Steven Cohen  |  December 31, 2019

Category: Legal News

Merck Animal Health has been hit with a class action lawsuit by consumers who claim that their dog and cat drug Bravecto contains a pesticide that is harmful to pets.

Bravecto tablets and topical medications are used on both cats and dogs, and are marketed as a way to prevent ticks and fleas for up to three months.

Plaintiff Valerie Palmieri says she paid just under $50 for one Bravecto chewable tablet to treat her 78 pound German Shepherd Jake for fleas and ticks.

After taking the pill, Jake started to vomit, did not eat, and began to show symptoms of lethargy, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit. The plaintiff reportedly took Jake to the emergency animal clinic after the dog was no longer able to walk.

Palmieri claims that she contacted Merck to talk about Jake’s possible adverse reaction to taking the drug. The company allegedly denied that that Jake’s sickness was caused by Bravecto but offered to pay for the emergency room visit.

However, the company would only pay if she signed an agreement which would release any claims against the company, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit.

The plaintiff states that she refused to release her claims as she wasn’t sure if Jake’s symptoms would be long-term and was still not sure if her dog’s symptoms were caused by the drug.

After more tests and a trip to a neurologist, the plaintiff’s veterinarian allegedly told her that he “presumed” that Jake’s diagnosis of meningitis was a result of “Bravecto toxicity,” which was contrary to what she was told by the defendant.

Since he ingested the drug, Jake has continued to have neurological episodes, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit. In September of this year, he reportedly fell down a flight of stairs and broke his leg. The plaintiff claims that she has spent “tens of thousands of dollars” treating Jake after he ingested Bravecto.

Palmieri says that when she purchased the tablet, the packaging and materials enclosed therein did not state that neurological adverse reactions were possible when taking the pill. In addition, the defendant allegedly did not tell veterinarians about the possible safety issues that the drug posed to pets.  

“Because Defendant failed to disclose the risks of Bravecto to consumers and misrepresented the safety of Bravecto, consumers would be reasonable in purchasing Bravecto to treat their pets in a safe manner,” the class action lawsuit notes.

The Bravecto class action lawsuit also states that in September 2018, the FDA issued an alert about the possible neurological events that are associated with medicines like Bravecto to treat fleas and ticks.

The FDA has subsequently asked manufacturers to change their labels to “highlight neurological events because these events were seen consistently across the isoxazoline class of products” and “to provide veterinarians and pet owners with the information they need to make treatment decisions for each pet on an individual basis,” according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit.

The plaintiff states that the defendant now discloses that there may be some neurological reactions to taking Bravecto, including tremors, ataxia, and seizures.

“Every consumer who purchased Bravecto without being informed of the true facts about its health and safety risks prior to purchase was injured at the point of sale when, instead of obtaining a safe flea and tick medication, they obtained Defendant’s unreasonably dangerous and defective product,” the Bravecto class action lawsuit states.

Did you purchase Bravecto for your pet? Leave a message in the comments section below.

The plaintiff is represented by Mark A. Dicello, Adam J. Levitt, and Amy E. Keller of DiCello Levitt and Gutzler LLC and Jessica J. Sleater and Ralph N. Sianni of Andersen Sleater Sianni LLC.

The Bravecto Class Action Lawsuit is Valerie Palmieri v. Intervet Inc., et. al, Case No. 2:19-cv-22024, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

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1,807 thoughts onBravecto Class Action Says Meds Aren’t Safe For Pets

  1. Meakins says:

    My normally healthy 9 month old French Bulldog Lola died during the early hours of Wednesday morning, from awful never before had seizures, foaming at the mouth, followed by cluster seizures, not being able to stand. She was in an absolutely horrible state, it will always haunt me. Prior to using Bravecto she showed no signs of ill heath, no family history of seizures etc. I believe that the poison they call Bravecto was the cause of these seizures and ultimately the death of my poor little girl. If for 1 second I was warned/advised that this product could cause seizures there’s no way on God’s earth would I have let it anywhere near her.

    I got her ashes back yesterday, that is all we have left of her because I stupidly put my trust and faith in a vet who uses and recommends this posionous spot on product.
    It wasn’t until someone asked me if I used Bravecto that I started looking online, I was horrified of what I found. So many deaths and suffering of pet’s because of Bravecto, yet it’s still being widely used without warning. Something seriously needs to be done about it. Profit is not more important than the suffering of our pets!!! I am absolutely disgusted.

  2. Melanie Young says:

    Our vet gave our perfectly healthy six year old black lab Bravecto in 2018. First her back legs got stiff and she was unable to make it up and down the two steps into our back yard. Then she developed weird vomiting, eyes that wouldn’t focus and probable seizures. She died during the night. We were never told there was any risk at all. Our children lost the most wonderful dog we’ve ever had.

  3. Lisa williams says:

    I have been giving my Goldendoodle Bravecto for years with no issues. I will not be giving her this med after reading this tho.

  4. Kamara Makari says:

    I’ve been giving my five Great Danes Bravecto for the past year with no issues….but I won’t take the chance now!

  5. Ryan says:

    In 2015 I gave my one year old totally healthy yorkie Bravecto prescribed by my vet. A few weeks later she got extremely sick- throwing up , diarrhea, peeing uncontrollably, severe stomach pain- screaming when touched, red and raw skin, seizure like episodes, bitting herself, unable to walk. I brought her to the vet a couple of times in the same week and then to emergency and they said she is probably developing a problem with her brain and wanted to give her a CT scan. Overall I ended up paying $10K in vet bills for them to tell me nothing, zero diagnosis and do nothing about it. Luckily my dog got better on her own. She still has some issues like her tail doesn’t stand up anymore and she can’t wag it. I didn’t find out about all the horro stories of bravecto until last year. Up until that point I thought she maybe ate something in the grass that cause all this stuff but once I found out about bravecto I went back and looked at all the papers from my dog medical history and it actually has on the papers my vet asking me if my dog is taking anything and my only answer on the paper is the bravecto they gave her a few weeks prior. I am lucky my dog survived, I know a lot don’t. Vets should not be pushing this poison on you like they do and this poison should be banned.

  6. Debbie Creagh says:

    Not Bravecto or Nexguard but I used Simparica on my otherwise healthy 10 year old Labrador. I dont use these products on my breeding dogs ever, but as he had just turned 10 and finished breeding I had a sample I gave to him. That was 24th November. By the end of that week I had him to the vets as he was walking like a drunk. They found a nasty ear infection. So at first it was thought vertigo from ear infection. Back to vets on and off every week. Its arthritis…he’s an old dog. A dog doesnt just get it overnight. It was only after googling ataxia it linked to Simparica and I remembered. Of course, vets said no, no, no its not that. Well funny his symptoms started the same week I gave that to him. Of course I contacted Simparica last week when he they finally put him under to clean out his ears. Simparica were straight on to my vets about it (I’ll give them that) but as the vets said it wasnt that of course I got a good luck with your dog reply from them. As it had been 5 weeks since it was given the vet is like we cant test the blood for it in his system as it will be out by now. I have just been on a Facebook page looking at videos of other dogs that had been given it, and OMG exactly the same as him. He is happy and eating and all of that, but still cannot walk at all properly. I am already at over $2000 in vet bills and still they have no idea what is wrong with him. Now they are talking maybe its cancer…maybe…I said I still have his mum who turns 13 in a month, his Aunty turns 12 in 3 months and both of those are going strong. He’s not a sickly dog and never has been and I really believe that dose of Simparica caused all the problems. Vets deny of course, but too coincidental for me. Not happy at all !!

  7. Kim Worrall says:

    I gave my then two year old Morkie poo Bravecto . A few days later he was so sick- throwing up , diarrhea, severe stomach pain- screaming when touched. I brought him to the vet and the diagnosis was pancreatitis. I have always believed it stemmed from this med!
    Fortunately the vet treatments and special low fat diet he has helped and our pup is Healthy now.

  8. Mike Morin says:

    In 2016, My Excellent Veterinarian also recommended Bravecto for my healthy Bichon/Maltese that just passed her annual physical with no complications. The vet recommended Bravecto to me because he saw a couple fleas. This is the only flea med I ever gave to my dog. They said it was completely safe.
    3 days later I noticed “Rusty” was 100% BLIND and within 3 weeks (July 4th, 2016), I woke up to her panting heavily and laying in her own vomit. I cleaned her up in the shower and 2 hours later she had a MAJOR Seizure (none prior) with minimal response afterwards.. Unfortunately, as I held her in my hands, I had to say goodbye to the most wonderful loving friend and little family member. RIP! Shame on Merck!!!
    This dog was the only living attachment I had to my Father who passed away (it was his dog and best friend)
    I do have a case number and my Vet reported the incident. Please advice any next steps I can take to help with the $1500.00 eye clinic vet bill and/or a petition and/or case lawsuit I can join, to hopefully prevent this from happening to someone else in the near future. I would like to be a part of this lawsuit and hopefully recoup my costs.

    Any guidance is greatly appreciated! – Thanks!.. Mike

  9. Carie McMahon says:

    I gave my 1yr old English Mastiff a chewable Bravecto and a month later she had a seizure that the vet could not get her out of. She was perfectly healthy prior to the Bravecto and had no history of seizures, nor was there any history of them in her lines. I had to euthanize her.

  10. Lisa Roberts says:

    I was offered a different flea treatment (bravecto) in August 2019, with the receptionist stating that she used it on her dogs and it was great as it was chewable! Trusting her view I gave this to my labradoodle and within a few weeks he became very poorly! Initially he refused his food which is very unusual for him and within hours he was sick several times and was unsteady one his feet. He couldn’t lay still and settle and kept doing the prayer position.
    I took him to the vet and he gave him an anti sickness injection after checking his stomach stating that it was tender and advised he should feel better and be given tea in a few hours. My dog could not settle through the night and was panting, there was no way he could be fed. The next morning he was took back to the vets and kept in for tests. He had to be hospitalised for dehydration. Blood tests came back clear? He also had to have an ultra sound. The vet put it down to a stomach infection stating it could be something he ate or sniffing other dogs urine when walking. He was sent home. I few weeks later he started with same symptoms and was re-admitted. Again he had an ultra sound (full) and this time they diagnosed an ulcer and He was put on omeprazole. This put him at ease almost instantaneously! At the time I mentioned changing to Bravecto and was told no that it would have happened straight away. I believed their judgement. The cost at this stage is now well over £1000 and I have used the limit on the insurance. The insurance company also were deducting some of the claim as they only pay £12 for bloods etc and the quote was for more!

    The day before Christmas Eve, he is now due his next treatment of Bravecto. I checked with vets before I gave it to him and the assured me it would be fine! Within 24 hours my dog jumped down from a chair and his back legs gave way. He knocked into the door frame banging his back legs. I sat with him reassuring him. He went to the back foot asking to go out. He went out and did a poo in a very strange position, like he was in pain. He then vomited three times at the same time his back legs buckling! I called the vets and rushed him straight in. As it was another different vet I had to explain about his ulcer etc and made it clear there and then that he would NOT be taking bravecto again. She said she didn’t think it was this however I am not prepared to put him through any more pain and the guilt I feel already for giving him this kills me inside. She gave him omeprozole which eased him once again. Neurological she says he was ok, just put it down to him being dramatic as he couldn’t cope with pain ( he was walking and more unsteady in his feet when we got to the vets)!
    I still to this day believe that it was the bravecto but how could I ever prove it! It is far too coincidental to me!

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