California woman alleging the company failed to warn her and other patients against the potential complications of the contrast agent.

The gadolinium deposition disease lawsuit claims the MRI contrast dye had caused her to develop several damaging side effects not long after she underwent an MRI scan.

Plaintiff Jane D. filed this gadolinium disease lawsuit not long after learning of the gadolinium contrast dye’s alleged correlation with toxicity reactions. More specifically, Jane claims she discovered the dangerous nature of gadolinium around August 2016 after the study “Gadolinum in humans: a family of disorders”, was published in the American Journal of Roentgenology. The study had analyzed the long lasting effects of gadolinium based contrasts, and how they can remain in the body long after the patient’s medical procedure.

According to the gadolinium deposition disease lawsuit, Jane had received the contrast agent Magnevist for an MRI exam. Not long after the procedure, Jane reportedly developed a number of serious side effects including: burning sensations, violent shaking tremors, confusion, weakness, hypoglycemia, and serious kidney damage.

Jane opted to file the gadolinium disease lawsuit after the FDA issued a public safety warning in December 2017 stating that some patients who received gadolinium based IV contrast may retain the metal particles in their body.

The FDA also stated that gadolinium toxicity can sometimes cause a rare condition called nephrogenic system fibrosis in patients with pre-existing kidney problems. However, it has been noted that the FDA received injury reports indicating multi-organ failure in other patients. It is important to note that Jane had healthy kidney function before gadolinium implementation.

Overview of Gadolinium Deposition Disease Lawsuit Allegations

Gadolinium is a metal element used for diagnostic image tests like MRIs. It’s an ingredient used in intravenous dyes that help make the images of the blood vessels and organs much clearer.

Gadolinium based contrast dyes are able to accomplish this due to their magnetic properties, which allows the images to become enhanced. With gadolinium based contrast fluids, doctors are better able to diagnose medical conditions, identify infections, along with identifying other problems potentially hidden in the body.

However, it was recently discovered that gadolinium may stay inside the patient’s body months after their MRI procedure. Some patients believe this retained gadolinium caused them to develop a number of complications related to gadolinium toxicity including gadolinium deposition disease (GDD), which could require a number of intensive treatment processes.

Jane claims that even though gadolinium deposition disease can be devastating to patients, Bayer allegedly failed to warn the general public.

At all times relevant, Jane says she and her physician had relied on the product information and marketing claims presented by Bayer. Jane stated that she would not have agreed to have the gadolinium based contrast implemented, if she had known about the potential for gadolinium deposition disease.

Jane is seeking multiple damages against Bayer in her gadolinium deposition disease lawsuit, including counts of negligence and failure to warn.

This Gadolinium Deposition Disease Lawsuit is Case No. 3:18-cv-04568-JSC, in the Superior Court of for the State of California, County of San Francisco.

Join a Free Gadolinium Toxicity Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

If you or a loved one developed gadolinium toxicity after having an MRI with gadolinium contrast, you may be eligible to file a gadolinium MRI lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies. Fill out the form on this page for a FREE evaluation of your eligibility.

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