Paul Tassin  |  April 13, 2017

Category: Closed Class Actions

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Absolute Poker online poker settlement

Online poker venue Absolute Poker has reached a settlement over allegations of fraud brought by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Players who transferred funds to Absolute Poker but were later unable to retrieve them may be entitled to payment under this civil forfeiture settlement.

The Justice Department alleges Absolute Poker and other defendants falsely represented to its players that once they deposited funds with Absolute Poker, those funds would be “safe, secure, and available for withdrawal at any time.” In fact, Absolute Poker failed to maintain enough funds to repay all of its players, the Department says.

Absolute Poker is the third of three online poker businesses to settle allegations of fraud in this Justice Department enforcement action. The three companies allegedly conspired with payment processors and each other to defraud players out of their money.

Absolute Poker agreed to a settlement of these allegations in July 2013. Under terms of the settlement, Absolute Poker is required to forfeit effectively all of its assets, which will be distributed among affected players.

The other defendants, Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars, resolved similar allegations by entering into settlement agreements in July 2012. The Justice Department says the claims process for Absolute Poker will be similar to that set up for the Full Tilt Poker settlement.

Who’s Eligible

Claimants may be eligible for a settlement payment if they deposited funds with Absolute Poker and their last known Absolute Poker account balance is greater than $0.00.

Specific requirements for a petitioner to qualify as a victim are outlined in 28 C.F.R. § 9.8.

Potential Award


The exact amount of each payment will be calculated based in part on the player’s last known account balance with Absolute Poker. If the total settlement fund meets or exceeds the aggregate account balances for all valid claimants, each claimant will be paid their whole account balance or approved loss amount. If the total fund is less than the aggregate account balances, claimants will receive pro rata shares of the fund.

A different calculation will be used for players deemed “affiliates” or “professional players.”

Proof of Purchase

Eligible claimants must submit a claim, known as a “petition for remission,” to the settlement administrator through its online form. No additional documentation is necessary if the claimant agrees with the account balance displayed during the online filing process.

To dispute the account balance, claimants must submit documentation supporting the correct balance. This documentation must show the account holder’s name, dates, descriptions, and amounts of relevant transactions as well as financial institution information.

Claim Form


Claim Form Deadline

9/7/2017  UPDATED

Case Name

United States v. PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Absolute Poker, et al., Case No. 11-cv-02564, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York

Final Hearing

No final hearing is scheduled.

Settlement Website
Claims Administrator

Absolute Poker Claims Administration
c/o GCG
PO Box 10277
Dublin, OH 43017-5777

Class Counsel

Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York

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12 thoughts onAbsolute Poker Civil Forfeiture Settlement

  1. Samantha says:

    $1.25 received yesterday

  2. Dale Hellman says:

    I meant that BS was aimed at legit poker sites sorry.

  3. Samantha says:

    Is there any new information on this case? They emailed me back around the 1st of the year and I haven’t heard anything since then

  4. Bill says:

    This online absolute poker suit is a JOKE. I played on all three sites up until 2004 until Bush outlawed it. I had positive balances on all my accounts that I could not collect on. I put a claim in and was denied as I didn’t have proof of my playing there. That was wrong, as I gave them my screen name I played under, my home address that I was registered under, and my bank account that I used. Of course, that wasn’t enough. The wanted cancelled checks and bank statements showing that I played there. I wrote them back that I don’t have those statements, as they are thirteen years old! The IRS doesn’t even require you to keep records that long. And, I told them that I had moved to another state, and threw away all records. SO, they denied my claim. Big ripoff…guess the site will end up screwing everyone, and they and the attorneys will make out fine. This seems to be the case in many of these lawsuits on Top class action lawsuit site. I have not received money for many of my legitimate claims.

    1. Top Class Actions says:

      Top Class Actions is not a Settlement Administrator. We do not process settlement claims and do not mail out settlement checks. We do not have access to any individual claim information. You’ll need to contact the settlement administrator for any settlement you’ve submitted a claim for. We offer settlement administrator contact information for every settlement we report on.

      1. Bill says:

        I was talking about the Absolute Poker site ripping us off, not Top Class Actions. I know that you do not process claims nor send out checks. This information is for anyone else that seeks to file a claim against Absolute Poker. They essentially are not going to give anyone a chance to claim any monies owed to individuals. So, the attorneys are going to get it all.

        1. Anthony says:

          Is that why I’m getting every penny back from my account on Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet?!?! I don’t doubt that you’re frustrated with hurdles, but don’t paint such a broad brush here because people ARE getting paid. The ironic thing is the slum who ran AP never had the funds to pay us back so this money is actually coming from FTP/Stars remissions so there’s really nothing to complain about.

          1. Samantha says:


    2. Raven says:

      well I’m sorry to hear that but to come here & post that this site isn’t legit is just wrong! Ive received hundreds of $$ from simply finding class action suits here that I’m entitled to be a part of. Don’t blame the site because they don’t decide if your claim is valid. instead THANK THEM for the service they provide with getting info to people who might otherwise be simply wringing their hands in anguish over all the $$ they’ve lost over the yrs by being scammed by people & companies. Here…let me start…THANK YOU TOPCLASSACTIONS.COM for the service you provide FREE of charge & for the extra $$ your site has put into my sad bank acct.

      1. stacy says:

        I couldn’t have said it better myself, so thanks also to Raven for making a very strong point.

      2. Dale Hellman says:

        BULL SHIT

        1. Dale Hellman says:

          I meant that BS comment was aimed at there was such a thing as legit poker site. Sorry. Iv’e lost over 600.00 dollars on defunct poker sites and never got a penny of any recovery from any of them.

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Please note: Top Class Actions is not a settlement administrator or law firm. Top Class Actions is a legal news source that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. Top Class Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the status of any class action settlement claim. You must contact the settlement administrator or your attorney for any updates regarding your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are expected to be mailed out.