Amanda Antell  |  December 12, 2016

Category: Legal News

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Cipro class action settlementRecent injury reports indicate that the popular quinolones antibiotic family may be linked to a number of severe side effects like Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS).

One of the most popular quinolones, Cipro (Ciprofloxacin), is one of the most commonly reported medications in conjunction with this condition.

While there are a number of side effects of Cipro patients should be vigilant against, Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is one of the most serious. More common side effects of Cipro can include nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, fever, vomiting, and irregular heartbeat.

Cipro has been on the market since 1987, with the FDA approving the drug to treat a variety of bacterial infections.

Cipro and other quinolones are popularly used to treat respiratory and urinary tract infections, with reports of Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) submitted since its release.

Patients who start experience allergy symptoms soon after taking the medication should see their physicians immediately.

Overview of Stevens Johnson Syndrome Complications

Stevens Johnson Syndrome is an extremely rare allergic skin reaction, which is specifically caused by an adverse reaction to a medication. This condition is often characterized by red or purple skin lesions left on the body, which later peel off and creates a ‘melting like’ effect.

After the skin peels off, this condition can be compounded by tissue or muscle infection. Other than skin afflictions, SJS symptoms can include swelling of the mucus membranes (like the eyes or lips), organ damage, and swelling of the throat.

In more serious cases this condition can evolve into Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), which is a more aggressive and severe form of SJS. Oftentimes SJS lesions can cover up to 30% of skin surface area, while TEN can cover up to 90%.

In addition, TEN progresses at a much quicker rate and can become fatal for the patient if emergency intervention is not implemented.

The mortality rate of SJS and TEN is around 30% to 40%, with the chances of patient survival being the most optimal with early diagnosis.

Sometimes patients need skin grafts to fully recover from their allergic afflictions, and some sufferers may have to contend with some degree or blindness or skin damage.

Due to the severity of this condition, the side effects of Cipro and other quinolones should be taken seriously. Patients who suddenly develop flu like symptoms should visit their physicians immediately, as these symptoms are early signs of SJS.

Patients who experienced side effects of Cipro may be able to file legal action against the manufacturing company. These patients should contact a specialized lawyer, to determine eligibility for a Cipro SJS lawsuit.

Do YOU have a legal claim? Fill out the form on this page now for a free, immediate, and confidential case evaluation. The attorneys who work with Top Class Actions will contact you if you qualify to let you know if an individual lawsuit or class action lawsuit is best for you. [In general, quinolone lawsuits are filed individually by each plaintiff and are not class actions.] Hurry — statutes of limitations may apply.

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If you or someone you know took Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox or another quinolone antibiotic and were diagnosed with liver failure, Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), you may have a legal claim. See if you qualify by submitting your information below for a free and confidential case review.

An attorney will contact you if you qualify to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you.


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