Steven Cohen  |  December 31, 2019

Category: Legal News

Merck Animal Health has been hit with a class action lawsuit by consumers who claim that their dog and cat drug Bravecto contains a pesticide that is harmful to pets.

Bravecto tablets and topical medications are used on both cats and dogs, and are marketed as a way to prevent ticks and fleas for up to three months.

Plaintiff Valerie Palmieri says she paid just under $50 for one Bravecto chewable tablet to treat her 78 pound German Shepherd Jake for fleas and ticks.

After taking the pill, Jake started to vomit, did not eat, and began to show symptoms of lethargy, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit. The plaintiff reportedly took Jake to the emergency animal clinic after the dog was no longer able to walk.

Palmieri claims that she contacted Merck to talk about Jake’s possible adverse reaction to taking the drug. The company allegedly denied that that Jake’s sickness was caused by Bravecto but offered to pay for the emergency room visit.

However, the company would only pay if she signed an agreement which would release any claims against the company, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit.

The plaintiff states that she refused to release her claims as she wasn’t sure if Jake’s symptoms would be long-term and was still not sure if her dog’s symptoms were caused by the drug.

After more tests and a trip to a neurologist, the plaintiff’s veterinarian allegedly told her that he “presumed” that Jake’s diagnosis of meningitis was a result of “Bravecto toxicity,” which was contrary to what she was told by the defendant.

Since he ingested the drug, Jake has continued to have neurological episodes, according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit. In September of this year, he reportedly fell down a flight of stairs and broke his leg. The plaintiff claims that she has spent “tens of thousands of dollars” treating Jake after he ingested Bravecto.

Palmieri says that when she purchased the tablet, the packaging and materials enclosed therein did not state that neurological adverse reactions were possible when taking the pill. In addition, the defendant allegedly did not tell veterinarians about the possible safety issues that the drug posed to pets.  

“Because Defendant failed to disclose the risks of Bravecto to consumers and misrepresented the safety of Bravecto, consumers would be reasonable in purchasing Bravecto to treat their pets in a safe manner,” the class action lawsuit notes.

The Bravecto class action lawsuit also states that in September 2018, the FDA issued an alert about the possible neurological events that are associated with medicines like Bravecto to treat fleas and ticks.

The FDA has subsequently asked manufacturers to change their labels to “highlight neurological events because these events were seen consistently across the isoxazoline class of products” and “to provide veterinarians and pet owners with the information they need to make treatment decisions for each pet on an individual basis,” according to the Bravecto class action lawsuit.

The plaintiff states that the defendant now discloses that there may be some neurological reactions to taking Bravecto, including tremors, ataxia, and seizures.

“Every consumer who purchased Bravecto without being informed of the true facts about its health and safety risks prior to purchase was injured at the point of sale when, instead of obtaining a safe flea and tick medication, they obtained Defendant’s unreasonably dangerous and defective product,” the Bravecto class action lawsuit states.

Did you purchase Bravecto for your pet? Leave a message in the comments section below.

The plaintiff is represented by Mark A. Dicello, Adam J. Levitt, and Amy E. Keller of DiCello Levitt and Gutzler LLC and Jessica J. Sleater and Ralph N. Sianni of Andersen Sleater Sianni LLC.

The Bravecto Class Action Lawsuit is Valerie Palmieri v. Intervet Inc., et. al, Case No. 2:19-cv-22024, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

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1,807 thoughts onBravecto Class Action Says Meds Aren’t Safe For Pets

  1. Tina Wagner says:

    I gave my 13-month-old puppy, (A highbred Boston terrier, these dogs are not cheap to buy)Bravecto and she had the worst rash on her belly legs and bottom area from February when I give it to her until May 2021. This medication is horrid. She wouldn’t eat she was exhausted all the time she lost weight and she had the worst rash I ever seen on any dog and my vet finally after several visits used a steroid and the rash finally went away towards the end of the three month period of the pill. I will never give perfecto to her again. I will never support Bavecto, you really need to take this off the market. I’d really like to send a picture and show you guys what happened after she took this. And I will never ever use it again. It was very bad. And several vet visits, $600 -$700 in visit visits trying to get this rash gone.

  2. Sara Chevere says:

    As soon as I gave Bravecto to my ESA on April 27th she became lethargic, and stopped eating, and started having diarrhea. No matter how many times I desperately took her to the doctor to get her treated, she didn’t get better, she kept getting worse, and ultimately, her kidneys shut down. She passed away on May 7th, right on Mother’s day I lost my ESA. I feel so guilty because I trusted the Vet and I didn’t know about this medication. I am devastated and grieving, I cry at night.

    The worst part is that Merck, still says that it is not their product and that I have to take it with the FDA. How those people sleep at night? I guess their greed is bigger than the love they have for animals.

    1. Melody Faville says:

      I think I might have started a comment once before, but didn’t finish it. I gave my aussie bravecto (his second dose).vwithin a few hours he seemed very agitated. He showed agression to our other dog and didn’t want to eat. That evening we were sitting around the living room. My 11 year old daughter was reading a book on the couch. Suddenly he jumped into her face snarling and bit her face. She required 11 stitches and will always have disfigurement on her lip. He continued to act like he was hallucinating, growling at nothing, acting off for a few more days, then improving. We ended up having to give him to a rescue because my daughter was so traumatized.
      It was heartbreaking for the whole family.

  3. Lulu Friesdat says:

    Our dog developed cancer and died after 2 treatments of Bravecto. She was elderly, 16, but we cooked her organic food. There was no reason for her to develop cancer.

    1. Peggy Christoph says:

      My Lenny Girl was healthy 5 year old Great Prynese full of life. She had a infected dew claw and I couldn’t get into her regular vet for 2 weeks due to the pandemic. The Vet assured me Bravecto was what she needed. Heartworm neg. All blood work good. I gave her the pill and in less than 2 weeks she was having siziers couldn’t walk disoriented. Took her back to vet emergency blood work red and white blood cells low high liver level. After 6 months of hell my dog wasn’t ever the same. Lots of $$$ spent to save her. I lost my girl on 5/21/21. I don’t know how Vets can say they care and give this posion to our fur babies.

  4. Alma Acosta says:

    I gave bravecto to my healthy 10 year old cocker spaniel. Two days after taking the chewable, she became blind and was walking in circles for hours. Her back legs finally gave in and she couldn’t walk anymore. Her breathing got really bad that they had to put her on a breathing incubator. I couldn’t watch her suffer anymore and made a very difficult choice of putting her down. I am devastated , my heart is broken.

    1. Mary says:

      My heart goes out to you. My dog has seizures and they still selling i

      1. Alesia says:

        We gave our GSD dog Bravecto in 2017. After the first dose, he started running in circles. After the second dose, he was running in circles and falling down. After the third dose, he had cluster grand mal seizures. He spent a week in the ICU and the vet gave him Potassium Bromide (KBroVet). When we brought him home after a week, he was a mess (ataxia). Eventually, the KBro would wear off, and the seizures would return. We finally had to send him to the big frisbee golf course in the sky this week, after he was at his max doses of KBro and Phenobarbitol. Everyone should know this….THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE!!!! Bravecto and other isoxalines kill your pets just like they do cockroaches. Your pet will NEVER be the same even if they survive the initial toxicity. We spent $4000 for the initial ICU visit, and at least $2500 per year on meds and lab tests for 4 years. Its NOT about the money….We would give all the money in the world to have our beautiful Hans back….

  5. Angela Carducci says:

    My Italian greyhound, Noah, took this medication one time in May 2016. He was about a year and a half old at the time. Within a day he started to hemorrhage internally and nearly died. After hospitalization he survived but has dealt with bouts of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis ever since and will likely continue to do so for the rest of his life. We have seen holistic vets, specialty vets and been on specialized diets and detox medications. This has seriously impacted our lives and will likely impact his ability to live the long, healthy life I envisioned for him. It has been an absolute nightmare and no financial compensation would make it better. However, we have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on Noah’s health because of this and I would be appreciative for any compensation toward that — and toward acknowledging that my dog’s life matters.

  6. Bernadette Bergin says:

    OMG my sons 6 month old lab became sick with all the symptoms listed above, three days after being given bravecto, $800 vet bill later they still couldnt say what was wrong with him. This same vet is the vet that recommended Bravecto…
    How does my son join this lawsuit. On the same day we also gave it to our dog, who has not had symptoms yet.

    1. Angela Carducci says:

      Bernadette, I also never had a vet outright acknowledge that Bravecto was the cause of what happened to Noah, although he was a previously healthy dog and nearly hemorrhaged to death immediately following taking this medication. We also hospitalized him with the same vet that recommended the drug, of course. Very frustrating and my heart goes out to you. I haven’t heard back yet on getting involved in this class action but very much hope to join it, too.

  7. Claire cox says:

    Back in 2017
    After giving both my dogs bravecto
    They both lethargic not eating weak seizures kidney problems
    I said it has to be from bravecto cause that is when problems started vet said it was not from the bravecto
    within 2 weeks of each I lost both beloved fur babies.
    It wasn’t till recently I seen on Facebook does bravecto kill
    And seen so many adverse reactions and death from other pet owners
    I just want everyone to be cautious about giving their pets bravecto

    Thank you

  8. Merry Briones says:

    I gave my Maltese a dose of bravecto and she has been lethargic all day doesn’t want to eat. She will eat 1 piece of her dog food and go the whole day not eating it’s been like this since I gave her bravecto

  9. Bonnie Dahl says:

    My dog that I rescued in January 2018, was given a clean bill of health in February 2018 and was able to start service dog training. In March 2018 she was given Bravecto and within hours she became very sick. The vet told me that it completely ulcerated her stomach and stopped the motility. She has been on famotidine ever since !

  10. Tracy Cooley says:

    I bought this I want compensated

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