Sarah Mirando  |  November 21, 2011

Category: Legal News

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Rich Dad Education Scam Class Action Lawsuit

By Kimberly Mirando


Rich Dad Education The creator and the companies behind the Rich Dad, Poor Dad empire have been hit with a class action lawsuit for allegedly using their “free” Rich Dad Education courses and $199 seminars on how to achieve financial success as a high-pressure “sales scam” to sell additional worthless courses for tens of thousands of dollars. 
Plaintiff Robert Crewe alleges in the Rich Dad class action lawsuit that Rich Dad Education’s “sales scam is built on a misleading three-tiered sales pitch where customers are sold increasingly expensive financial training programs using pressure tactics and false promises concerning the programs’ ability to produce financial results for trainees.”
Crewe says he paid $199 to attend a three-day Rich Dad Education training program on “Stock Success,” which was supposed to provide training and education in trading stocks. Instead, he says, the entire workshop revolved around trying to “up-sell ‘students’ into additional useless but more-expensive coursework and monitoring, which costs up to $64,899 per enrollee.”
Crewe says he did not receive any training or education on trading stocks as promised.
“Rich Dad Education workshops and training do not provide attendees with any financial education that leads to financial success or independence. Rather, they comprise an aggressive sales scam where attendees are encouraged to spend up to tens of thousands of dollars and encumber themselves with crippling debt to buy useless courses,” states the Rich Dad scam class action lawsuit.
Crewe is seeking costs and damages for breach of contract, breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, violation of the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trading Practices Act, unjust enrichment, negligent misrepresentation, and fraud.
The Defendants in the Rich Dad Education Class Action Lawsuit are Rich Dad Education, LLC; Rich Global, LLC; Rich Dad Operating Co., LLC; Cashflow Technologies, Inc.; Tigrent, Inc.; Tigrent Learning, Inc.; Tigrent Brands, Inc.; and Robert Kiyosaki. 

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Updated November 21st, 2011


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17 thoughts onRich Dad Education Scam Class Action Lawsuit

  1. Riaan says:

    I too fell victim. I am around 70k out of pocket after they pulled out of South Africa.

    They didn’t even have the decency to let the students know they will not be fulfilling our Master Classes/Mentorship programs

  2. Regina Scott says:

    I too, fell victim to this scam in April of 2015. $35,000.00 + 12.31% interest on a loan that my husband ended up paying off in 2018 to the tune of $46,011.46. I will never forgive myself for being so gullible. But the truth is, they are very good scammers.

    Anyway, I had to check and see if these guys were still in business. I think back and remember some poor guy trying to sell his truck to get the thousands he needed to sign up. If there is still a class action law suit against these guys, count me in. But most likely, they are long gone by now.

    1. Carolle says:

      Please let me know if you are still pursuing a class action. We here in Australia are finding it very difficult as it regards to US law.

      1. E.H. says:

        This company is still engaging in shady practices. They knowingly hide very small print so you think you are paying $99 when you are actually going to be getting charged multiple times. A class action needs to be taken against them. I’m currently complaining with BBB.

  3. Laura says:

    I am another very dissatisfied, duped, once hopeful ex-“student”. The promises and techniques provided just enough good information to seem like a good investment of money and time, but in truth the deeper I persued my “education” with them, the shallower the information was. Especially the coaching, which was completely bogus. I wasted a humiliating sum of money and during my studies was taught techniques which are illegal and cautioned against. Furthermore, during my year of giving them money, the company changed its name, and, supposedly its ownership.
    Since my experience with Rich Dad, I have wished for a class action suit, as I am without the money, time, and guts to file a suit on my own behalf.

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