Top Class Actions  |  November 29, 2008

Category: Closed Class Actions

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Award (how much your claim may be worth): $30

Case(s): Porter v Auto Insurance Specialists Case No CGC-03-424538

Company(ies): Auto Insurance Specialists (AIS), Mercury Insurance Company, California Automobile Insurance Company

Website Link to access the Class Action Lawsuit Settlement and get YOUR Stake (NO online claim form. You MUST contact Class Counsel to be included if you didn’t receive a notice in the mail): Settlement Information Website

Address of Class Counsel to request a claim form (calling their office to request to be included is the preferred method):

AIS Class Action
c/o Levy, Ram & Olson

639 Front Street

4th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94111

Phone Number to call for assistance if you didn’t receive a notice: (866) 576-4999 and hit 0 for the Receptionist or 6 for the Office Staff (ask for Maria Lopez.) Let them know you never received a notice or claim form in the mail for the Porter v. Auto Insurance Specialists, JAMS Ref. No. 1100048278, case and want to be included in the settlement.


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Details: The dispute in this case is whether or not it was legal for AIS to charge broker fees when they sold car insurance to consumers. The settlement is only refunding a portion of the broker fees (possibly all depending on how much you were charged.) All affected class members (those who purchased insurance from Auto Insurance Specialists in California) should have already received a notice in the mail. If you purchased automobile insurance from Auto Insurance Specialists and DIDN’T get the notice make sure to contact class counsel at the phone number listed above or you most likely won’t receive a check for your portion of the settlement. They’ll be able to take care of it for you. If they ask you to call 888-893-6447 for help tell them it’s a prerecorded message which contains the exact same information that’s found on the Settlement Information Website. It doesn’t provide you a way to add yourself to the claim.

Those who received notice in the mail of the settlement are already included and don’t need to submit a claim or do anything. The settlement administrator working this case received records from AIS of everyone who purchased insurance in California and will be sending out a check to everyone automatically. Estimated payment per claimant is $30

Purchased From: September 18, 1999 through October 31, 2008

Claims Accepted Until (YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR CLAIM BY THIS DATE!): No individual claims accepted, you should have already received a notice letting you know of the settlement. If so, you’ll get your check automatically. If you didn’t, contact Class Counsel for assistance and to be included in the claim.

Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Amount(s): $25,000,000 minus $6,750,000 in Attorney Fees (estimated at 27% according to settlement documents) minus $30,000 in compensation to the three lead plaintiffs ($10,000 estimate per lead plaintiff based on settlement documents) minus administrative costs (advertising the notice, settlement administrator expenses, etc.)

TCA Staff Tidbit: We’re fans of this settlement for one big reason. Class members are being paid out automatically. That’s GREAT! If you received notice in the mail of the settlement just kick back and wait for your $30 check. If you didn’t, make sure to contact Class Counsel and ask to be included. It’s an easy $30 that you’re entitled to, so why not get on the list?With gas prices getting lower that should cover a tank of gas. We’re all for easy settlements and payment distribution here at Top Class Actions.


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One thought on Auto Insurance Specialists (AIS) Broker Fee Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

  1. Anonymous says:

    here it is, almost 6am ca time, and i am cleaning house. i found a check for 34.72 void after 7.2.2009. unfortunately, i never cashed it. i called today to the number on the check, 888, 893,6447. the recording was obnoxious-trying to sell me a trip to the bahamas. when the rep answered, he would let me speak, kept interrupting me, and hung up on me! outrageous and egregious! all i wanted to was inquire if they would cut/send another check. it wasn’t worth it! no wonder they had a lawsuit. to think, this is a human being that doesn’t care about his fellow man and not caring whether they rip you off or not! i just do not understand how someone could be that insensitive. check number 161152!

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